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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Salute to True Blood

All right everyone! Sorry this is a day late. So without further ado, the winner of their choice of either Hunger, Embrace or the newest release, His Darkest Salvation, is Katie! Please email me at my website!

Happy Tuesday everyone! I am deep in deadline hell and coupled with the business that is summer I'm finding my time is getting more than a little stretched! As I'm sure most of you are!

For my post today I thought we'd have a little fun. If you're like moi, than you're happily settling in each Sunday night to watch True Blood. You've got your wine ready, your snacks and your girlfriends. The lights are lowered, the surround sound is on and the children have learned that mommy is not a nice person if A) they've hidden the remote and it's 8:59 and B)do not under any circumstance save for bodily harm, interrupt True Blood.

I love this show. I love everything about it. The characters. The setting. The writing. I've not read the books (I know....wtf?) and maybe that's why I'm loving it so much. It's all fresh and wonderful. From the simple yet sexy Jason, to Lafayette to Eric...to Alcide. I love them all.

But let's be honest here. True Blood has the sexiest men on television. Hands down. And amongst my girlfriends we have a healthy debate over who is the sexiest. so I thought we'd have a little pole here on the Underground. Shifter VS Vampire VS adorable human with hawt body.

Who do you think is the sexiest man on True Blood?


Jason? (who let's face it, gets a lot of good lines)

Or Alcide?

I know who my fave is, so who's yours and why? I think I'll let a random commentator choose one of my Jaguar Warrior Books! sound cool? comment and you can win either, His Darkest Hunger, His Darkest Embrace or my latest release, His Darkest Salvation!


86752309 said...


bluesun1218 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Camille said...

Alcide! hands down the sexiest piece of paranormal ass on True Blood. I've said that before and I'll stand by it lol (Too bad he's nuts for for a pyscho)

midnite dot fantasy at gmail dot com

bluesun1218 said...

Eric is my favorite, He's is just so gorgeous and I always fall for the bad guy! Not really into his character so far this year I want the bad boy back! lol Anyway I would love to win one of your books never read any of these before. Thanks for the chance.


SJ Drum said...

Alcide! I'm a sucker for tall men ... and tan men ... and totally ab-a-licious men.

sarajanedrum @ gmail

Anonymous said...

Although Alcide looks yummy enough to eat I am always going to stand by the misunderstood badass Eric. He makes my heart beat faster with just a look!

Rosalie Lario said...

I love True Blood also, and like you I haven't read the books. There's something inherently sexy about Eric, but I have to say Alcide is in a class all his own. He's just so... yum!

Rosalie Lario said...

I love True Blood also, and like you I haven't read the books. There's something inherently sexy about Eric, but I have to say Alcide is in a class all his own. He's just so... yum!

Unknown said...

I'm a total True Blood Fan! I even have my husband addicted...talk about a show that is well written. I have read the books (and LOVE them) I kinda separate the show cause it doesn't really follow the books that close. In the books I totally love Eric and think Alcide is ok, in the show....heck!!!!!! I totally love Eric..but .*drool* look at Alcide's body. *sigh*...*looks around in panic* I can't decide..does that still qualify me in the book draw?


Ren said...

Even I'm not watching True Blood, just watch season 1 (I know, I know, will catch up later), if I must choose from three men above, I choose Alcide. Because I always have thing for shifter than vampire ;-)

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Riva said...

Poor Jason! He's not getting a lot of love here. Granted - he's sometimes dumb as a box of rocks, but that's OK. He's sweet and I can do the thinking for both of us! And I do believe the boy bulked up a bit in the "year" Sookie was gone. Yowser!

dulcibelle [at] earthlink [dot] net

Spav said...

I have to say Alcide (only physically). For the whole package (smarts + looks + charm and charisma) I would go with Eric. The choices Alcide makes in the show and the books make me like Eric more.

Alicia0385 said...

Alcide! He is sexy and he seems to have some brains about him too!!


Anonymous said...

Alcide for sure. I will never grow tired of looking at that man with his shirt off.

