Who We Are

Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome to 2012---& “The Gathering of The Lost”, US Cover & Quote!

Giveaway Now Closed:
Thank you for your positive comments on the new cover! Amanda's post is up so my giveaway has now closed& because I have 10 cover flats to give away and eight commenters that means everyone gets one, which is very nice. :) Now I know some of you have had giveaways from me before so I already have your postal address, but if this is a first off then just drop me a line through my website, contact[at]helenlowe[dot]info, so I can get the cover flat in the mail to you. Happy New Year and see you again on 1 February!


The thing about posting on the first of the month is that I get New Year’s Day—plus April Fool’s Day, and May Day as well, which I have to say is very cool!—and a year ago today I posted: “Happy, Happy New Year: The Wall of Night Book Two—Finished!”

And so it was—in terms of getting to the final line. But a year of revision, editing and copyediting, plus proofing has followed, proving that it is indeed a long slow road from first putting pen to paper to getting a book to readers.

There are still highlight moments though—and with The Gathering of the Lost (The Wall of Night Book Two) due for publication on 27 March (USA) and 4 April (UK/AUS/NZ) I am delighted to welcome the New Year in by sharing two of those highlights with you today.

The first is always a very exciting moment for every book—The Great Cover Reveal. So here it is, seen for the first time here on the Supernatural Underground, the US cover for The Gathering of the Lost, designed by the mighty Greg Bridges:


But there is more—a more that is probably the highest honor one author can pay another. As you can probably imagine, I was both delighted and humbled when Juliet Marillier, author of the marvelous Sevenwaters series and the wonderful Wildwood Dancing, agreed to advance read The Gathering of the Lost. And felt greatly honored when she said:

“Helen Lowe's writing moves from strength to strength. Powerful story lines, memorable characters and a vividly imagined world.” ~ Juliet Marillier

As you may imagine, the cover and quote together make the very best start to 2012, which I hope will bring us all many good things.


But what’s that—you haven’t yet read The Heir of Night (The Wall of Night Book One)? Do you have an e-reader? Then no need to worry—by way of an additional ‘Happy New Year’ Harper Voyager have a bunch of great e-book titles on a super $1.99 special. You can read the full list here, but it includes titles by Robin Hobb, Vicki Pettersson, Kim Harrison, Kylie Chan—and yes, Helen Lowe! So you see, it’s never been easier to read The Heir of Night before The Gathering of the Lost comes out.


And Yes, There Is A Giveaway!
Covers, cover quotes, and e-book super deals all make for a very happy new year from where I’m sitting—but of course there’s a giveaway as well! What better to mark the New Year cover reveal than 10 signed cover flats of The Gathering of the Lost, together with a personalised book plate. Just comment here to let me know what you (yes, you!) are really looking forward to in 2012 in order to be in the draw. (The draw will close when the next post goes up on the 3rd.)

And a very happy New Year to you all!

Supernatural Underground author Helen Lowe is a novelist, poet and interviewer. Her latest novel, The Heir of Night, the first of THE WALL OF NIGHT quartet, is published in the USA, UK, and internationally and recently won the Sir Julius Vogel Award 2011 for Best Novel. Her first novel, Thornspell, is published in the US by Knopf. Helen blogs every day on her Helen Lowe on Anything, Really site and on the first day of every month right here on the Supernatural Underground.


Kim Falconer said...

Helen, the cover is gorgeous! And the quote! And Robin Hobb's quote. It's just fabulous. Congratulations!

I'm not sure what is going on with the $1.99 ebook offers as the links leading to Amazon are full price. hmmmm Will investigate!

Bonnie said...

Thank you for the link. I downloaded The Heir of the Night and can't wait to read it. I really like the cover of your next book.
What I'm hoping for in 2012.... First I need to get a new job that doesn't require me to work 55-60 hours per week. I also want to finish at least one of the manuscripts that I've started by April so I can pitch at the RWA Spring Fling conference. Then, there's that one thing I swear will happen every year but can't seem to make happen and that's to loose weight and work out more.
Happy New Year everyone

Sharon Stogner said...

OMG!! it is beautiful! :) You know I want one of these cover flats...I am looking forward to reading The Gathering of the Lost (okay, was that to much kissing up? ), but seriously there are so many sequels to some of my favorite books coming out this year. I mainly want to stay healthy, happy and maybe get a little more wiser :)

alainala said...

i love that! the trees and the sun.. super gorgeous! i am looking forward to.. the end of the purple bridesmaids dress threat (the wedding is in may... i may look like a giant blueberry but it will be OVER!!!) hopefully trying to find a house with my boyfriend.. and trying to lose some weight (after the above mentioned wedding...)

Tara G said...

I am looking forward to a number of things in 2012, such as the Gathering of the Lost book 2 being released (it's true!) and my sisters wedding. Going on some crazy adventures of my own, and keeping up the random acts of kindness - smiles are one of the best things in the world. Oh, and lots of ice cream haha xx

That cover, as I have previously mentioned = GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!

Jacqui R said...

What I am looking forward to in 2012 is probably the same as you no more shakes!!! We need mother nature to calm down.

That cover is so cool.

Nicole Murphy said...

Congrats Helen - a fabulous cover :) Love that there's a similar style to the first cover but at the same time seems such a different book.

What am I looking forward to? Writing. Selling. Reading. Loving. Loving most of all.

Sam said...

Wonderful cover. Can almost taste summer, and feel the Sun, and the thrill of the chase (if that is what is going on!).

What I am looking forward to?

Health wealth and happiness, for me and everyone else.

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