Who We Are

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Feast your eyes on this!

By Merrie Destefano

The countdown has started. My second novel, Feast: Harvest of Dreams, releases next Tuesday, June 28. For me, that means lots of sleepless nights and scatter-brained moments. Despite my copious to-do lists and spreadsheets (yes, I’m a nerd when it comes to organizing things), I’m always looking for extra hours in the day and wondering what I forgot to do.

So, before I forget, here are some cool things:

1. You can read sample chapters of Feast on the awesome HarperCollins site HERE.

2. I now have “secret” website, just for my readers. You can check out a deleted scene from Feast HERE.

3. I have a blog tour set up for Feast and you can read the details HERE. Notice, many of the sites will be featuring contests. (Yay!)

4. You can read about my secret exploits in an interview with My Bookish Ways HERE.

5. Two early reviews of Feast are already up! One is at Bitten By Books and the other is The Aussie Bookworm.

6. You can pre-order Feast here: Amazon l Barnes and Noble l Borders l Mysterious Galaxy l Laguna Beach Books l Vroman's Bookstore l Indie Bound Books l Or at your favorite local bookstore.

And ….

I’m doing a giveaway, right here, right now!! One lucky person will win the following: Signed copy of Feast, signed copy of Afterlife, 4 bookmarks, 2 buttons, and a fab Afterlife tote bag--all perfect to jump start your summer reading by the pool!

What must you do to win this very cool prize, you ask?

Tell me something fun you plan to do this summer in the comment section below. Be sure to include your e-mail address, so I can contact you if you win.

Earn extra points by also doing the following (and be sure to add up all your points in your comment section.)

5 points: Mention and link to this post on Twitter
5 points: Mention and link to this post on Facebook
5 points: Mention and link to this post on your blog
10 points: Follow my blog
10 points: Subscribe to my newsletter, (lower left corner of my website)

Contest will run through midnight, July 8. Winner announced shortly thereafter.

AND, one more thing...

I just wanted to tell you that I have a prequel novella to Feast coming soon! Titled Cursed, it tells the story of how the Darklings first came to Ticonderoga Falls and the hunger that drove them to break all the rules. This novella will be available exclusively as an e-book and I will have more details in a week or two. Meanwhile, you can check my blog for updates. But just in case you're curious, you can get a sneak peak of the cover below. Isn't she gorgeous?


Sharon Stogner said...

COOL! How come this is the first I have heard about this prequel!!!! I want! .

The deleted scene you posted was wonderful. Thanks for that.

This summer I am reading and looking for ways to keep my kids occupied!
Don't enter me, cause that would just be greedy of me .

Merrie Destefano said...

Thanks! I'm glad you liked the deleted scene! Your summer sounds WAY busy. Yikes!

Arkatox said...

Hey Merrie! I did everything to get points except advertising on my blog, and I plan on doing that later today. :)

I'm Reuben Horst; you should know me. I just figured I'd say, because pretty sure it's going to show my display name on this post.

This summer? Well, this summer, I was PLANNING on reading the entire LotR trilogy this summer, but recent mental issues (that are confusing me like heck) have made it almost impossible for me to read anymore.

I hope we can fix that soon, because I really want to read Feast, after how awesome Afterlife was. :)

At present, though, I'm struggling through The Skin Map by Stephen R. Lawhead and The Blood Book by Ted Dekker. Hopefully I can completely them and still have time to read the LotR. :)

I just realized I smiled a lot. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Merrie! I cannot wait for the release of Feast--I have it pre-ordered :)

My plans this summer include a trip to TN, reading a lot, and tending my veggie garden. My hubby and I are also continuing the remodel of our home---new front porch being built right now!

I am a loyal follower of your blog, subscribe to your newsletter, and displayed this post on both my blog and my Facebook (personal wall and my page).

Total points: 30

Sapphyria's Book Reviews

CrystalGB said...

Congratulations on the release of your 2nd book. Love the cover.
This summer I am planning to take a mini vacation in July.


Na said...

Cograts on your soon to be released Feast! I read the sample excerpt on the HarperCollins link and it sounds great.

I plan on a lot of rest and relaxation in the summer, spending time outdoors; picnics, barbeques, going to the beach and road trips.


Rain Maiden said...

We drove from California to Texas to North Caraliona then back home again last summer. This summer I don't have any plans but reading a lot of books :). Awesome giveaway!

Jnmt3 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Book Chatter Cath said...

OMG a prequel novella!!!!
I LOVE the cover ♥

Well its winter here (NZ) so I'm only dreaming of Summer at the moment lol

I would love to spend a week at the beach, relaxing in front of the waves with a STACK of great books :)


Donna said...

This summer I am going to The Ragged Edge writer's retreat with Ted Dekker and I already know it will be the greatest event of my life. And now I have added reading on my list as well (:P) My daughter has loved your books and I see why now! Thank You!

Katie Dalton said...

I plan to make out with as many vamps as I can find. all summer. lol yup, going to be a grand summer! woot!

Cursed cover looks VERY fancy. Nice job! Don't enter me for the contest just wanted to show some love for my girl Merrie!

Sullivan McPig said...

You have a blog? *runs over to stalk you there*

I'm hoping for a nice sunny summer so we can go have bbqs on the waterside and picnics.

if this is international, please enter me even though I already pre-ordered, this giveaway is just too tempting.

following you blog now
already signed up for your newsletter
twittered about it
makes 25 if i'm correct

Tez Miller said...

