Who We Are

Friday, October 21, 2011

Want to know more about the gadda?

My secret project has been revealed. http://gadda.info is the resource for all things gadda, the secret race I developed for the Dream of Asarlai series. It's written from the point of view of one of the gadda, so was loads of fun to create.

If you want to know more about the secret people that live among us, go have a look!


Sharon Stogner said...

great job! I like it when an author has a place that explains their complex world. Makes it easier if you read a series out of order or if it has been a long time since reading the last book. Congrats :)

Helen Lowe said...

Nicole, what a great idea. I have never been quite sure whether the gadda are a real part of Irish folklore, a special adaptation to the marvelous land of Aus, or entirely your own creation. I'm glad to have that cleared up! ;-) I know I'm going to enjoy learning a lot more about the Gadda as I explore your 'world" site in more detail.

So what made you decide to build a "world" site? Does this mean you're planning to write more Gadda stories to 'go with'?

(And btw "Ozzy-oi-oi-oi"--were you cheering the Wallabies on to their victory over Wales last night?)

Nicole Murphy said...

Hi Sharon - thanks, it was great fun to do and I hope it adds value to people's reading experiences.

Helen - it actually comes from the books themselves - Rogue Gadda to be exact. The website is a plotpoint in the book :)

There are plans for more books - once the publishers and I can come to an agreement.

No, was bad little Aussie and didn't cheer them on but KNEW they'd beat Wales. Now I find myself in the horrid position of cheering for the All Blacks. I feel very strange about it...

Kim Falconer said...

This is so exciting! What a rich site! It simply makes me want to read more! What do the Gadda think of your series I wonder?

:) Kim

Helen Lowe said...

Nicole, I'm sure your readers will be excited to know that more Gadda stories are in the wings. The new website is a great way to allow fans more Gadda goodness, meanwhile.

roro said...

This is so exciting! What a rich site

Nicole Murphy said...

Thanks Roro and Kim - rich is a wonderful compliment.

Helen - let's hope it will keep the fans happy until the next book :)

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