Who We Are

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Fury of the Phoenix release giveaway!

mea culpa! i totally forgot about my actual
day on the eighth because: 1. it was
spring break with
my bubs and i was trying to
keep my head on straight
2. Fury of the Phoenix had
just released and the
signing party was the next day!

but please, won't you let me make it up to you?
you look stunning today. did you get a haircut?
i love that new outfit on you. 8)

and here, have some delicious mini pastries, please.

*i had to cater from Extraordinary Desserts
as it's
my favorite place for sweets here
in san diego. so yum!

and look! i even got dressed up for you. and put in
my eyeballs--i don't even do that for my husband! ha

*debuting my lovely betsy johnson dress posing
with karaline, an awesome fan who told me she
stayed up till 3am that same day to finish Fury.

and finally, a giveaway! for my favorite undies!

i'll be giving away a SET of the Silver Phoenix paperback
and Fury of the Phoenix hardcover for every twenty
individual comments i receive. they will be signed and
shipped with swag. open international! giveaway is
open until tuesday, may 3rd. i'll announce winners on
my may 8th post.

if you tweet, fb status, or blog and link to
this giveaway post, you'll receive +3 chances
in the giveaway. please comment with that link.
good luck!


Bwyatt said...

Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway. Those desserts look AMAZING!! I'm so jealous!
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/BritneyWyatt/status/60302651685994496
FB: http://www.facebook.com/britney.m.wyatt

LadyVampire2u said...

Congratulations on your all new release! Wish I could have been at that party/signing but I'm stuck in Illinois. So if you wouldn't mind, please add me to your giveaway because I would so love to own these treasures.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/LadyVampire2u/status/60311278052327424
Posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000722033341

LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Sharon S. said...

Thanks for the baked goods . And your dress is beautiful! Congrats and Happy Release Day.


Cherry said...

Wow! This series sounds fantastic! And congratulations on your book release!!

Re-posted your giveaway at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2011/04/win-pheonix-books-at-supernatural.html

Twitted: http://twitter.com/cherrymischivus/status/60328457028116482

FB: http://www.facebook.com/cherrymischievous#!/cherrymischievous/posts/206585719362501

Buzzed: https://profiles.google.com/cherrymischievous/posts/RExGz7Dd3i9#cherrymischievous/posts/RExGz7Dd3i9

Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-soldier [at] yahoo [dot] com

debbie said...

That looks like fun. Getting dressed up and having some good treats.

Anonymous said...

Congrats & thanks for the giveaway!



Zombie Joe said...

I already have Fury on my Nook, so I won't put in for the contest. Best to give it to someone without a copy. I just didn't want you to think I didn't notice your post... you know... since you put your eyes in and everything. :)

Riva said...

One of these days I'll get to a release party. They look like fun!

Thanks for such a neat giveaway.

dulcibelle [at] earthlink [dot] net

ArtemisG said...

Congratulations on your all new release! This series sounds amazing.
Twitted: https://twitter.com/#!/artdem83/status/60346608411344896
FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1522821560

Thanks for the giveaway.

artgiote at gmail dot com

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Congratultions on your successes! Woot Woot! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Shared on FaceBook

Aka YzhaBella's BookShelf

throuthehaze said...

Congrats on the new release and thank you for the giveaway!


throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Lori M. Lee said...



Ana LucĂ­a said...

ooh my!! Pick me please :P Thanks for making it international fingers crossed!
+1 tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/luarroyave/status/60373109378781184


jayjay said...

Yay~ been wanting to read this since forever! thanks for the awesome giveaway!





Sandy said...

Thanks for making this giveaway international! -dances- And I love your dress ^_^.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/SilverSparrow04/status/60374230197469184


Bella said...

Congrats on your new release and thanks very much for making the giveaway international! :D

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/CheezyfeetBooks/status/60373506889756673
FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=204465976241609&id=304399204427
Linked on Blog: www.cheezyfeetbooks.blogspot.com


AmyC ~ said...

I retweeted (IDK how to post a link).



AmyC ~ said...

Retweeted (@memoryofagldfsh)


Leila @ Within Pages said...

