Who We Are

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hunky vamps for Halloween!

Congratulations to Regina from Maryland who won the signed Vampire Mine poster and book! Many thanks for all the comments! Please come back November 25th for another chance to win a signed book.

In honor of Halloween and to thank my awesome readers, I'm posting photos of handsome vampires! Here's the first vamp who convinced me to throw away my wooden stakes and leave the window open at night: Frank Langella.

And are you excited about the upcoming Dark Shadows movie where Johnny Depp will play Barnabas the vampire? Aw, Johnny! Love Alex, too!

And here are more handsome vamps for you to enjoy cause you guys are the best! I've been on tour lately, and everywhere I go, some readers stop by to make my day. In Portland, a reader brought a tray of Chocolood cupcakes! And another brought bags of Gummi Vamps and Gummi Weres! At my last signing in Katy, TX, readers drove from San Antonio -- that's a six-hour round trip, and one came all the way from Dallas-- a ten-hour round trip!!

The tour will continue into Ohio (Cleveland and Cincinnati areas) and Lansing Michigan. Please check the Appearances page on my website, www.kerrelynsparks.com for details. I would love to meet you!

And how about this gorgeous vamp-- Connor on the cover of Vampire Mine! To thank my readers, I'm giving away the small signed poster of Vampire Mine (9 x 5.5 inches) plus a signed copy of the book, Vampire Mine. Just leave a comment telling me who you think is the most handsome vampire. International entries are welcome, and the winner will be selected at random. Good luck and Happy Halloween!


jfort357 said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I would have to say the most handsome, sexiest vampire is Eric on True Blood!!! :-) Thanks for the chance to win!!!


Bonnie said...

Thanks for all the eye candy pics. Vampires have sure turned sexy instead of scary.
Thanks for the giveaway.


Roni said...

If you mean on this page, I have to say Mick. Other than that it's a toss-up between Mick's side-kick Joseph, or Angel. There's something really hot about Joseph.

Kirsten said...

Hi Kerrelyn!

I use to think Bradd Pitt. He was a fav of min for years. But now I feel it's Alex o'Loughlin :D

Though I wouldn't say no to either ;) Best,

SandyG265 said...

I have to go with Frank langella.

Anonymous said...

My all time favorite vamp is Spike from Buffy and Angel. He is charming, sexy and incredibly handsome. No matter how many vampires I see on TV or in movies, Spike will always have my heart.

Thanks for the opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I posted my e-mail missing a letter. Oh and for those who don't know who played Spike, it was James Marsters.

Sorry for having two comments.


Cylver said...

You're asking me to choose just one favorite? Impossible!
SO, my favorites are: Henry from Blood Ties, Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eric from True Blood and Mitchell from UK Being Human (may he rest in peace.)

Thanks so much for this great giveaway!


Mimi said...

I love Alex O'Loughlin! What movie is that? I would also like to be entered in the giveaway!

Amy Valentini said...

Hi Kerrelyn,
Decisions, Decisions! So many sexy Vampires. I am a 'Dark Shadows' fan from forever - used to race home from school to see it, will love the movie!! Geez, I'm thinking - big fan of True Blood, Forever Knight, Moonlight, Twilight series, Underworld series - love Mick St. John and really miss that show .. ah ha! Got one no one mentioned - dark, handsome, muscles galore, it's the Daywalker - BLADE!!
Actually, any Vampire will do and as for the sexy ones in the Love at Stake series - well, the window's always open. : )


ixka said...

I think that the most handsome vampires on the movie screen thus far are from the movie Interview with a Vampire. I mean we have Antonio Bandares (probably murdered his last name), Brad Pitt, and Tom Cruise in that movie. Talk about eye candy

Sharon A said...

I would really LOVE a signed VM poster!! See you in Lansing :)

Amanda said...

You mean I have to pick just one? Zhadist from the BDB books has to be one of my favorites. Although Connor is definitely my favorite of your vampires. And they are so different so they both rank pretty close to the top.


