Who We Are

Monday, August 15, 2011

It's August Already?!?!?! WHAT?!?!

Prepare yourselves. I'm going to say a very, very dirty word. In fact, I might even scream it. You ready? Here it goes....

That's right. I dared utter that word in August, but oh my GOSH it's AUGUST! Where the heck did the rest of the year go, and more importantly, am I the only one who gets a tiny knot in their tummy right about now that slowly grows, week by week until it's a boulder you're dying to have surgically removed on Jan 1??

Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays. In theory. Cool weather, me and the hubster cuddling in front of the fireplace, the kids on Christmas morning, the family gathered in the kitchen to cook a huge Thanksgiving feast. But in reality, it never quite turns out that way. I live smack in the middle of my parents and my in laws, so stress for me begins with trying to decide how to split our time without hurting the other family. Add to that, DEADLINES! I'm totally cool with deadlines, but the people who don't live in my house don't seem to understand them. Pile on top of that the growing number of people who require gifts, most of whom are harder to shop for than the Queen of England. So where you do you put your foot down? Where do you finally say "no" to people who just want to spend time with you when all you want to do is stick tightly to your deadlines, or heaven forbid, try to create new traditions with your OWN family and not necessarily carry traditions given to you by your parents or your spouse's?

I can't be the only pushover. Right?? Please say I'm not.

As a little treat, here's a little something to help us all destress. Juliana, I know you'll appreciate it!


Helen Lowe said...

I know what you mean -- the season of goodwill can feel more like an encounter with Godzilla? But deadlines above time with friends and family? Maybe we need to say enough already--the deadline was made to serve the writer (insert other occupation at will), not the writer the deadline ...

juliana stone said...

oh wow, thanks for thinking of me....weeeeeeeeeee!

Bonnie said...

I agree the holidays are overwhelming then add in your normal day to day life and you have a recipe for nervous breakdown. I feel like someone should commit me by mid December.
Thanks for a great post... I'm glad I'm not alone.
Thank you so much for the hot pic of Jon Bonjovi! OMG he has always been drool material for me & it was a nice sight to see on a Monday morning.

Unknown said...

Thanks Bonnie! I thought he was a good Monday morning treat too! Loved him for 24 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Helen, I agree about family above deadline for sure... when its something you actually want to do and not something thats going to be even more stress inducing than the deadline. There are some things that I'd rather say no to -- christmas parties etc where going is an obligation and not an enjoyment. Those aren't usually family related though. Still hard to say no!

Unknown said...

I totally get how you feel..just the idea of summer slipping away has me in knots..I mean..winter is only 2 months away *blah*..
However,..um....YUM!!!! is that Jon Bon Jovi??? kinda looks like him..and there is a man who got better with age.

Unknown said...

Yes it is Barbara and OMG yes he has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy V. said...

Sable, first off - Juliana is NOT the only one who appreciated that delicious picture of Monsieur Bon Jovi - thank you!!
As for the holidays - arrrgh [pulling out my hair just thinking about them] - I love the holidays up until the actual day then all I want is it to be over and asap! It's the cooking, the scheduling, the family bickering, not to mention not having one single moment to myself. Writing ceases to exist, sleep stops and I begin to fully understand why more suicides happen during the holidays than at any other time of year - it's the final escape!! You're not the only pushover and since misery loves company, join the club. : )
Another peak at that gorgeous hunk of man and I'll be good for the rest of the day. Thanks. xox

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