Put on the Blog at:

Tweeted at:

FB'd at:

Kristina said...

That is awesome enter me in please
I tweeted about the contest


myworldofbooks18 at hotmail dot com

Merry B said...


Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize!!! Love you, your books, EVERYTHING! WHOO!

Unknown said...

Barnes and Noble didn't have it in when I last went looking. I'd still love to get my hands on Fury! :)

tetewa said...

Thanks for the opportunity, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com

SML said...

Great! Love this idea :) the desserts look delicioso! Wish I could have been there!

Here's my link:

FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001237120837

Anna said...

Count me in, this is great! Thanks so much! :D


Unknown said...

What a fab giveaway! Thanks so much.


Van Pham said...

Happy Release Day :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/vanpham88/status/60389635515363328


Vivien said...

Congrats and Happy Release Day!!

Thanks again :)
+3 spread here

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Skitty.jann said...

Cool beans!! Enter me, please!

Retweeted by @slayerkitty (that's me!)

jjmcgaffey said...

I'd love to read them - been looking since I saw Robin McKinley's review. I tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/jjmcgaffey/status/60398168440963072

whitewolfreads said...

Congrats on your new release! Thanks to you now I'm craving sugary things that are not good for me lol.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/whitewolfreads/status/60400243849703424

Thanks for the giveaway!

whitewolfreads AT gmail DOT com

SandyG265 said...

Congrats on the new release! Can you ship those desserts to NJ?

Jay said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Id love to win both books! awesome! so count me in :)
i tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MsJazzyJay673/status/60404064323780609


jazzy_jay673 at hotmail dot com

Sullivan McPig said...

Congrats on the release!
And now I want chocolate, but there's none. Will have to go get some somewhere...


cegluna said...

Yes please! Can't wait for Fury :)


RFTC Blog said...

Congrats on the new release. Love the dress. So pretty. Thanks for the giveaway. Really looking forward to reading this book.


Stephanie M said...

Congrats on the release. Thanks for the giveaway.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Jamie said...

I will do a happy dance of epic proportions if I win!!!


FloeticFlo said...

TweetyB99 at aol dot com

Dayse D. said...

want WANT!


Katie Dalton said...

Awesome! Man those tasty treats look good!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the release! It sounds really great & I'd love to read it! Also thanks a lot for making this giveaway international!

tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Butterfly_Ghost/status/60419306579701761

Book Chatter Cath said...

those are some serious looking desserts, I want some!!! Oh and some books would be good too!!!

shared to facebook


Just So Jess said...

Awh posting those desserts was so cruel...they look so delicious.
And your dress is such a pretty color. Love it :)


Anonymous said...

I tweeted, posted to facebook and posted it on my blog :) My blog is on wordpress though, does that count?

cindy said...

shanna, yes wordpress, LJ any blog type platform is great! thanks!

and thanks everyone for entering!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Congrats on the release! And those desserts do look delicious! I gave up sweets for Lent, so I am fully sugar deprived now!

Luciana said...

Thank you for making it international the books sounds great, I hope I win.
Congrats on your release :)


Mjburnette said...

I've been dying to read these books! Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Congrats and Happy Release Day; thanks for this awesome giveaway!

Tweeted; http://twitter.com/#!/GungorGercek/status/60440505225457664

Sara M said...

Congrats on the release! And I love the dress!

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Helen Lowe said...

Congratulations on the release of FURY, Cindy. The dress looks fantastic.

LorettaLynn said...

Happy Release day:):)
What a cool give away!!

Here is the link to fb were i shared:):)


elliott2668 at yahoo dot com

minhchieu said...

Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway



Anonymous said...


My students will especially love this if I win!

buddyt said...

Congatulations on the release and hope all goes well with sales.

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT

I am a Follower via GFC

Barbara E. said...

Congrats on the release of Fury of the Phoenix! Hope your signing party was as great as our virtual one. Those desserts look scrumptious.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Yay books!
i hope a lot of people see this at http://twitter.com/#!/JuliaC117

Minas said...

Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/MT0089/status/60483303836364800


Sandy Jay said...

