Who We Are

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spreading the love at Supernova

This weekend, fellow Supernatural Undergrounder Tracey O'Hara and I joined Aussie UF writer Erica Hayes to promote Australian UF/PR at Supernova.

What is Supernova? It's kinda the Australian equivalent of Comicon. For two days, there's a wealth of displays of all things geeky (focussed mostly on comics, manga/anime and tv/movie) and panels about the things we love. There's a range of stars that come to be met and to promote shows (this time it included Tom Felton aka Draco Malfoy, James Marsters, Sean Maher from Firefly and the cast of I Dream of Jeannie). It moves around Australia during the year - this one was in Sydney.

Tracey, Erica and I had a table in the artist's alley, to try and let folks know that as wonderful as peeps such as Charlaine Harris and Laurell K Hamilton are, there's some rocking Aussie writers as well (and yes - for this purpose, we definitely adopt folks from New Zealand and so counted Nalini Singh as one).

We had lots of chats, sold a few copies of our books and all in all, had a
fantastic weekend. The best part of the whole thing, however, was the cosplay.

At the science fiction conventions that I've come to love here in Australia, we don't do a lot of cosplay. I was devastated when I first realised this - I was all ready for a Simpsons style of convention.

Well, my friends, I OVERDOSED on costumes at Supernova. The effort folks put into what they're doing was just sensation. I was really impressed by how welcome and friendly people were to stop and have photos taken. These were ordinary folk who kept up the smiles and willingly did some ridiculous things to make a photo work and did it all weekend.

None of us three authors dressed up, but we're thinking of going back next year and we'll probably do it again. I'm thinking of dressing as one of my gadda :) Anyhoo, here's some pics.

A guy pretending to be trapped in a cage by a gorilla - our favourite.

Tracey with Wonder Woman

Some very nasty aliens :)

Everyone's favourite little droid.

And finally - I'd love to read in the comments your story about how these three could have met.
Captain Jack Sparrow, Wonder Woman and Indiana Jones.

In other news - my third book is released in less than two weeks! Eek. To celebrate, I'm going to give the ENTIRE TRILOGY to a subscriber of my newsletter. If you want a chance to win, sign up here: http://nicolermurphy.com/


Sharon Stogner said...

How fun! I went to my first Con like this recently. I can't wait to go to more. I loved all the costumes too. It is a great place to people watch and talk to others who like the same genre you do.

Kim Falconer said...

Fun post, Nicole! Thanks for giving us the ringside seats!

I've never been to a Con but it's not over yet! he he he

I think Captain Jack Sparrow ran aground on the shores of that island of women (Lesbos?) where Wonder Woman is from and of course Professor Jones was there looking for the lost scroll of Antithia . . . but both guys got a little sidetracked!


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