Janhvi said...

The most handsome vampire is definitely Ian Somerhalder as Damon in The Vampire Diaries<3 He's just gorgeous<3

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

elizabeth-92@att.net said...

So many hot Vampire men its hard to choose which one is my favorite! I love them all!

Michelle said...

That is a tough question! I've been enjoying Eric in True Blood lately but I do love Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned. It is one of my favourite vampire movies of all time in part because of the soundtrack :)


Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I think Johnny Depp makes a very handsome vampire, *sigh* lurve that man. But Eric from True Blood is right up there!
readingbetweenthewines10 at gmail dot com

Jary said...

Most definitely Louis (Brad Pitt) in interview with a vampire.

Unknown said...

my choice would be godric from trueblood he was eric vampiremaker i cried so hard when i saw him faded into a beautiful blue dust

Anonymous said...

OK - I have a few.
Eric from True Blood (even though I don't watch it anymore - they went too far off the books for my liking)
Books - Ian and Roman, Wrath from BDB, and too many more to mention!
Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!
Diana G

HelloJennyReviews said...

My favorite vampire has to be Roman Draganesti. He sounds extremely hot =D. Robbie is a close second though.

Anonymous said...

David Boreanez of Joss Whedon's Angel!

Jennifer said...

How am I to choose just one? I think that right now I'd have to say that it's David Boreanaz from Angel.

marycay12@aol.com said...

concur with vampires that u chosen. vampires now days are hunks not scarary.

kim sousa said...

What an awesome giveaway!! I would have to say the most handsome, sexiest vampire is angel from Buffy the vampire slave/Angel TV series,
and I would have to say the most handsome, sexiest fictional vampire is Ian from All I want for Christmas is a vampire,from the love @ stake series by kerrelyn sparks !!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Chantal said...

Such a hard choice .... for me I have 3 favorites, Eric from True blood, Connor (Ironically from the same book being drawn), and Lucan from the Midnight breed series.

jaimecr76 said...

I am going to have to go with Eric Northman from True Blood. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Eric from True Blood, Great giveaway !!

Jo's Daughter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trade it~Swap it~get cash for it with Pam said...

I would have to say, the tortured, Zsadist from BDB


Anonymous said...

I torn tween who my fav is. I like Mick from Moonlight, Bones from Jeanine Frost's Series, Damon from Vampire Diaries. Pretty hard to just choose one I like them all for different reasons.

Adaiah said...

I still hve to give it to Brad Pitt. Brad's role as Louie was perfect. Face,hair and form just beautiful. Frank Langella changed my vew on vampires and I've been hooked every since. I own Dracula on VHS and DVD

cherry.vodka said...

Interesting, very interesting, never knew this site existed till now...good way to keep up w some of my fav authors and books!

Gail said...

One of my favortes is Bill from "True Blood"

CrystalGB said...

My choice would Alex O'Loughlin. Thanks for the giveaway.

phyllis said...

There are so many to choose from but I have to say Bill from True Blood is my favorite. But all of your vamps are sexy and very handsome too bad they aren't real!! LOL Keep writing I love all your books.

meaniegammie said...

Thanks for the giveaway all your vampires are my favorite. Mick St John from Moonlight is my all time favorite.meaniegammie@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

The first vampire I thought was handsome was Rick Springfield in Forever Knight. Then I saw Alex O'Loughlin in Moonlight, and he tops them all. But in paperback it is always Jean Luc in The Undead Next Door (Love at Stake Series #4).

Lisa Walsh

katsrus said...

Eric from True Blood. Awesome giveaway. Thank you!
Sue B

June M. said...

I would have to go with Angus McKay. There is just something about that kilt wearing vamp that I love! He will probably always be my fave (followed by Robbie).

Thank you so much for the chance to win this poster and book. I would LOVE the poster especially!
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Sharon said...

