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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Join the electronic revolution - giveaway

WINNERS: Congrats to Sharon, Alli and SandyG265! You've won digital copies of both Secret Ones and Power Unbound! Email nicole @ nicolermurphy.com with your preferred format and I'll get them to you asap!

EDITED: Just had to show off the cover for the last book in the trilogy which has just been okayed. I love it!

Hello friends!

So there's just six weeks until the release of the third and last Dream of Asarlai book - Rogue Gadda - here in Australia. No news yet on if or when you'll get print copies of the trilogy overseas.

BUT I can tell you that if you've got a Kindle, Kobo or use iBooks - well, you can get Secret Ones and Power Unbound right now and you'll be able to buy Rogue Gadda come July 1.

Such is the mad, new world we live in - books can be available electronically before they become available in print.

Sorry Nook owners - not just yet. I'd love for you to have access, but this is all about the publishers, not me.

For the rest - to celebrate, I'm going to give three people the chance to read both Secret Ones and Power Unbound on the reader of their choice. Just leave a comment.

If you Tweet, FB status, or blog and link to this giveaway post, you'll receive +3 chances in the giveaway. Please comment with that link. I'll announce the winners in a few days.

Here's a little excerpt from Secret Ones, to whet your appetite.

Lucas walked with Maggie through the science building and out into the soft twilight. She looked towards the administration block, saw a light in one of the upstairs windows, and sighed. Her grandfather was still at work. “Doesn’t he ever stop working?”

Lucas looked up and shrugged. “It’d be a big job, running a university.”

“He won’t be in any condition to run it if he works himself into the ground.” Maggie changed direction, heading towards the admin building. She wasn’t leaving until Grandpa went home.

Then she noticed a shadow pass in front of the window. A shadow that was much too large to be her grandfather’s. She quickened her step.

The front door was locked, but a simple touch of her power had it swinging open. She marched across the tiled entrance way and up the wooden staircase. At the top, she turned to walk down the corridor. A blue light flashed in her grandfather’s office and she recognised it instantly. Grandpa was using his power and he would only do that at the university if he were in danger.

“Grandpa.” She ran down the corridor and stopped at her grandfather’s open doorway. A huge beast towered over her grandfather. She recognised it as a fuiparra, a medium level beast that was deceptively strong. Seven feet tall, slender and whiplike, with pointed chin, nose and teeth. Its skin was grey, with an oily sheen, pulled tight over long muscles in its thighs and arms. The sour smell of cabbage wafted from the room. As she watched, a thin extension of an arm flicked out, hitting her grandfather and sending him flying across the room, crashing into a bookcase and cascading books down upon the crumpled old man.

She stepped into the office, lifted her hands and sent a bolt of power, energetic pink, towards the creature. The power hit the fuiparra and sent it sideways, crashing into the wall. The creature turned, saw her and screamed, the sound almost splitting her eardrums, before moving towards her.

She sent another bolt, this time trying to hold the creature. For a moment, it halted. She took advantage of the reprieve to look at her grandfather. He wasn’t moving. Blood dripped down from a wound in the side of his face and it seemed that his arm wasn’t straight.

How could that have happened? He was sixth order; taking care of a fuiparra, while challenging, shouldn’t have been a major problem for him. Had the creature surprised him, managed to injure him and thus put him on the back foot immediately?

Her concentration wavered, and the fuiparra pushed through her hold and continued towards her.

She gulped. As a second level gadda, she didn’t have the skills to fight a beast this powerful. She lifted her hands to send power out again to hold it, but the fuiparra lifted one arm and swung at her. She flew through the air, back out the door and crashed into the wall on the other side of the hall before hitting the floor.



Helen Lowe said...

Congrats on the electronic release and the forthcoming print edition of Rogue Gadda, Nicole.:)

Casey H said...

Congrats on the upcoming release!! I can't wait until they come out here in the US, but I'll gladly take the e-verisons for now =)


Tracey O'Hara said...

woo hoo Nicole - very very good your eversion are available worldwide now - awesome contest too - good luck to all. :)

Sharon Stogner said...

Finally!! :) So glad you are getting your books released here. Off to spread the news!!!

posted to FB

Ali said...

So looking forward to Rogue Gadda! And yay to the series being out in eBook

ArtemisG said...

Congrats on the upcoming release and good luck !!!
I posted it on FB: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1522821560
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I posted! http://m.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsupernaturalunderground.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F05%2Fjoin-electronic-revolution.html&_rdr#!/a/sharer.php?refid=0

Hope it worked!

Michelle McMichael said...

I'm glad you are able to reach a wider market with eBooks. I have a kindle so I can fully take advantage of this!

Looking forward to the new book in July.

I shared this post on my FB page


Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Ooh those sound interesting!


SandyG265 said...

Congrats on the new release and thanks for the giveaway.

sgiden at verizon.net

Susan Light said...

Always looking for something new to read on my nook. Congrats in the new book

cheesecake.thief59 said...

These books look amazing!! I can't wait to read them <3


Sheree said...

Congrats on your upcoming release!

ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

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