Who We Are

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mish Mash and all that....

Well Happy March to all of you. I'm a little miffed as the damn groundhog said you know, only 6 more weeks of winter but here in the land of Canuk we've had nothing but snow, snow and more freaking snow! Hopefully in like a lion and out like a lamb holds up because this Canuk bird is just about ready to fly the coop!

Anyhoodle, a few things....I can happily confirm that I've accepted a third contract with Harper Collins and I will be writing a new series, League of Guardians! It's an offshoot of my Jaguar Warrior Trilogy but Declan's book, Wicked Road to Hell kickstarts this new series. I'm very, very excited and pleased! I'm also going to be writing 2 ebook originals to be published under Avon's new Impluse imprint. These are going to be novella's and the first one will be out next February. This book will bridge the gap between His Darkest Salvation and Declan's book. (which is a May 2012 release) There will be another ebook in September of 2012 followed by the second book in my new series which has a tentative release date of December 2012! So, lots going on!

Here is a blurb about my new series....

For millennia the struggle between light and dark, the upper and lower realms, has been policed by a secret group of warriors culled from every fabric of existence. They are both otherworld and human, male and female. They are light and dark themselves, known to each other as the League of Guardians. Their pledge, to protect the line between the two realms and make sure neither side grows too powerful. If they fall, so shall the earth, the heavens and hell. And there will be no more.

Weeeeeeeeeeee! What do you think? I can't wait to write this series.

So, this is pretty much what is going on in my universe. I've finished a contemporary romance that is with my agent and now need to get my head back in to the paranormal world. The male spawn is keeping me busy as a mom groupie. He's an awesome guitar player and well I love watching him play. Here is a shot of him that I absolutely love.

I also saw I am Number Four and really liked it, though, this is the movie I want to see desperately....

So, what are you all looking forward to seeing? And what are you reading? I have some time and need some new recommends!


SandyG265 said...

I just finished reading a YA book The Visconti House. It was a quick read and I enjoyed it. Next I'm going to read River Marked by Patricia Briggs.

Juliana Stone said...

The Visconti House....I like the title..thanks Sandy I'm going to look it up. Briggs is already in my TBR but am looking for something different.....just for now!

HayleyAG said...

As a fellow canuck I must agree I've had it with the snow. I also loved I Am Number Four, I plan to see Red Riding Hood this weekend. I would recommend one of H.P Mallory's books: The Jolie Wilkins Series (Book 1- Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble and Book 2- Toil and Trouble. And her Dulcia O'Neill series.

Sharon S. said...

"If they fall, so shall the earth, the heavens and hell. And there will be no more."
LOVE IT! makes me all tingly :) I will wait till closer to the release date to start whining about snippets and what nots ;)

I am reading sooo many things I am not sure what to tell you. The Adrien English Mystery series by Josh Lanyon is like crack to me right now (disclaimer: I have never used crack or plan to. I based my comment on things I have read )
The Hunger Games is an extraordinary read. I don't know if you can get a hold of an ARC, but The Restorer by Amanda Stevens is a haunting read...what are you looking for?

Book Chatter Cath said...

I just finished reading I Am Number Four and hope to see the movie soon.

I'm with you..Cowboys and Aliens looks AMAZING, can not wait =]

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Kind of interested to see the new Red Riding Hood movie. Not a Twilight fan, but this looks pretty good. I read the book--which apparently has a last chapter that will be released when the movie is, so annoying--and it was good. I remember reading a similar book years ago, with "Red" falling in love with the "wolf" who was really a werewolf. This isn't the exact same story whatsoever, but curious to see it!

Currently reading Cat Adams' Demon Song, pretty interesting so far!

Sharon said...

The blurb for your new series soungs great. I'll be looking forward to it.

I HAVE to see Cowboys and Aliens too. I knew nothing about till I saw the trailer at the show. LOL

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I'm curious about Red Riding Hood. Just read the book and want to see if everything is there since the book is based on the screenplay. :)

Sharon S. said...

My 15 year old daughter was peering over my shoulder and saw the pic of your son . and I quote "he's hot!" so I showed her one of Sexytime's videos and she says "oh, yeah, he's hot" .

Becky LeJeune said...

I am looking forward to the newest Jane Eyre adaptation, and of course Cowboys and Aliens! And Red Riding Hood -- we'll see how that turns out.

Currently finishing up Dan Simmons's Summer of Night.

Juliana Stone said...

Thanks for so many awesome book recommends! I've made my list! Oh and Sharon...I told my son about your daughter and he's all about how old is she...where does she live? LOL, I think it made his night!

Joss Ware said...

I'm dying to see Red Riding Hood and Jane Eyre, along with Cowboys and Aliens.

Can't wait. Love me some Daniel Craig!

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