I'd love to read these. Thanks for the giveaway.

I tweeted at http://twitter.com/#!/ForWhlz/status/60486117601984512

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I really want to read your series, and it isn't only because of book 1's amazing cover ... no, really ;) I'm just wondering, though, why the hardcover book 2 doesn't match the B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. book 1? *sad face* I'm one of those anal people who like their books to match, LOL :P


Pedro Pablo said...

thanks for the chance, I hope I win !


thatonegirlyouknew said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I can't wait to read the series, either way of course, it's on my goodreads list! The dress is gorgeous by the way, I love Betsy. ^_^


theartgirl said...

Would love to win your books!
By the way, beautiful dress!

cindy said...

bella, my original cover didn't sell well, so my publisher repackaged it. it happens a lot with a series, at least, in young adult ones.

Jolene and Family said...

OMG, those desserts look soo good, jealous :) Loved the dress and congrats on the new release. These books look and sound amazing, crossing my fingers

+3 tweeted


Casey H said...

I'm sooo looking forward to reading Fury of the Phoenix!!!!



Llehn said...

I'd love to play please :D

+3 tweeted @Brittleblue


Naomi said...

An international contest? Huzzah!


These books look amazing and are on their way to my TBR pile until I can get my hands on a copy.

Thanks for posting a tweet about this contest.

Oh and: naomi.ruth-@hotmail.com

Clary said...

Thanks for the contest. :D


Harmony said...

Ooh, I really wanna try these out! Beautiful covers! Thanks for the giveaway!


kwesifriends said...

This is awesome, I can't wait to read your books!

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/kwesifriends/status/60544297350606850
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kwesifriends/posts/208245769194599
Blog (Side): http://oldfashionedreader.blogspot.com/

kwesifriends said...

I forgot to include my e-mail


Orchid said...

Congrats on the release of Fury of the Phoenix!!!
I would soooo love to win both books.
Thanks for the super giveaway. ^_^

Blogged: http://hauntedorchid.blogspot.com/2011/04/supernatural-underground-fury-of.html

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/HauntedOrchid/status/60544591996256256

The Haunting of Orchid Forsythia

Anonymous said...

I love the dress! Very beautiful. :) also I say eyeballs for contacts too! *fistbump* wonder if other people do too?

thanks for the giveaway!

tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/AshelynnS/status/60544821651177473

posted on blog sidebar: http://agypsywriter.blogspot.com/

ashelynnsanford at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oh, love those photos! And thanks for the contest - I would LOVE to win copies of these books. :) (also, I did get a haircut today, actually. :D)

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/wldhrsjen3

Thanks, and have a great week! :)

hebeldesign said...

Would love to win them, Hadn't had a chance to read yet!!


retweeted :)


Corinne O said...

Excellent! Would love to get my hands on the set. :) Thank you for the chance.


oflynn at gmail dot com

mariska said...

i've been wanting to read your books ! this is a great chance :)

i tweeted : http://twitter.com/#!/becunique/status/60559674440810496

uniquas at ymail dot com

Glaiza said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Btw, that is a lovely dress :)

gla_rez at hotmail dot com

Joyce Chng said...


And me me me please? With cherry on top?

sabersger at yahoo dot com

Teril said...

That was a splendid spread at the release party. The prizes are amazing. Thank you so much and Happy release!

terilhack at gmail dot com

Kaya H said...

Silver was amazing! I cannot wait for Fury. Happy release day and party!
Great contest you are fabulous.

kasuranna at yahoo dot com

Angela said...

Thank you!

angelacalubaquib03 AT yahoo dot com

BellaColella said...

Congrats and thanks a million for the giveaway!!!

than posted it on my FB as well!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw! Thanks!

Tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/lemonslippers/status/60687759379136512


A.J. said...

Awesome giveaway! :) Thanks!

Tweet: http://twitter.com/woven_/status/60723450800648192


Megan said...

I fb'd it:

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Megan said...

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/mekyser/status/60746096439345153

AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com

Megan said...

I added the giveaway to my sidebar:

amethystdaydreams at zoho dot com

Brianna Bruce said...