I have to agree Frank was great.

Brittany S. said...

movie-wise it's probably lestat from Queen of the Damned. There is just something about him : ]

Favorite vampire ever (books): Angus. Something about a vampire wearing a kilt ;) Ian's probably second but he doesn't come anywhere near Angus XD

Doesn't hurt that I love when he looks under his kilt. Makes me giggle.


Scorpio1974 said...

I gotta say I think Brad Pitt made a pretty sexy vampire and I can't wait to see how Johnny Depp does! =) Thank you for the generous giveaway and the opportunity to enter! Good luck to everyone!!! =)

Valerie Long
Jewelry Creations by V.S. Long - https://www.facebook.com/vsl1974

robinky42 said...

I would have to say Spike from Buffy.

joepall said...

Vampire Actors:
David Boreanaz
Alex O'Loughlin
Ian Somerhalder
Gerard Butler
Antonio Banderas

From the few books I've read from Spark's Vampire Series (still working my way through as I'm a new convert)- Brouge and kilt - that will do it for me!

Sharon Stogner said...

Spike would be at the top of my list...Eric is a very close second...anyone, but Tom Cruise! It broke my heart when he played Lestat

Na said...

Zsadist from the BDB series is the sexiest vampire for me. He has his battle scars but that is part of who is his and the most tender nature that he hides.

Cambonified (at) yahoo (dot) com

Hope said...

I think that Johnny Depp will make a wonderful Barnabas...But my true Vampire Loves would be Gerard Butler and Alex O'Laughlin...right after Connor that is... :)

Latterdaykitten said...

I love the pics, but I still think the handsomest one is Gregori.

catslady said...

I know I'm showing my age here but does anyone remember George Hamilton in Love at First Bite - the movie was a spoof but he looks just like I would imagine a vapire to look like. All the above look good too though lol.


Lisa said...

I think the most handsome, and sexiest vampire is Miles O'Keeffe in the movie Waxwork (1988). The movie itself only received a one and half stars but I think his portrayal of Dracula was one of the sexiest.


Cerstin Wagner said...

In my opinion the handsomest vampire on television is Eric from True Blood and after reading "Sexiest Vampire Alive" there is only one vampire who is the handsomest: Gregori!!

Anonymous said...


I just can't pick all of the Vampires in your books are to die for. I think if I had to pick it would be Ian - poor guy had to leave centuries being only 15 years old. That had to be tough. When he got to age, thanks to Roman's invention, it was just great. I do think all your books are great and can't wait for more. Just finished Sexist Vampire Alive was a fun read.

Anonymous said...

well i have to say that i think that connor is the sexiest vamp!! and you found the perfect guy to be on the cover of his book!! i love the whole series but i've read connors book 4 times already and i love it everytime. have a great day kerrelyn and i hope to get to meet you in either ohio or in lansing!!

*****trisha rupert

jenny1986 said...

Omg I love Robby! He is so hot and mysterious, to bad he isn't real, I wish they were all real I would fall for them in a second I can't wait to read some more of your books I'm in love with them

Sherrill Hutchinson said...

From shows it would have to be Spike from Buffy. From books, Connor from Vampire Mine and Robby MacKay from Vampire And The Virgin. What makes them handsome and sexy is their emotions for the ladies they fall in love with.

Sullivan McPig said...

A difficult choice.
I think Armand (Antonio Banderas) from Interview with the Vampire, although Dracula as played by Gary Oldman is a close second (in his younger form of course)


Lori Meyer said...

Even though there are so many vampires I LOVE because of all the series I'm reading, I have to say Edward Cullen is my favorite. He was the first one I got addicted to and I not only find him incredibly hot but I love the inner him also. He is such a torn hurting soul that I'm drawn to that inner darkness about him that isn't directed towards others but to himself. I just can't get enough of vampires!

Anonymous said...

