Who We Are

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cover Reveal and Giveaway



Amy Valentini



Happy New Year, everyone!

Have you made your resolutions? Or, at least taken a deep breath and resolved to make 2012 a good year? Good. Me, too! And boy, oh, boy, I'm starting it off running. I have three books coming out between now and the end of May and a fourth due in March. The holidays over, I flipped over the calendar, and...wow. I'm still blinking at it, a little stunned.

The books coming out this winter/spring? (I have covers to reveal, one of which I just received minutes ago!)

A WARRIOR'S DESIRE (Release date Jan. 24th)
This is book 3 in the Esri series for Harlequin Nocturne that began with my publishing debut, THE DARK GATE and continued with DARK DECEIVER. I'm so excited that these last two books are finally hitting shelves! And if you have an ereader, they're very affordable. Just $3.82.
From the back cover:

Former navy SEAL Charlie Rand embarks on the most dangerous mission of his career when he dives through a portal to rescue the only person who knows how to seal the gates between the Esri faery land and the world. But meeting up with his guide and companion through the adventure, the beautiful Tarrys, turns out to be his true revelation. As the pair traverses the dangerous plains, the Forest of Nightmares and the crystal mines of Esria, they’re pursued by beings who seek to kill Charlie and enslave Tarrys. But the greatest danger of all becomes the love that grows between the couple, a love that threatens to doom their mission to save humanity.

WARRIOR RISING (Release date Mar. 20th)
This is book 4, and the exciting, action-packed conclusion to the Esri series.
I don't have the back cover copy for this one yet, but here's a brief blurb:

Enemies turn into lovers as Harrison Rand and the Esri princess, Ilaria, fight to keep the evil King Rith from destroying both worlds in this pulse-pounding conclusion to the Esri series.

A BLOOD SEDUCTION (Release date May 29th)
The Vamp City series will be a five-book continuing-character urban fantasy/romance.
From the back cover:

Vampires live only for lust and pleasure in the eternal twilight of Vamp City. But the city's magic is dying. The only person who can restore it? A beautiful woman from the mortal world...one who knows nothing of the power she wields. Quinn Lennox is searching for a missing friend when she stumbles into a dark otherworld that only she can see--and finds herself at the mercy of Arturo Mazza, a dangerously handsome vampire whose wicked kiss will save her, enslave her, bewitch her, and betray her. What Arturo can't do is forget about her--any more than Quinn can control her own feelings for him. Neither one can let desire get in the way of their mission--his to save his people, hers to save herself. But there is no escape from desire in a city built for seduction, where passion flows hot and blood-red. Welcome to Vamp City...

So what am I giving away? A signed copy of A WARRIOR'S DESIRE to each of three commenters! (Yes, I've already received my author's copies, so I can put them in the mail this weekend.) Just weigh in on your cover preference. In general, do you prefer covers with just the hero, just the heroine, or the hero and heroine both? (I've got all three covered here, so there is no wrong answer!)


jfort357 said...

I like covers with the hero & heroine on them!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!!!


LadyVampire2u said...

I like all three kinds of covers. For me, its not whats on the cover, but how its put on there. I am drawn to dynamic, interesting portrayed, colorful covers personally. For me, I would zero in on all these books but if I had to pick one, I think Warrior's Desire had the most eye catching cover in my opinion. Thank you for the chance to read one of those fabulous books!
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Sullivan McPig said...

I don't like the male torso covers, where the head of the hero is placed out of the cover and you just see his naked torso. Otherwise I like all kinds of covers if done well.
Of these three A BLOOD SEDUCTION is my favorite.


Bwyatt said...

I generally don't like covers with faces on them... I know, that may sound weird, but I like to picture the character in my head without having them pictured for me. However, I really like the cover of A BLOOD SEDUCTION. I always like to see a strong female portrayed on covers, and she just looks badass on this one. I also don't mind a sexy man's body on a cover. Drooling just seems to be a side effect of those types of covers. ;)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i just love the blue and purple they compliment each other so well, not to mention the studd muffin of the front wow, perfect cover!

mel91284 at yahoo dot com

debbie said...

I really like the blood of seduction cover. It is actually one of the best covers I have seen in awhile. I really like how the woman seems, to be prepared to do something.

Sharon Stogner said...

for some reason I prefer just one person on the cover. I like to see kick-ass females or smexy men. Love all the covers and those are some great prices on the Harlequin books. Looking forward to A BLOOD SEDUCTION!

Bonnie said...

I'm really bad about buying a book because I like the cover without even reading the back. (That's how I first found your books. The cover's on the feral warrior books were just so hot.)
I like just a hero on my paranormal romances and just the heroine on my urban fantasy books.
I love all your books and can't wait for these three.

alainala said...

i definately love a hero... i like having just the heroine on there if thats what its about (no sense putting a half nekkid guy if the book is about a girl..).. i tend to be leery of couples, depending on the pose.. sometimes its almost inappropriate and those ones i dont really enjoy carting around with me.. lol.. but i do love all three of those covers!! thanks for the chance to win!

alainala At hotmail DOT ca

sienny said...

if it's big, only one of them is sufficient. but if it's small or only silhouette, both the hero and heroine on it will do.


