Who We Are

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Devil Named Desire - Cover Reveal, Excerpt and Giveaway!

Congratulations to LadyVampire2u, Srshmitz, and Just.Val1974, who won a signed copy of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE! Ladies, you should've received an email from me already, but if not, please contact me at TerriGarey@gmail.com with your mailing address to receive your book. Thanks so much to everyone who left a comment!

From the back cover:

Forbidden fruit is always the sweetest...

...and no one knows that better than Sammy Divine.  Once an angel, now cast down, Sammy's out to prove he's not the only angel who can be led into temptation...

Hope Henderson's sister has disappeared without a trace, and Hope will do anything to find her--even make a deal with the Devil.  An ancient text holds the key to unspeakable power, and it's the Archangel Gabriel's job to make sure it stays hidden, even if he has to become mortal to do it.  Lives, love, and the fate of the world hang in the balance, as Hope and Gabriel learn that when passion's involved, desire can be a devil that's impossible to control.

Whaddya think of those abs, or those pants?  ;-p

This is Book #2 in the Devil's Bargain series, and will be in bookstores January 31, 2012.  (It's available for pre-order already--e-book or paper--at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.) A continuation of Sammy Divine's complicated and sometimes surprising search for redemption, this is also the story of his oldest friend, the Archangel Gabriel, who you may remember from Book #1, DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE.

Take a peek and see what kind of trouble the world's original bad boy has stirred up this time:

"I'd really like to kiss you."

And then she did, and Gabe's universe expanded to include the sensation of soft lips on his own, the exchange of warm breath, and a throb in his lower belly that was near pleasure/pain.  He had no idea why he let her do it except that she seemed so precious and fragile, so vulnerable, as though she offered him her loneliness and her sorrows along with her body.

Heaven help him, he could not help but drink them in.

Closer she moved, and closer still, until her breasts were against his chest, and it was this that broke the spell; the desire to put his arms around her and drag her even closer came over him like a wave, and with it came the knowledge that if he let it, he would drown.

Abruptly, he jerked his head back, ending the kiss.  "Stop," he whispered, looking into her eyes.  "You must stop."

Hmm... I wonder if she stopped?  ;)  I suppose the answer to that question will remain a mystery until January, but in the meantime, you can learn all about Gabriel's complicated relationship with his one-time brother Samael the Fallen by winning and reading Book#1, DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE !

I'm giving away THREE autographed copies of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE today, complete with matching bookmarks, to three lucky people who retweet the following tweet, and/or leave me a comment here on the blog.  If you're on Twitter, just cut and paste this tweet into your Twitter feed:

The Devil made @TerriGarey do it! Go to http://bit.ly/bH1kfo for a devilishly delicious book excerpt + giveaway! Please RT!

If you DON'T tweet, that's okay, too - just leave a blog comment, and you're still entered!  All comments, and all tweets, will be included in the drawing, which I'll hold tomorrow (September 15th) at 7pm EST.

Good luck to you all, and hope you enjoyed the excerpt!


Ren said...

I just tweeted here : https://twitter.com/#!/r3n87/status/113951493320736768

And the new cover is uber hot!
I hope I win =D

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Terri Garey said...

Yowza! I love your icon! ;) Thanks for the RT!

Sonia said...

Both covers are just drop-dead-gorgeous!!! The black leather, the abs, the mist.. Can´t wait to see what´s Sammy up to this time :-)

Sonia said...

Oops, forgot my email address in case I get lucky :-)

Kristin said...

Facebook does not like giveaways? Crazy!!

Ooohhh that sexy Sammy and his mischief! I love it!!

Llehn said...

I'd love to play please.


Anonymous said...

Hi i dont tweet but i love love love your books. i have read all of them. sandy.dennis74@yahoo.com

Joni G. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I am def reading this series soon!

Anonymous said...

Im not anonymous must be a fb glich. sandy.dennis74@yahoo.com

LadyVampire2u said...

Can I just say that the cover to this book is awesome! Please count me in for the giveaway and thanks. And I did spread the word on Twitter as well...
Tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/LadyVampire2u/status/113971941995593729

LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Bonnie said...

http://twitter.com/#!/bonn1511 Retweeted.
I love the covers and the abs are to die for and I always did love a man in leather.
The books look really good. I will have to check them out.
Thanks for the contest

Cheryl said...

So thank you for letting us non-tweeters just post on the blog, because I still have not figured out how to use twitter,LOL. Both covers have been very yummy and the excerpt is just enough to make me want more. I liked Sammy in your other series so I'm happy you went with books for him.

Sue (sm2@tampabay.rr.com) said...