This is fantastic! Thank you so much.


delilah s. dawson said...

I want! (both the adorable dress and the books)
and I retweeted from @DelilahSDawson

Diana Dang said...

Yay! :D Want to read Fury of the Phoenix so bad x)


Margo said...

Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/MargoWest/status/60800496495099904

Thanks for doing this!

Josie said...

awesome!!! Love the dress!


Chen Yan Chang said...

Cool contest for awesome books!



TG said...

This is obviously a sign because ever since I heard about these books, I haven't been able to stop thinking about them. I want! I want! Even if I don't win, I'll still buy them.


Danah said...

OMG! This is awesome! Congrats on the recent release of Fury of the Phoenix!



Kulsuma said...

Thanks for the giveaway and making it international!

Blogged: http://kayaloves.blogspot.com/2011/04/contest-supernatural-underground.html


Eugenia Beh said...

Facebooked and tweeted!

FB: https://www.facebook.com/eugenia.beh

Twitter: Supernatural Underground: Fury of the Phoenix release giveaway! http://t.co/vdwRS9l

jpetroroy said...

I'd love to enter.

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Those desserts looked great!

rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

Birgit said...

Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
New follower on GFC!

danaan at gmx dot at

Unknown said...

Amazing! Thank you for the chance and for opening this internationally!!I'm a follower.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Deavelle_S/status/60963615376801792
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dea.sauva/posts/126057467469765

sauvadeavelle @ yahoo.com

Darlyn said...

Wow!Thanks so much for the giveaway!I would love to read the book totally!

darlyn225 at gmail dot com

Pisinat said...

Thank you very much for this giveaway and for making it international!


Susan said...

Thank you soooo much for the giveaway!!! :D <3 I can't wait to read your books, and I will be for sure whether I win or not (;

~Susan :]


Mel said...

Ooo, I love the look of those pastries...and the Phoenix books of course! :-)

Count me in!

Mel S

Christine K said...

Those pastries look good. YUM! lol. This series looks really interesting!!! I would really love to read them!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Sarah Federman said...

I already have both, so please don't enter me, but I just wanted to let you know how refreshing your books were. They weren't utterly predictable nor at all cliche and Ai Ling was extremely likeable. That's more than most books on the YA market can claim. Thanks for the awesome read!

alovelywriterxo said...

-Yummy pastries! They are making me hungry!

Thanks for this giveaway! I read an excerpt of the fury of phoenix and it sounds good! :]


Becca said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! The books sounds amazingg <3

Lindsay Cummings author said...

Awesome!! Thanks!!

Americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

Riv Re said...

This is so cool! Happy belated release!
I just found out about Supernatural Underground (yup, my home is of the stone variety, why do you ask?)

Maroon Wombat said...

Thanks for the contests! Congrats on the release.


Nikki said...

Happy release! =]
I tweeted the event<3

Kim Pickett said...

This is an extremely generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity

bookbutterfly9 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance!

Twitter - http://twitter.com/TarraAnn85/status/61248280092356608

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000722033341#!/TwilightAddict08/posts/169320476455112


Lucy said...

Thanks :D

lucy_zhang_blue (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

WOO! This is great. The good news to end a boring day. When I first read about these books, I got excited. They sound really interest. I can't wait to read them. Hope I win.

+3 for fb. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001348268663


Anna Browne said...

These desserts look wicked! Lol. I love your writing! Hopefully I'll win your contest! :]

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway!!!
tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/YearofTiger86/status/61280448340430848
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=212171715479466&id=1227339860
blog: http://krysykat.livejournal.com/17451.html


Samantha Cheng said...

Hurray for spring break!! ^_^ Thanks for the giveaway ;)


Noelli Spanelli said...

have been wanting to read these books for awhile now! crossing my fingers!!! :D :D


Jasmine said...

That sounds absolutely fabulous :)

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Jasmine.Stone94

jrstone94 @ gmail . com

starryeyedjen said...

thx for the awesome giveaway!!!

i tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/starryeyedjen/status/61463316626808832


Lauren G said...

I need to read these books! I miss the original hardcover cover, though these are still amazingggg

Anonymous said...

