Who We Are

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Maybe I'm NOT Old....

Last night, I had a lovely date night with my husband. Dinner at PF Changs, browsing the Apple store, stopping by Starbucks, and coming back to a kid-free house and peace and quiet. Okay, so there was a moment of worry when, while waiting to be called for our reservations, three really rowdy toddlers threatened our evening. But, they were nowhere near our table and it ended up really nice.

It made me wonder about the things we did as teens and younger kids that we don't really do much as adults. Good things. Things that shouldn't be forgotten -- like dating. I can't tell you the last time I've ridden a bicycle that wasn't stationary in a gym or roller skated around a cul de sac. Or even playing with my hair and make up in the mirror to try new things! I used to do that alot. Now, it seems I've had the same make up style since I was sixteen. Luckily, it's never been a trendy sort of art style for me. Okay, so I haven't given up video games in my old'er' age, but wow, there are so many things I haven't allowed myself to do since I got married and had children.

So this year, I'm going to try a few. Maybe borrow my kid's bike to try it out. Maybe actually ice skate with the family instead of sit on the sidelines and take pictures. Any other ideas for things I can try out? Anything you used to do that maybe you're not really too old for now and just told yourself it wasn't mature?

Let's get younger this year!!!



Nancy Crampton-Brophy said...

The last time I went horseback riding I remembered why I gave it up. They don't make horses as skinny as they did when I was younger. I blame global warming

Unknown said...

LOL oh no! I haven't been since '95. Maybe that will wait until my thighs are slimmer!

Brenda Hyde said...

How about yard games? It's always cool to get out and play horseshoes, frisbee, or toss around a baseball. We want to put in a volleyball pit:) Talk about good exercise...

But it's winter so that will have to wait. Oooh, I know! Build a snowman, or go outside and make snow angels:) I haven't done that in quite awhile!

Bonnie said...

How about playing ding dong ditch? Or sitting on the swings at a park late at night just talking to your best buds. What I miss is making out with a boyfriend in a car someplace you can get busted. That fear factor always enhances the intensity of a good make out session.

Sharon Stogner said...

some mentioned my idea, horseback riding. It is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. How about doing the cheesy things at the County fair like the fun house and the haunted house rides. I did that last year with my kids and it was a riot.

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