The new book looks as alluring and devily delicious as the first! Can't wait to get it!!!

Roni said...

So not fair, I already have the first one. I did want to say awesome covers; the best I've seen in a long time.

Amber Hughes said...

Love the covers! I've read the first book (it was great!), but I'd love to enter to win a signed copy & the bookmarks! Thank so much for the awesome giveaway! :-)


Lori M. Lee said...

Those are some wicked covers. Thanks so much for this giveaway!

Amy Valentini said...

Terri, I love the cover and can't wait to read it - whether or not I'll survive until Jan is another question. ; )
I've already got DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE and it's been read cover to cover - a couple of times, in fact - but I sure would love one of youe fab bookmarks. xoxo


Eli Yanti said...

hi terri,

a very hot and sexy cover ^^

i share here : http://supernaturalunderground.blogspot.com/2011/09/devil-named-desire-cover-reveal-excerpt.html?spref=fb

SandyG265 said...

I like the cover!

rhomitz said...

I tweeted for ya. Thanks for a chance to win, the covers are "to die for," literally.:) And the books sound awesome. Thanks!

Terri Garey said...

Thanks for the cover love, and the tweets, guys! I didn't think it was fair to restrict the giveaway to those who don't tweet!

I love these two hotties - Avon outdid themselves in the ab department, didn't they? ;)

JenM said...

Thanks for opening this up to non-tweeters. I stay away from Twitter because there just aren't enough hours in the day as it is, let alone if I tried to participate there also. The cover looks great. Best wishes on the book.
Jen at delux dot com

Cate said...

I love the cover of the book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Na said...

I really appreciate and like informative cover titles. Catchy and still relevant. "A Devil Named Desire"?? I'll say! Very fitting and fantastic. Congratulations.

Cambonified (at) yahoo (dot) com

CrystalGB said...

Awesome cover. I tweeted.

Scorpio1974 said...

Wow what a great giveaway!! =) Thanks so much for the chance to enter! =)

Valerie Long

Anonymous said...

What a great cover.

Sullivan McPig said...

I'll probably get clobbered for saying those covers aren't really my thing, but hey: it's the stories that counts and those sound really cool.



Jess said...

I really love these covers. Abs, Abs, Abs! I tweeted:


Thanks for the giveaway!

Jess said...


Terri Garey said...

No one's going to clobber you, Sullivan! To each his own! :)

Melissa (Books and Things) said...


I like the covers, but really... there are too many clothes there. ;D

books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Helen Lowe said...

Congrats on the cover and the forthcoming book, Terri!

RFTC Blog said...

I'm dying to read both of these books. I love the covers.


I tweeted-http://twitter.com/#!/iqb2001/status/114084513444925440

Libby Dodd said...

I'm confused. On FaceBook you said something about a G word FB didn't want you to use and to go here to see it. Huh? I'm here... I WILL settle for a signed copy, however!

lil_love_heart said...

I love your books and would love to win I also tweeted


Barbara E. said...

I love those abs, and those pants too! I haven't had a chance to start this series, but I'm looking forward to it.

I tweeted as well. (@BarbaraElness)

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Chelsea B. said...

Those are some covers! And that excerpt.... wowza! ;-)

Casey said...

Oh YUMMY!!! I so can't wait until January!

Anonymous said...

I love BOTH covers and I'd LOVE a chance to win this! :)

DarkBloodyVamp said...

Oh I really would love to win this book! I have heard so many great reviews and the cover is so yummy!

Who is the cover model!

Thanks for this giveaway!


Unknown said...

The Covers are HAWT!!..Love to read it ..

Terri Garey said...

I wish I KNEW the both the cover models, but I don't. :(. We poor authors just do the work, but don't get to share in the fun parts, like cover shoots! :)

(Oh, and the "G" word that Facebook doesn't like was "giveaway" - they want you to use their FB app to do giveaways and stuff, and have gotten strict about it). I didn't want my account suspended!

June M. said...

I really want to read these books and I LOVE the covers! Very sexy!

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/JuneAnnM/status/114174103258279936

manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

AA Bell said...


felinewyvern said...

I see those trousers and all I want to do is remove them!! *after all he must be hot in them ;)*

I don't tweet unfortunately but would still love to be entered for the contest - Thanks

Sharon Stogner said...

I just want to say That little snippet makes me all warm and fuzzy in my tummy ;) I've had a thing for Gabriel since reading DWAC and can't wait to see *more of him .

Don't enter me cause I've got a copy :)

Alicia0385 said...

This book cover is so sexy! I'll buy it just for that!!!


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