So want these books!

piratemusic06 at yahoo.com

kallosmango123 said...

I think these book looks amazing.

Any the covers are awesome.


Audrey (holes In My brain) said...

Ohh.. just excuse me as I wipe a bit of drool away. I mean, look at those pastries!

What a fantabulous contest, I've been dying to read this series! Asian Fantasy ftw =) Thank you for the giveaway!

tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/pinkcreamsoda/status/61469896114061312


Maggie Desmond-O'Brien said...

Um. Desserts. Like I'm going to be able to focus on anything else now! =)

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/mdesmondobrien/status/61469875356438528

WordLuster said...

Oh my goodness! I'm thrilled you're doing this giveaway! Ive heard so many wonderful things about these books and have been dying to get my hands on them!

I tweeted about the giveaway here:

I commented on Facebook about it here:

Sarah K said...

1. I absolutely LOVE your dress! You look lovely!

2. I tweeted this here: http://twitter.com/#!/antiphrastic/status/61470298037432320

3. That necklace you're wearing is pretty skookum too.

Unknown said...

Yummy Yummy Yummy, I've got love in my tummy...I'd have even more with those desserts. Nom Nom Nom.

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Mayiread

Hope I win, I've asked and none of my bookshops stock the first, or the second. :( Know I'll be an avid fan regardless :D

Miin Trindade said...

OMG, thanks for making it international!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/MiinT/status/61471448933470209

In facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1599090855


Jessie said...

Hurrah for your contest being international! :)

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/BonoboWrites/status/61470422797000704

kai (amaterasu) said...

I hope you had mad fun on your release party! And oh my gosh those pastries look super yummy! Can I have some? :D

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/amaterasureads/status/61471935699234816
Posted on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=179082995473688&id=100002015418548
Put on my blog's sidebar: http://amaterasureads.blogspot.com/

Thank you for such an awesome giveaway! I've heard tons of good things about both Silver Phoenix and Fury of the Phoenix and I'm crossing my fingers, hope I win so I can read them! :)

amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com

wandering-dreamer said...

Sounds cool! And I retweeted your tweet, my handle there is wanderindreamr.

Sabine said...

Wuhu! I would really like to read these awesome looking books! :-)


Juliana Piovani said...

Thank you so much for this great giveaway!!!Here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Julianapiovani/status/61476882612363264


Has said...

I RTweeted!


And thank you for a great giveaway! Love the look of the books :D

Unknown said...

Loved Silver Phoenix! Can't wait to read Fury!


Gryvon said...

RT'd as @gryvon


Anki said...

Yayy! Thanks for the great giveaway and for making it international!!


Unknown said...

Crap, forgot my email.

purplesparklypen @ yahoo (dot)com

Victoria said...

What an amazing giveaway. Thank you.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/Jovial_1/status/61482539386273792


Lynsey Newton said...

Congratulations Cindy! And you look gorgeous in your dress!!! Thanks for the giveaway, especially for making it international :)


Diana said...

Please enter me :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Crossing fingers. I've heard a lot about these books, and I hope I'm the lucky one to get them.

My links for extra chances:
FB: http://www.facebook.com/emiliavenegas/posts/141223569284349

Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/MilyHopeEc/status/61489549607579648


Thanks again! Good luck everyone!

Alexa S. said...

So awesome! I would love to win this giveaway. If I should be so lucky, you can be sure I'll devour those books.

You can contact me at alexalovesbooks@gmail.com.

Michelle said...

This is awesome Cindy! I'd love to participate in this giveaway!



Thanks! You can reply to me on twitter if that's okay with you.

Kristen said...

You rock! I totally tweeted this!


dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Litza said...

You're simply amazing! I've tweeted & added the giveaway to my blog!



Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!

MsRedPen said...

Congratulations on the release of Fury!
I tweeted here:

The Media Bunny said...

Great giveaway and the covers are lovely! And those pasteries looked delicious!


thegreatest_aeariana (at) yahoo (dot) com

Adam Heine said...

Tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/adamheine/statuses/61575157285793792


Anonymous said...

sequel to silver phoenix = MUST HAVE!!! :)
Facebook pg: http://www.facebook.com/#!/angelslashdevilcutie

Beverly said...

Fantastic! Thanks for hosting!
Would love to win! Please enter me.
Old follower - bevsharp@desch.org
Happy reading.

Cass said...

Thanks a lot for the giveaway! I really don't like those covers, but I really want to read these books...

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/cc9309/status/61721324413919232

cc932005 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I really want these books. i am so excited for the chance to win them. please enter me in the contest.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1629753216

SaraC said...

These books look great! (as do you and the desserts!)

Anonymous said...

I would absolutely LOVE to win these books! Thanks!
Also I posted this giveaway on my Blog. Check it out here!
Digicat {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

minhchieu said...

Awesome! Thanks for the giveaway



Amy said...

Congrats on the release! The pastries looked so yummy!


Meredith said...

Congrats on the new release! It looks like it was a fun party!

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Rachel said...

Awesome giveaway! Your party looked fun!


AliceCullen said...

Oh my gosh, can't wait for the new book!!
Tweeted: @starwarsgrl

Giada M. said...

Congrats! And thank you for this chance! :D

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

MarjoleinBookBlog said...

Would love to be entered because these books are high on my want to read list!

Blogged about it here:

marjoleinbookblog at gmail dot com

banana83854 said...

This looks like a great series, i should read it!

Posted on FB: http://www.facebook.com/banana83854

Anonymous said...

Busy busy girl. It all sounds like toooo much fun. Someday I hope to attend a large, fun filled convention like you did. Many blessing and best wishes to you on your continued success.
Joni J.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this fantastic giveaway


Jenn said...

The Phoenix books look really good. I will have to buy them if I do not win them. I am a very underpaid literature teacher for ... hold for it... University of Phoenix.
I think I am destined to win! I hope so anyway.

JessS said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway (and for having it worldwide).


Ashley Christine said...

Oh this is exciting! BOTH of those books are on my A-Z reading challenge!

I tweeted:

Dinda said...

Thanks for the chance !!!

post on fb : http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=167767329946789&id=1663040535

tweet : http://twitter.com/#!/dien_da/status/63485721511600128


Syki said...

Congrats on your new release! And thank you for this giveaway and for making it international :)

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Syki/status/63510799628517376
FB: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=181488638568465&id=150961224958106
Blog sidebar about giveaway: http://knizni-doupe.blogspot.com


Misha said...

Congratulations! Great giveaway.

Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/Mishaaaaaaa/status/63517847959248897

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Another-World/141924745872851#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=163431633717229&id=141924745872851

misadevilgirl at seznam.cz

Krystal Larson said...


I posted on my blog, thank you so much for this chance to win-keep writing!!!

Unknown said...

What a great chance! I would love to win those books! :))

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/vollkopf/status/63673086519676928

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

my place of peace said...

Wow those treats look amazing, and the Series looks like an interesting read. I would like to be entered in the giveaway thanks Ladyfiera (at) aol (dot) com.

my place of peace said...

I tweeted:

25kati said...

Wholy moly!
Thats alot of books to giveaway!

Unknown said...

Wow! Thank you for the great giveaway!

+3 tweet http://twitter.com/#!/LiederMadchen/status/63766353621946368

+3 blogged http://liedermadchen.blogspot.com/2011/04/cindy-pon-book-giveaway.html


Ashley@TheBloggingBook said...

Awesome giveaway!


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/aMarie821/posts/146576855413227



HayleyAG said...

I love the spread you guys supplied for the event- it reminds me of all the tea parties my friends have been having to celebrate William and Kate's wedding! Would love the chance to win your fabulous books!
I tweeted
I facebooked
i blogged

Fingers crossed! Congrats on the release!

Madalena said...

these look so, so good!

I tweeted

dakotagirl16 said...

I've wanted to read these for so long! And signed boxset! My mind is being blown right now. I tweeted and Facebooked, here are the links!
@ChelseaCarson1Chelsea Carson http://www.readingteen.net/2011/04/reading-clean-spotlight

I belive I have 7 entries :)
Thank you!!!