Who We Are

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's Up?

Well, I'm back into my page frenzy, which means I'm back to writing. Not that I haven't been working, mind you. Just not 'writing'. My process is what it is and I've found that it takes me as long or longer to figure out the story as it does to write it. Or at least to first draft it. I can generally first draft a novel in four to six weeks if I don't take any serious wrong turns. But figure it out? That's another matter. At least a month, often two or three, depending on the book. The sixth Feral Warrior book, Ecstasy Untamed, took longer because...well, there's stuff happening in this one, me laddies. As if there hasn't been in the others. I'm just saying, it took some figuring. And, no, I can't say more. You'll find out when the book comes out the end of October.

But Ecstasy Untamed is in the page layout state at the publishers, the book written, revised and copyedited. Soon I'll have the final version of the cover to show you. And I'm deep into the writing of the next book. Which is interesting since this next one isn't technically under contract yet. The terms have been agree upon and the contract is currently in someone's contracts and/or legal department. My agent's, I think. And until it's in my hands and I've signed it, I can't announce anything officially. But I am going to spill, just a little.

There are more Feral Warriors books in the works. Yay! But the one I'm writing now, the first book due per this new contract, isn't one of them. (I should be able to tell you more soon!)

Meanwhile, I'm creating a new world, all new characters, a new story. I'm having so much fun and at the same time tearing my hair out because while I love it, it's also HARD. Which is a big part of the reason I'm doing it instead of concentrating solely on my Ferals. For a couple of years, I wrote three series simultaneously (the Feral Warriors, the Esri series, and the Jewels of Time time travels). Switching from world to world was a huge challenge, but it was great exercise for my imagination. I had to look in a different direction for my plots and conflicts and ideas with each book and in doing so often unearthed things that I probably never would have thought of.

Now that the Esri series is complete (books 3 and 4 are scheduled for release in early 2012) and I'm not currently writing more time travels, it's time to add something new to the mix. Especially since I've had a story tugging at me for ages. I adore my Feral Warriors and plan to write many more of their books...the entire series. But I'm every bit as excited about this new project. And excitement fuels my imagination like nothing else.

So, that's what's up in my world. Writing away and unable to discuss any of it. Soon. I'll tell you more when I can!


Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Thank you for the update!

rhomitz said...

Hey girl, you know how to peak a girl's interests, don't you? Now I am intrigued about Ecstasy Untamed and excited about your new adventure into a new series. Good luck and thanks for writing such awesome books! :)

Karen H said...

I'm so glad that there are going to be more Feral Warrior books. I'm sure your new series is going to be worth the wait and will be eagerly awaiting more details.

Sharon Stogner said...

"And, no, I can't say more. You'll find out when the book comes out the end of October."

you forgot to say "nanny, nanny, boo, boo" after it .

Can't wait to hear about this new series...

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