Who We Are

Sunday, September 25, 2011

All About Gregori

Congratulations to Joni of Oregon for winning the Be Still my Vampire Heart T-shirt and signed book! Thank you all for leaving comments. Come again October 25th for my next giveaway!

I'm so excited that in just two days, Gregori's book, Sexiest Vampire Alive, will go on sale! To celebrate, I've been going down memory lane with Gregori, checking out his dialogue in each book of the Love at Stake series, and posting some of the more memorable quotes on Twitter and Facebook. I have discovered that he talks a lot about 'hot babes,' and from the beginning, he called women 'sweetcakes' and 'Toots.' Everywhere he goes, whether it's DVN or Vanda's nightclub, the women know him and try to get his attention. His reputation as a playboy is certainly well-deserved. No wonder his book is titled Sexiest Vampire Alive! And oh my goodness, those of you with e-readers could be waking up Tuesday morning with a vampire playboy in your arms!

Here are some of my favorite Gregori lines--
From book 1, How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire: "I'm too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs." "Sweet little VANNA. Come to Papa."

From book 3, Be Still My Vampire Heart: "We're a bunch of mutants! Just like the Ninja Turtles." And to Angus, when he had Phineas in a choke-hold-- "Whoa! Easy, Mongo."

From book 5, All I Want for Christmas is a Vampire: "Are we lining up to do the bunny hop?" To Ian-- "You might try smiling. You know the ladies love a guy with a sense of humor."

From book 9, Eat Prey Love: To Caitlyn, attempting to make Carlos jealous-- "Don't look. He's glaring at us with laser-strength eyeballs. The heat alone would melt your skin off." "I'm heartbroken, naturally, that I can't have you for myself. Let's go dancing, Toots!"

From book 10, Vampire Mine: To Marielle, the angel of death-- "How does that work? I mean, do you just go down a line, saying 'Eenie meenie mynie moe, sorry, dude, you gotta go'?"

What crazy things will Gregori say in Sexiest Vampire Alive? And what kind of woman will finally capture the heart of that rascally playboy? You can find out Tuesday! Meanwhile, if you leave a comment here about Gregori, you'll have a chance to win a signed copy of Be Still my Vampire Heart, plus a slightly-worn but clean T-shirt showing the cover of Be Still my Vampire Heart! A winner will be chosen at random. International entries welcome. And please check out the Appearances page on my website, www.kerrelynsparks.com, to see if I'll be signing Sexiest Vampire Alive in your neighborhood!


Sullivan McPig said...

I hope he falls for a woman who'll kick his ass when he tries to call her Toots and makes him work for her attention.


June M. said...

I can't wait to see what kind of woman Gregori falls for. I hope that whoever she is, he falls hard and fast and has to work to get her. And that he has to get help from the others, since he was always eagar to help them and he is such a ladies man. Is it Tuesday yet?
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

wanda f said...

Cant wait to read this one got it on pre order anxiously waiting for it .I love all the gregori linesmy personal favorite is from Vampire Mine to Marielle, the angel of death-- "How does that work? I mean, do you just go down a line, saying 'Eenie meenie mynie moe, sorry, dude, you gotta go'?"
it makes me giggle lol

Unknown said...

I'm new to the series but loving it..and adore our Gregori!..will take a special woman to catch him:)..Would love to win the book!


Stacey Smith said...

So can't wait for this to come out been waiting to know who get's Gregori!!


Scorpio1974 said...

I haven't had the pleasure of reading this series and don't really know anything about Gregori, but he sounds hot. =)
Thanks so much for this generous giveaway opportunity too!!! =)

Valerie Long (Scorpio1974 on GFC)

Just Judy's Jumbles said...

I have enjoyed all your Gregori quotes on Facebook Kerrelyn! I did not realize how active he is in all the books. From the excerpt I was thinking you were going to pair him off with Simone.

Marianne Strnad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marianne Strnad said...

Hey Kerrelyn, I've been loving the quotes you've been posting on FB & Twitter-sounds like you have another sidesplitting blockbuster on your hands-can't wait for release day!!! I really need some laughter in my life right now, so the timing is perfect-love you lots girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to find out who Gregori end up with. Maybe someone that is his equal. Who ever it is? I can't wait.

Lisa W.

insomniacsleepr said...

hey Kerrelyn, elena here from the cayman islands. let me start off by saying i love love the love at stake series. one of my top favs. 2nd, i have been enjoying all the quotes you have been posting on twitter. gregori always makes me laugh. i cant wait to see who he falls head over heals for. i just know his book is gonna be beyond awesome just like the rest :D

ChaoticLovelyness said...