Robby has surpassed any other Vamp in my mind:). I just love the kilter Highlander Vampire:). Thanks for the great writing , Kerrelyn!
Holly Hill
Lewisville, TX

Anonymous said...

All of the vamps that you have pictured are really hunky. I enjoyed all of them and I wouldn't mind one of them biting me, especially Connor.My favorite vamp though would have to be Dougal Kincaid, he is just so cute and I love Scottish vamps. There is nothing sexier than a vamp in a kilt.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kerrelyn,

This is kind of hard for me. I love all your vampires. Gregori made me laugh as well as Angus, Jean-Luc and Roman are dreamy, Ian was so determined to find love, Robby was driven and Connor was probably my favorite as he was a tourtured soul that only an angel could have helped him. I wish you had a real bad boy vamp though. I used to love Spike on Buffy just because even though he was in love and sweet to her, his attitude didn't change. He started as an amusing jerk and remained so. He was a lively character. Something to ponder. But I did love Conner.

Tamara Colwell

Sara M said...

I love Eric from Trueblood, especially after he cut his hair for season 2.

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Jamie Alsteen said...

I would have to say Mick St. John (Alex) from Moonlight is the sexiest one I have seen on TV in awhile.

As far as books go it is a toss up between the vamp's in the Love at Stake Series and Lothaire from Kresley Cole's Immortals after Dark.

Unknown said...

Oh, so hard to pick just one, but I'll go with Alex O'Loughlin as Mick St John from Moonlight He's just so yummy.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at gmail.com

Pat Cochran said...

It's a toss-up between Angel of the
Buffy/Angel Shows (David Boreanaz)
and Mick St. John of Moonlight
(Alex O'Loughlin.) I'm viewing a
re-run of Bones at this very moment
because David Boreanaz is in it!!

Pat Cochran

hotcha12 said...


Barbara E. said...

I think Johnny Depp makes a very handsome vampire. I have to give props to Alex O'Loughlin though, he was definitely drool worthy as Mick St. John.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Kim said...

Love the pictures. Here's a piece of trivia for you. A lovely woman I know was an extra on Dark Shadows (those coffins needed filling). She was asked by her publisher to write a vampire version of Pride & Prejudice. She almost refused but was afraid of who would do it if she didn't. Vampire Darcy's Desire by Regina Jeffers is one of my favorites. It is also the reason I picked up the Love at Stake Series.

Anonymous said...

Oh my.. The hottest vamps. lol are Kerrelyn. But in Movies. Goodness me there is so many. There is Mick from Moonlight and of course Joesph from moonlight. There is the vampire from Blood ties... Of course then there is Emmett Cullen from Twilight...lol

Jessica Hartmann

Sue Ellen said...

It would be difficult to pick just one. Of course, there is Eric from True Blood. But right now I'm very into Damon from The Vampire Diaries.


Alaina said...

Soooo many sexy vampires to pick from!! Mick St. John from Moonlight was always my favorite, but lately I have fallen hard for Eric from True Blood and Damon from The Vampire Diaries.
But have to say Kerrelyn that your Highlander vampires, Angus,Robby, Connor, or even Ian!, are sooo sexy sounding! (In their kilts, of course!)


Psyche said...

For the movies/Tv Shows, hen I was still a kid, I really like Brad Pitt from interview of the vampire. I think I've watched that movie a lot of times already.

But now, ERIC NORTHMAN from True Blood, for the win!!!

Roman is also hot!

email: msbookworm22@yahoo(dot)com

Fancy said...

Zsadist he captured my heart from all of his pain and is the epotime of proving how beauty isn't only skin deep.

Cecile Alfaro said...

Hi Kerrelyn,
I have to say all your vampires are so sexy.. I think the sexiest vampire is Jerry Dandridge from Fright Night.. He was so sexy dancing to the dace club with Amy and moving to sexual and slow that I feel in love with all vampires..

