Who We Are

Friday, December 30, 2011

It is my great honor to announce the
Winner of the First Annual Supernatural Underground Holiday Giveaway is:

Donna will be receive a gift pack of lovely books from the Supernatural Underground Authors.
* * *
I’m sure that we have all heard of the movie White Christmas with Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, and Danny Kaye. If we don’t know the movie, we know the title song and have
probably heard it a million times already this season. Growing up on classic movies, I knew I had seen this movie a few times with its ridiculous dance scenes and budding romances.

What I didn’t remember until I sat down this year to watch it was that the bulk of the plot is about the two main characters, former army Captains, giving thanks to a General who got them through the war.

You’d think that a movie made in 1954 wouldn’t really relate to the situation in which we find ourselves in 2011. But it’s a message that seems to ring extra true to me this year. There
are men and women who are away from home serving in the military who are
trying to make the world safer for everyone. Despite your political viewpoints,
you can’t deny that it must be rough being away from your family during the

Our Supernatural Undergrounders decided to do something a little different this year. Along with
surprising a random commenter with daily giveaways and a grand prize (got to love extra
Christmas presents), we also decided to say Thank You to the troops who are away
from home this season. Where Crosby and Kaye saluted them in song, we are
sending our words of thanks and hope their way this Christmas season with
letters and books.

Books for Soldiers is an organization where soldiers or those acting on behalf of soldiers can request books. Civilians can send their new or gently loved books along with
care packages and words of thanks. This year, the authors of the Supernatural
Underground found five soldiers who loved a good paranormal or romance and will
be sending them our thanks with signed books, post cards, and a lot of

We hope that your Christmas was merry and bright and that this coming New Year brings love and laughter your way!
See you next year!!


Brenda Hyde said...

You all are amazing! Thank you so much for the contests and helping the troops. I don't always get here as much as I want to but I love all of you-- not only your writing-- but your generous hearts.

Happy New Year!

Sharon Stogner said...

congrats to the big winner and thanks for the link to Books for Soldiers. I use Operation Paperback to send books to soldiers (got tons at my Borders closing sale).I will check this one out too. Thanks for all the fun!

Bonnie said...

What a wonderful idea. I was thinking about cleaning out some of my old books soon and it never occurred to me to send them to our soldiers. I think I will have to do that.
Thank you for all the giveaways and the fun this month.
I hope everyone has a happy New Year.

Roni said...

We did that through a book club I belong to. You guys are great. Happy New Year.

KerrelynSparks said...

Thank you for organizing it, Amanda! And many thanks to our armed forces. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

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