Gregori is such a player! I hope he finds someone sweet and smart, but still sexy and secure at the same time, so she can handle his teasing and playfulnes :p and of course, classy enough to take home to his wonderful mom :p its 'bout time Gregori got himself a woman, yay gregori! I've been waiting on this for what seems like forever!

Na said...

Just wanted to let you know that vampires are my favourite paranormal creatures to read about. That said, your series are definitely going on my reading list. They are new to me now but from the sounds of it not for long. I can't wait to acquaint myself with Gregori.

Cambonified [at] yahoo [dot] com

Squenn said...

Hi Kerrelyn! Would love to ge entered in your contest. I love you and your books!

Eli Yanti said...

hi kerrelyn,

i never read your book before but have often heard my friend recommend that your book is very great to us and publisher in my country (Indonesia) to publish your book and hope they will.

love to win your book =D

thank you

Emily Tardy said...

Hey Kerrelyn!
I love reading your books, they are so funny! Can't wait to read Gregori's book =D


Kat said...

I love the "Love at Stake" series and can't wait to read "Sexiest Vampire Alive. I've preordered the ebook so I can start reading it as soon as its released.Gregory is so funny and charming. You can't help but love the guy. I can't wait to see how he deals with the president and whether or not he can convince the president to declare the video proving the existence of vampires a hoax. It sounds like he'll have his hands full while he accompanies the president's daughter on her trip and I can't wait to see how he charms his way into her heart. I have no doubt this book will be just as addicting the other books in the series. I've read them all a few times. Thank you Kerrelyn for sharing your wonderful talent and stories with us!

Mountain Laurel said...

Gregori will fall for a DISCO DIVA! LOL
She can out dance him, and outsmart him, which will drive him crazy! She will be dressed to kill in an 80's throwback outfit and Gregori will drool! (OK...this is as good a guess as any I reckon!)
Can't wait til the book comes out!

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I Will always remember his "I'm Too Sexy" line!

rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

Jary said...

I hope that he falls for a woman who is a feminist and hated being called Toots. LOL

jfort357 said...

I'm new to this series. So, I'm just getting to know Gregori. I luv your books!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :-)


Liesa Manis said...

I can't wait for this book!!

Thank you for the giveaway~~


Sherry Moore said...

I discovered your books at my local library last year, Robbie was the first book i read, when i finished i had to track them down and read them all, i love this series, i love the humor and romance and i love how you take human shows and give them vampire titles, i hope this series lasts years and anyone who hasnt read, please buy one of these wonderful stories, you will not be disappointed!

chivixen said...

I'm slightly behind. I need to catch up. I don't have this book. I love them all.

Jessica said...

I can't wait to see how this book goes. Gregori has alway's been one of my favorites.

Sarah said...

I can't wait to read Gregori's story. And I've really enjoyed reading the quotes you posted - such a wonderful sense of humor in your writing that makes your writing voice so unique! You and Janet Evanovich make me laugh while devouring your books late into the night!

Gracy said...

I Love all the Love At Stake Series, have them all and read them more than 3 times, my parents won't buy anymore since I already have all 10, but I still want this one and future ones to come ofcourse because I've been waiting to see Gregori find true love and of course have children, as Radinika would say, "I'm not getting any younger, I want grandchildren" I seriously cannot and will not survive without this book, I REALLY NEED TO WIN THIS!!! KERRYLN SPARKS RULE!!! :) P.S. without your creativeness the world of books and vampires could not surive

Gracy said...

I Love all the Love At Stake Series, have them all and read them more than 3 times, my parents won't buy anymore since I already have all 10, but I still want this one and future ones to come ofcourse because I've been waiting to see Gregori find true love and of course have children, as Radinika would say, "I'm not getting any younger, I want grandchildren" I seriously cannot and will not survive without this book, I REALLY NEED TO WIN THIS!!! KERRYLN SPARKS RULE!!! :) P.S. without your creativeness the world of books and vampires could not surive

Sherrie S. said...

I love your books. I can't wait to see what kind of woman catches Gregory. He is just to sexy for anything.Have a wonderful day!

Sherrie S said...

OOPS Forgot my e-mail address!
shstroup@charter.net. Can't get Gregory without it!

chelsey W said...

I can't wait for the book to come out!! I love Gregori! It can always find something to make to you laugh about. I believe that Gregori will find a woman who is immune to his playboy charm and she will be able to see the real Gregori! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

I am just beginning to read this series, have read books 1 and 2. I don't know much about the Gregori character, but have already fallen in love with the other characters and their situations. I can't wait to continue reading the books of this series!

Jo's Daughter said...