Stephanie G

Amy V. said...

I haven't missed a single breathtaking moment since the first episode began. I go through TRUE BLOOD withdrawals when the season ends and do a countdown to when the next season starts. Haven't read the books, don't know why and don't really care right now. Eric was my man right from the start - couldn't understand Sookie's attraction to Bill at all. This season we've seen the sweet little boy in Eric which just endears him completely to us, I think. We'll be ready though when the bad boy comes back.
I will have to say that Alcide can curl up on my lap anytime and I'm hoping for a triangle to start. Two HOT suitors for Sookie - can our imaginary life get any better?! "I wanna do bad things to" Eric!

SandyG265 said...


Bonnie said...

OMG, I love True Blood! Ok for looks and total let me run my tongue down your body ness it has to be Alcide. Eric is just down right sexy in mind and body and Jason, well it's always fun to have a sex machine arround esp. if he looks like that. But if I would have to pick it would have to be Eric. What can I say, bad boys really turn me on.
If you have not read the books you are really missing out. I LOVE the books more than the show and have read them twice.
Thanks for the fun blog post, always love to see sexy men pictures.



Sharon Stogner said...

Well, if we are talking bodies? Alcide! hands down (excuse me while I wipe the drool off the keyboard), but I love the Eric attitude...sigh. I'll just have to settle for both ;)

don't enter me, just wanted to give some love :)

Na said...

I haven't watched an episode of True Blood. I've been meaning to but I've been wanting to read the CHarlaine Harris books first, alas I'm still playing catching up. I can say I like of male #2 =)


Sullivan McPig said...

taking their character in account as well as how they look:

Ashleigh said...

I am in love with Eric, his whole character and storyline (he's who I want Sookie to be with) but as for sexiest in looks, I think I'm gonna have to go with Alcide. Talk about tall, dark, and handsome!


Chelsea / Vampire Book Club said...

Though I love to look at Jason and Alcide -- no question there -- it all goes to the Viking vampire.

I might have a borderline obsession with Alexander Skarsgard. Just...yum.

chelsea AT vampirebookclub.net

Melissa said...

Alcide is my favorite. Even if I had never seen the show, from the pictures you posted, it would be Alcide.

Katie Dalton said...

Eric is my fav but Alcide is somkin hott!!!! Can I have both? At the same time perhaps? ;)

k28dalton (at) yahoo (dot) com

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Please... this is an easy question. My answer?:

An Eric and Alcide sammich! ;D

CrystalGB said...

Alcide. Super sexy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving these answers! I'll keep my fave quiet until I announce a winner tomorrow!

Nicole Murphy said...

What fun, Juliana!

As much as it pains me not to go for the Aussie, I have to say Eric. Wowza!

But if I had to choose from all three at the same time - maybe I wouldn't *wink*

Emily Tardy said...

They are all sexy in there own way, but my personal fav is Alcide. That's one damn fine hunk! =D


Chelsea B. said...

Eric, hands down!

RFTC Blog said...

Can you believe that I've never seen this show. I think I may be the only one. Since I've was a fan of Joe's(Alcide) before he was on the show he is my favorite. So sexy!

Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick

Cate said...

Alcide!!! Really H O T!! Please enter me in the contest. Thanks. Kayko118(at)yahoo(dot)com

Laura_darkelvengirl said...

Jason :3

Juliana Stone said...

Wow, looks like the battle is between Alcide and Eric....I will pick a winner tonight. Carry on!

Sheree said...

Eric, Alcide, Eric, Alcide... I guess I'll have to go with Eric.

Amanda Arista said...

Eric, oh my god. I've had a thing for hot blondes who are dark and broody since Spike. He's tall and complicated and tall. And that thing where he drops his chin and gazes.
Fanning myself right now just thinking about him.

Juliana Stone said...

I can now officially say that ALCIDE is the hottest man on the planet. Hands down. Hot. Smokin hot.

Sherry Soule said...

Toss up between Eric and Alcide!

Love them both! :-)


Sherry Soule Official Website

Author of the Spellbound Series

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