Who We Are

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Moving House

I am in the process of packing up the house my family and I have been living for the last seven years. Do you have any idea how much junk is accumulated in seven years? I am starting too. Because I am moving, my entire schedule has been thrown out of kilter. My promo tour has be resheduled for April so I will be back then to run the tour contest.

While you are here check out my new favorite video.


Sharon S. said...

good luck with the move! I had to do it about a 1 year and a half ago. Yuck, but, it is the best time to do some spring cleaning . I love that commercial too :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Then you'll love this... it's the outtakes:

nymfaux said...

good luck with your move!--I just moved last year, and two years before that, and three years before that (with the intermingling years being broken up by six month rotations between home and my awesome seasonal job), and a big move six months before that, and a year before that, and five years bi-annual moves from home to college and back again...The first 18 years were pretty much in one place, followed by lots of desire to see new places, and a growing hatred of packing and moving. So I definitely wish you luck!!!

Getting a Nook right before my last move was the thing that saved me the most time/space/effort---I downsized most of my bookshelves, took them to used bookstores, and used the trade-in cash to start restocking on my digital shelves...

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