I too wonder what woman will make him fall.... I'm hoping a "beautiful" woman with substance. I have a feeling that deep down he's tired of being this object to women & just wants to be understood by that one woman of his dreams.... Can't wait to find out :D

Lori Meyer said...

I was actually able to snatch my copy early and will be sinking my teeth into it as soon as i finish the one I'm reading now. I love all the vampires from Love at Stake series they are so romantic, sexy, and funny but i think Gregori is freakin hilarious. I agree about him catching a woman with substance; he loves all the ladies but I think he needs just a bit more to stay with one forever. Love him think he is fangfreakinamazin

Book_Fiend87 said...

I absolutely love Gregori! He's funny and never fails to make me laugh. Since he's a total player I've been curios as to how his story will play out! I'm so excited!

Dawn said...

OMG. Isn't it Tuesday yet? And now I have the "I'm too sexy" song in my head...
It's going to be a really long Monday.


shauntih said...

I am 36th in line to borrow the book from the library, and I've been in the queue for 2 months. I can't wait to see who Gregori falls for and has to work to win. He's so used to having them fall all over him, will he even KNOW how to win her? I can't wait to find out!


Amanda said...

Roman will always be my favorite but I do adore Gregori and his sarcastic wit. Can't wait to get his book!! Thanks for taking the time to do this. :)


Kathy N said...

Omg I can't wait for it to come out. I pre-ordered on my kindle so I am one of the lucky ones waking up to it. You have such flare and humor in your writing. I have a hard time putting your books down. Kathy N.

xander_316 said...

Pick me random.org because I love Gregori :)

Janhvi said...

I'm so excited to see what kind of a woman Gregori falls for!I hope its someone who will keep him on his toes and will make him work for it to be together;)

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Kat Viernes-Lacy said...

I hope it is a non vamp so they can give his momma some grandkids she would so love that!!

Teresa K. said...

Hi Kerry,

I love Gregori. He's so comical and he stays in trouble with Connor and Angus. You gotta love his attitude with life. He is just so human.

But the woman who he winds up with will be a little tougher and a little firmer when it comes to being serious. She will be the one who keeps Gregori in line. Thanks for all the wonderful stories you give us.

Teresa K.

Eileen said...

I have enjoyed the Love at Stakes series! Each one of the book have their own spark to them, and that makes them more memorable! I can not wait till Tuesday till I can get my hands on Gregori's story!

Gabby said...

Oooh! This sounds good! He sounds like he needs a woman that kick him into line when he calls her toots.

I mean Gregori may be hot but they're women out there who don't take kindly to being called 'Toots' maybe a no-nonsense kind of girl will be able to knock some sense into him!

Good luck with the book!


Annette said...

Love all the books, Gregori has been one of my favorite characters throughout the series. Can't wait to see what type of a woman claims his heart.

DebEA said...

I can't wait to read Gregori's story. I will be up all night waiting for Amazon to download my ebook. so I can start reading.

Stephanie M said...

I definitely cannot wait for this book. I think it will take someone who is serious but appreciates a sense of humor because I do not see his wittiness going away anytime soon.

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

LauraV said...

I totally can't wait for the new book! I love ur writing :)

angelkiss0828 said...

I have been waiting forever for Gregori's book!!! He has been one of my favorite characters form the very start. He is funny, smart, handsome, and always willing to help out a friend. I fell in love with him from the start. Can't wait to read!!!!!!!!

hazefaverave said...

I am sooo looking forward to Gregori's book. Ever since i read the first book in the Love at Stake Series, i have always wondered what kind of woman will end up with sweet sexy gorgeous Gregori. I've waited years and years for his book. I bet its worth every minute.=)

Joni said...

Kerryln, Not much longer, I feel like I'm waiting for Christmas morning or something!! I really loved "Eat,Prey,Love" that was my fav. But all of your books are such fun to read. I so relate to your humor. Much continued success and many blessings.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be fun watching Gregori get hit by the same Love Bug that has caught everyone else. But at least we all know what's gonna happen in the end.
Ashlee Batron


GRIFFOM said...


Anonymous said...

OMG I can't wait to read this book. I have been waiting for this story since his character was introduced.

Nicoletta Campanelli said...

Yayyy FINALLY Gregori's book will be out in a couple of days. I think this story will be great just as all of the others. This time though the vamp is from "our" time period. Can't wait to read Gregori's funny quotes too I just love it when he pulls the older vamps' leg!!! Congratulations!!! Hopefully one day you might make it to Italy for a book convention!!!

Nicoletta Campanelli said...

forgot my e-mail: niki1969.nc@libero.it

Norma said...