For me, Mez, summer doesn't start until December. But in late January/early February, I plan to be on my couch watching tennis on TV ;-)

As for the winter...catching up on my reading, of course!

TezMillerOz at gmail dot com

+10 I subscribe to your newsletter

Barbara E. said...

Congrats on the release of Feast and thanks so much for the awesome giveaway.
My plan for the summer is to visit some of the theme parks in Orlando, which is an ongoing all year round kind of fun, but I always want to do it some more. My biggest fun thing is a trip to Southern California to visit my sister and all my friends I left behind when I moved to Florida.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

heatwave16 said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

I'm headed home for my cousin's wedding in August. I don't get home very often, so this is great chance to celebrate and see everyone.

+5 - tweeted - http://twitter.com/#!/Heatwave316/status/83696212385071104

+10 - follow blog - heatwave16

+10 - newsletter - heatwave96(at)hotmail.com


Casey H said...

I cannot wait to read the prequel!! I know it's going to be awesome :D

As for what I'm doing this summer...apart from reading/writing reviews, I'm hopefully going to make it to the beach at least once. So I can read in the sun =)

+5 for tweeting: http://twitter.com/#!/DustMiteBunny/status/83752363571150848
+5 for facebooking: http://www.facebook.com/#!/casey.harrisparks/posts/183765515010037
+10 for following your blog (as Casey H)
+10 for subscribing to newsletter

Total = 30


Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

I'm actually going on vacation this weekend! Yay!! Going to visit my aunt in Grafton, Wisconsin near Cedarburg! I go there every year and I love it! The weather is always a million times better than it is in St. Louis, so I'm really looking forward to it! Actually leave tomorrow!!

+10 Follow your blog
+10 Subscribe to newsletter

Total 20


SandyG265 said...

We just built a new grilling area with a roof for bad weather and running water so I plan to spend a lot of weekends on the deck eating bbq.

sgiden at verizon.net

Cate said...

we plan on taking the kids to the zoo, it's their fisrt time. So iit would be fun! Please include me in the give away. Thank you.

minhchieu said...

I'm planning to go to disneyland, which is really exciting because i havent ever gone down to florida that far
5 + tweeted
10 + Follow blog
10 + Subscribe newsletter,


Brenda Hyde said...

Ooooh, I can't wait for the prequel! It's really going to add a lot to the background of the story:)

Phyllis Hebert said...

Congrats on the release of Feast I can't wait to read it. I am sure it will be great like all your books. This summer I just want to spend time with my family and read lots of books!! And thank you for the great giveaway! May you have a wonderful summer and keep writing LOVE your books.

Nancy G said...

Congrats on your upcoming release of Feast. Looking forward to reading it.

This summer I plan on some quality reading time, and I'd like to get some ideas I have for jewelry made before I forget what I want to make. Picked up some new and unusual beads and gemstones and can't wait to get some time set aside to work.

host said...

I am planning a lot of relaxing time with some subathing :) Can't wait!

Congrats on your upcoming release!

franalokas (at) yahoo (dot) com

LorettaLynn said...

Been spending alot of time outside:)
Working in the garden and reading in the shade.. And some camping tossed in there to!!

Im a GF Temeprance
Also get emails
Shared on facebook
Thank you for the giveaway:):)

Tamsyn said...

Congrats on your upcoming release! WTG!
Unfortunately, my summer vacation is not going to be fun 'cos I've got to go for my physical, then discuss with my doctor if I need an operation and to top it off, go for daily physiotherapy for a degenerative neck! :o(
Books are going to be my main form relaxation, that's for sure.

Tamsyn said...

Sorry, forgot to leave my email.


Kaitlyn said...

Great giveaway!!!! Hope I win. I'm excited this summer because I get to go to California, New York and Florida!!! I'm gonna get myself a tan!!!

+10 following blog
+10 subscribed to newsletter


Becky LeJeune said...

Sweet! I would love to win Feast stuff!

Something fun I plan to do this summer: We did it. A family trip together so I could get a vacation and hang with my sisters. For the rest of the summer, weekends of kicking back, trying out new recipes, and reading lots of books while I try to stay cool.

(I'm following the blog and subscribed to newsletter)


Sonia said...

I want to visit Italy! Vacation is calling :-) I hope it works out!

+10 subscribed to newsletter :-)


Megan @ Book Brats said...

Awesome prizes! I would LOVE to win them!

Fun summer plans... Does finding a job count? Just kidding. I'm trying to find the money to go out to LA to visit one of my best friends, or else just going to the beach.

I have 15 extra points (following the blog and tweeted).

Contact info:

grandoise.illusion at gmail dot com

Teril said...

ohh cursed looks good! Cannot wait.
+10 newsletter
+10 blog follow

terilhack at yahoo dot com

Kaitlyn said...

I live in the middle of FL where there are no beaches....but i'm really happy about this giveaway!!!! can't wait to see who wins

donnas said...

I plan on staying as cool as possible and reading as many books as I can squeeze in. No vacations this year, just a couple of long weekends off from work.

+5 tweet - http://twitter.com/#!/DonnaS1/status/89184542501502976
+5 blog - http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/2011/07/supernatural-underground-feast-your.html
+10 blog follower - donnas
+10 newsletter subscriber

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Llehn said...

I'll be catching up on my reading.

+10 blog follower LLehn


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