Amy Valentini said...

Hi Pamela,
I think it depends on the genre, historicals - I like hero and heroine but for paranormal and fantasy, I think I like just the hero except for this cover for A BLOOD SEDUCTION - I love it because it really makes it look upscale! Does that sound weird? If I saw this on a shelf, I would immediately pick it up - looks totally intriguing! Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway!


Lori M. Lee said...

I don't have a preference. I think all three are lovely, and it depends on the book itself whether or not both protagonists should be featured.

Unknown said...

I absolutely love covers with just the hero. I feel like you generally know it's going to be an alpha male type of book by the sexy man on the front. That and they are just generally hot man candy for me to oogle. ;)


Ali said...

I love covers with the heroine. I thing having a strong sexy woman as a focus is awesome.

Stephanie said...

That is a hard one... I think it depends on the book... LOVE all 3 covers..

Brittany M said...

I like the covers that show part of the hero or heroine. For example, a close up of a tattoo that is mentioned, a close up of a scar that is of some significance etc. So that it leaves just the right amount to the imagination!

ShellyE said...

I am really excited about these 3 books Pamela!! I can't wait to read them!! I love A Warriors Desire cover!!

Shelley B said...

I like any of these choices for covers. I just want to see faces. I don't like the new trend with just bodies. I need to see some emotion.

DaVinciKittie said...

Hi Pamela!

I'm so looking forward to both the Esri series and the new Vampire series!! Can't wait to read and review them!

When it comes to covers, I definitely prefer my mancandy. *grin*

Jennifer Mathis said...

i like yo look at the sexy men so ...thosr are my fav


sin said...
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sin said...

Hi Pamela,
Love the covers. I just found your Esri series and am enjoying it immensely. Looking forward to the next two in the series. Can not wait to read your vamp series :)
Thank you for having the give a way


Unknown said...

Hi There! I love the covers with both Hero and Heroine on them...Although if the book is by one of my favorite authors it really doesn't matter because I always end up reading the book no matter what ;)
Thanks for the chance to win!


C. A. Szarek said...

I made the same several resolutions I have made for the past few years and let me tell you I HOPE I am better at them THIS year!

I like Charlie's Cover the best! (A Warrior's Desire)

Not only is the guy really hot, I have SOOO been looking forward to this book, so I may be biased.

I like a variety of covers, so there's really no other reason.

Maria said...

While I like all three covers, my favorite is the one for "A Blood Seduction" - it's not so much that the heroine is on the cover alone it's that the others are a little too "busy" with color. I think the cover for "A Blood Seduction" gives the reader more of a feel of what the book will be about.

Thanks for the giveaway!

maria63303 at gmail dot com

Tina Rucci said...

I like the hero & heroine on the cover, it helps me get a better picture in my head as I read. Great giveaway.

purpleunicorn19 (at) yahoo.com

SandyG265 said...

I like the cover for A Blood Seduction best.

sgiden at verizon.net

Dannyfiredragon said...

Hi Pamela, big congrats to the new release! I really like hero only covers.

Tamara Hoffa said...

I like both Hero and Heroine on the cover

SacredmOOn said...

I love both hero and heroine's on covers. Although I prefer the cover of your heroine's better than the other two. Thanks so much for the giveaway chance. DeAnna Schultz

Gigi said...

I like the three types of covers! It also depends about the type of story we always want like a vision of how the character looks like!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Brenda Demko said...

It depends on the book. When it's an urban fantasy book about a bad a** heroine, I like just the woman on the cover. When it's a paranormal with a hot, hunky, hero, just the man candy on the front is awesome. When you are looking for a romance, I like both on the front. Judging your three covers, I like blood seduction the best. She seems like a tough cookie who is ready to handle an unpleasant situation. You can almost feel the creepy silence. It's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I love the Nocturne covers!!!Especially Dark Warrior.

My opinion on covers in general is that as long as the cover models have their heads still attached I'm good. The torso look just isn't my bag, ya know? I do have one nit-picky preference about covers...I like when the models match the descriptions in the book. When they don't match I get distracted and annoyed.

Sara M said...

My favorite covers have the heroine on the cover, and then the couple on the stepback (a la Cat and Bones). This doesn't happen very often because most publishers don't do stepbacks, but they'll always be my favorite.

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

donnas said...

Im really not picky. I like them all 3 ways. Depending on what fits the story the best and looks good. I really dont like it however when the cover makes the characters look completely different from their desciptions.

gatormom163 said...

love having both on the covers

gatormom163 said...

pamela plamer is one of my new faves and i like both on the covers

Beverly said...

I like to see the hero on the cover, something to drool over! lol

fr_larsson said...

I love covers with them both, it usually teases me, trying to think about their dynamics and how they´ll end up =)

best wishes, Linda

Kerrelyn Sparks said...

Congratulations on your beautiful covers, Pam!! You sure have been working hard! I'm so looking forward to your new Vamp City series!

Amy Valentini said...

Thank you, thank you, Pamela!! <3

gatormom163 said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Pamela!!!

blackroze37 AT yahoo.com said...

i like the men or women by themselves mostly

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

It doesn't really matter to me who's on the cover as long as it catches my eye! Thanks for all the wonderful books you write.


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