Who We Are

Sunday, April 17, 2011

DARKEST MERCY and GRAVEMINDER Winners from March 6th!

(on behalf of Melissa Marr)

Melissa's been traveling a lot lately, but didn't forget that she'd promised to give away three copies of DARKEST MERCY and an ARC of GRAVEMINDER on her blog last month, so here are the winners!

1. skk25@aol.com (Stephanie)
2. vintagevictoria71089@yahoo.com (Victoria)
3. blissfulreadingforever@gmail.com (Christina)

1. halssister@sbcglobal.net (HalsSister)

If the four of you would email Melissa's assistant (donna @ melissa-marr.com) with your address, she’ll send them right out!


Helen Lowe said...

Congratulations to the Super(natural Underground) winners! :)

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Congrates to all!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Author Lindsay Mead said...

Congrats everyone! Enjoy you're books :D

nymfaux said...

Congrats to the winners!!!!

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