I think Gregori will end up with smoeone that might not be the prettiest or the smartest gal in the world, but someone that will be able to handle his playboy image and outrageous behaviors.

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that Gregori finds a woman that loves him for who he is and tames him just a little, but leaves his wild side intact!

Lisa said...

I have always had a special spot for Gregori. In a way, I'm actually sad he's going to get his HEA. But, as long as he keeps his humor then I think we're all good!

Sharon Stogner said...

Gregori has put that ear worm in my head!!!! "I'm to sexy for my cape..." lol

thanks for the chance :)

Charla85 said...

I heart me some Gregori!! *looks around* Don't tell the others but secretly he's my favorite. I'm a little upset that he's going to have woman all his own but then I'm sure I'm not alone. It's always the ones we can't have that that we love the most. Anyways, love the books and I already can't wait for the next book *shrug* What can I say I'm greedy like that. ;)

Unknown said...

Is Gregori too sexy for this blog? lol Can't wait to read!!

Adaiah said...

Looking forward to Gregori'story. I think Gregori will use a different term of endearment when he meets his mate. Enjoyed Connor's and Mariell's story. But my heart still belongs to Angus. LOL!

Wendy said...

I am so excited to find out what happens with Gregori! I also love all the other characters and can't wait for updates on them. Thanks for such well written and funny books!!!

Amy said...

Since Gregori is named the "Sexiest Vampire Alive", he sure has a name to live up to! I pre-ordered my copy already, can't wait to read it.

hieizzz said...

i hope the women he falls for doesnt take none of his flirty talk and makes him work hard to even get to first base. I cant wait to read about the women. email: zoro.cg@hotmail.com

kansassweet43 said...

I have been eagerly waiting for the next instalment in this wonderful series. Roman has been
my fav since I picked up his book way back when, you know for a vamp to lose a tooth was such an interesting concept for a story line. I loved it and have been hooked since then. Of course it is really hard to pick just one guy. I think Gregori is hilarious and i'm looking forward to the woman you have picked out for him. Conner is my next favorite vamp. His story was really cool. I loved the whole angel storyline.

Amy Valentini said...

"I'm too sexy for my cape, too sexy for my fangs." It made me laugh out loud then and still does now!! So glad Gregori is getting his time in the moonlight. Can't wait! : )


hotcha12 said...



Stephanie said...


I hope she has a love of dancing and a great pair of shoes, cause our boy is going to give her tootsies a run for their money!

DragonStar1974 )AT( Aol.com

Anonymous said...

I have all of your books and I've never been this excited for one. It came out right after my birthday so I've been trying to con someone into buying it for me :)

Angie M said...

I always think of Gregori as the comic relief in your books! I can't wait to wake up to him tomorrow!

Paula Prisock said...

Just one more day for Gregori's book. He has always acted like he is just too HOT!! for any one woman so it's going to be cool to see how much he fights his feelings. Would love to have a t-shirt and hope someday can make it to a book signing. Just live too far off the beaten path I guess. Takes a while to get anywhere.

Kara J. said...

I loved Gregori in Chapter 1 in Be Still My Vampire Heart. He walks in and starts making fun of Angus's knee socks. Hahahaha! He's hilarious! I can't wait for his book!


Diana said...

I've read them all and can't wait for this one!!!

Kim said...

I was trying to think of my favorite Gregory scenes and am having a hard time. I really fell in love with him when he was on the phone with Roman after his fang was replaced. Laughing at him as only a true friend would when we get ourselves in embrassaing situations.

Suzie said...

I am so excited! Already pre ordered my nook copy. I might have to pull an all nighter. Love your books! Thanks!'

Raquel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raquel said...

I love this series....I just can't wait for the new release. The series has it all, action, humor, suspense, and of course it is hot hot hot!

Rebecca at the Well said...

Ahhhh, Gregori, he is a total tease!! He needs a mate who can play, set, and match him :).

orelukjp0 said...

One more day. I can't wait.

Judy M said...

Okay, I am a little bit lost here. I just got Gregori's Sexiest Vampire Alive. After the first chapter I knew there was a book I had missed. When did Rajiv the were tiger join them? I thought Shanna was going to wait to be transformed, and really Sean a vamp? Corky & Casimir? Which book, books did I miss?????

Wyntir said...

I am sooo glad you put 'How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire' briefly on the Nook freebie list at B&N. I read it and promptly bought all the rest of your series. You mix just the right amount of drama and romance with your great comedic wit.

I am soo glad that it was Gregori's turn. He pretended to be such a playboy and has such a gentle spirit. I love his story. Abigail is a terrific match for him. :)

I thought Connor's book was my favorite, til I read Gregori's. Now there is a tie going on. :D

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