Mcbecky said...

this would be a great prize to win

Anonymous said...

hi Kerrelyn Sparks just want to say love your books and have read all of them and the vampire that is so gorgeous is connor only reason i say that is in the book he sound so hot and i have not seen many vampire movies so i have to use some one from your book i'v seen twilight and i don't think the vampire"s in the movie are cute but i do think the guy that turns in to a wolf is hot..


cherie said...

Love the books can't get enough of them and I just dig vampires ^__^ keep up the wonderful work I hope there be more. And I just love the photos of the vampires you posted ^__^


Jessica said...

Oh now this is tricky! of the series Jean-Luc hands down!
Of all time.. well now that's the trickier of them.

But i guess i'd have to go with Stuart Townsend in Queen of the Damned. Hated the movie (loved the book), but he was delicious!

Juana said...

I love all the vampire series, movies,and books. It is tough choosing just one, but my choice of the most handsome vampire is Ian Somerhalder from the Vampire Diaries.


Mountain Laurel said...

Antonio Banderas was Hot in Interview with a Vampire...and I like Angel ON Buffy the Vampire Slayer also! Thanks! (PS: My first post never would publish...so giving it another shot...)

Vampire Lover said...

The hottest vampire out of all your books would have to be Connor. Him and Marrielle make the sexiest couple ever. No other romance cover can compete with these two

Chelsea B. said...

I am soooo looking forward to the Dark Shadows movie! Me and my nana are going to go see it. She said when she was younger she used to rush home to watch it :-)
The most handsome vampire.... Hmmmm.... I am going to say Henry Fitzroy from the TV show Blood Ties! Rented it from Netflix and, WOW!, suer fantastic show. Am about to watch the very last episode now *sob*


michelle said...

my favourite sexy vampires are angel from buffy the vampire slayer and by mick st john from moonlight. i cant decide which ones the best i love the guys on the covers of your books they are all sexy.

Brenda Hyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meghan said...

I love all the sexy vampire men...it is a tough decision. I'll have to go with Damon Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries. Runners up: Eric Northman of True Blood and Spike of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

<3 Keep writing, lord knows we'll be reading!


Brenda Hyde said...

Mick is yummy, but I have to go with Angel from Buffy--- or Spike. I really can't pick between them because when Spike got his soul back, and then saved the world? Damn. LOL

Amy said...

I like Eric from True Blood, and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I think they're the sexiest vampires!...probably until I meet Gregori ;)


khareen said...

Ohw! I can't decide witch one.
But I do love "Johnny Depp" he's so gorgeous and so yummy. I like him because he can portray whoever he wanted he is like "the pretender".

Thanks Kerrelyn

yeseniamv said...

It's so hard to Choose but I would have to go with:

Books: Zsadist from BDB series and Ian from Love at Stake series

Movies:Louie from Interview with a Vampire and Lestat from Queen of the Damned.

AnaMaria18 said...

It is really hard to choose who is the best vampire, but I do love Spike from Buffy the Vampire slayer. He was gorgeous and his accent was great :D

In books I really do like Roman the best :D

Cate said...

My favorite movie vampire is Gerald Butler in Dracula 3000! In the books my favorite vampire is Bones! They are both sexy and hot! Thanks for the giveaway! Kayko118(at)yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

I grew up with Dark Shadows, and can't wait to see Johnny Depp's take on Barnabas. Also excited that Jonathan Frid (original Barnabas) and David Selby will both have cameos! I'm also a fan of several other vampire authors -- but Kerrelyn's are my faves!

Unknown said...

What a difficult question!! How about Eric from True Blood?

baychriz at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

Stuart Townsend playing Lestat in Queen of the Damned is pretty sexy. Book wise i always had a thing for Demetri Belokov in the Vampire Academy series. Choosing a favorite is so hard there are so many, it would be much easier to choose the sexiest female vampire. Kate Beckinsale playing Selene in Underworld and bookwise Xhexania from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward.

Anonymous said...

That Damon guy from vamp diaries.


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