Who We Are

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It Was a Dark and Stormy Night...

This is just filler to push the poem down.
The lawn is pressed by unseen feet, and ghosts return
Gently at twilight, gently go at dawn,
The sad intangible who grieve and yearn....

                                                    --T.S. ELIOT

I've always loved a good ghost story.  Put me in a spooky old house full of creaks and moans, thunder and lightning crashing, a mystery, a tragedy, or a love story, and I'm in heaven, which is why I cannot WAIT to see this upcoming movie, A WOMAN IN BLACK:

(Yes, it's Harry Potter all grown up, but more importantly, it's a good, old-fashioned ghost story!)

As a storyteller myself, I couldn't resist trying a hand at a few ghost stories of my own, and one is about to be released as in ebook form:


A missing bridesmaid, some embarrassing relatives, and a "girls night out" gone bad land Nicki Styx in the middle of a murder mystery. Can she expose the killer, put a poor girl's soul to rest, and still look calm, cool and collected while wearing the ugliest bridesmaid dress on earth?

GHOULS NIGHT OUT was originally published as part of the Avon anthology, WEDDINGS FROM HELL, but as of January 17th, it can be downloaded as a stand-alone e-book for only $1.99!

(I absolutely love this new cover, btw.)


Let me warn you, GHOULS NIGHT OUT is a modern-day ghost story - it has no creaky old house and no thunder and lightning, but holds plenty of scares, spookiness, and more than just a bit of dark humor.

If you'd like to read an excerpt, you can do it HERE. And if, by chance, you feel a cool breeze on the back of your neck while you're reading it, don't be scared... maybe ghosts like to read, too!

Do you think ghosts exist?  What would you do if you saw one?  (Personally, I'd run as fast as my legs could carry me, because I'm a HUGE chicken!)  :)


Jocelynn Drake said...

The book sounds awesome! I don't know if ghosts exist but I like the idea of the possibility. But I'm a big chicken. I don't need proof.

Also, would love to see the movie, but I can barely make it through the trailer. :)

Amy Valentini said...

Terri, I don't mind the nice ghosts, kind a fun having them around but it's the ones that make the hair on the back of my neck stand up that I wish would go away. Yeah, I believe in ghosts because I've experienced 'em. Looking forward to this one and hoping it's a good jump-in-the-dark ghost movie!

blackroze37 AT yahoo.com said...

yep i believe in ghosts

Sharon Stogner said...

I also want to check out this movie. I will have too see a ghost with my own eyes before I can believe in them. I would probably run away too...

susied said...

I don't think ghosts exist. This being said, I can't explain those floorboards creaking in my kitchen like someone was walking back on forth on them. :)

The books sounds great!

Brenda Hyde said...

I'm pretty open minded about ghosts though I've never seen one. I am a huge wimp-- we watched American Horror Story and I said right from beginning that I would have been out of that house within 5 minutes!

Helen Lowe said...

The cover is great, Terri--and if I saw a ghost I think I'd run, too, being a bit of a 'chook' myself when it comes to anything horrific.

llamannerdymom said...

I can hardly wait to download it to my nook!!

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