Who We Are

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Deadline Dementia!

Congratulations to Lori of PA for winning the contest! Thank you all for the comments! I really enjoyed reading them! Please come back next month on the 25th for the next giveaway!

I'm closing in on my last week of deadline hell. In other words, I am losing my mind. The book I'm furiously trying to finish is Wild About You, starring Howard Barr the were-bear, and it will release at the end of November.

Given the fact that I am totally unstable at the moment, I have agreed to let a co-author help me. Here he is, hard at work in front of my computer. Write faster, Howard! You should see his furry paws flying over the keyboard.

How can I afford a were-bear who used to be a defensive lineman for the Chicago Bears? Howard won't write for peanuts! But I have discovered he will write for a steady supply of donuts and bear claws.

Meanwhile, as the clock ticks ever closer to my deadline (go, Howard, go!), time is also moving closer to the release date for Wanted: Undead or Alive! That's March 27th. If you haven't read the excerpt or entered the contest, you need to run over to my website now! And while you're there, check the Appearances page to see if I'll be on tour in your area.

As you probably know, Phineas is the star of Wanted: Undead or Alive. Today, in his honor, I'm giving away a signed copy of the book where he first appeared--Be Still My Vampire Heart. I'm also giving away a signed copy of Born at Midnight, by the fabulous YA author, C.C. Hunter! It's the first book in a paranormal series that you will love! So that's two books you could win! Just leave a comment with suggestions on how I can feed a were-bear and keep him working. Thank you!


Jacqui R said...

As long as it isn't winter you should be right! Don't bears like honey?

JenM said...

How about giving him lots of honeycomb candy bars? That should keep him happy and give him a nice sugar rush.

Roni said...

I don't know about bears, but the racoon that comes to my house every night loves cat food.

Marianne Strnad said...

Oh Howard-I had no idea you played for my home team-that is so wicked awesome! Thanks for helping out my favorite author-please treat her right because is is such a lovely person! XOXOXO

Jessica Hansen said...

I would stick with bearclaws, Howard LoVES them!

Jess @ Taking It One Book


paranormallover2006 said...

Just make sure you keep plenty of any kind of sugar in the house and Howard will be happy!


Sharon K said...

Program your computer to give Howard a doughnut or bear claw for ever 1000 or more words. That should keep those keys smoking! :)
Thank you for a fun blog and giveaway!!!
Sharon K

slappylilly said...

Make sure he has milk with the pastries. You don't want him leaving the comp for a drink.

Na said...

I think were-bear could probably eat faster if you feed him. He needs some claws to type faster and pick up those treats. He'll probably appreciate a drink with a sippy cup too :)


Just Judy's Jumbles said...

Love it! I was really thinking it would be a um more well you know, it didn't occur to me it could be a were or vamp. Hey you need a vamp to help since they could work through the night!

Sue Sattler said...

I think some pancakes and maple syrup would be good for him, and wash it down with a little honey tea. Not to much because those potty breaks are murder on the word count!

Paula A said...

I didn't realize that Were-Bears were so cute. Just keep feeding him sweet donuts, so he keeps typing. ;)

Melissa said...

Maybe you could have little "Gingerbread Bears" for him... with a great big glass of milk of course.

Kristi Lobdell Golden said...

I can NOT wait!!!! I am so going through withdrawal here and I think I've about memorized all the other wonderful books! Woo Hooooooo Now can someone just speed up the calendar??? Please!

Amy2read said...

Just keep giving him sweet snacks and maybe some chocolate milk :)

Cylver said...

Seems like Howard's doing just fine with the donuts and bear claws. So forget about all that nuts and berries stuff, we all know what honeybears like Howard enjoy!

Jessica said...

at the moment the looks pretty stuffed. when hunger strikes again maybe honey or i hear bears like picnic baskets ;)

June M. said...

Howard does love his bear claws and donuts, you might add some danishes & cupcakes, and make sure to keep plenty of coffee (preferable with extra shots of espresso) with lots of sugar on hand. Between the sugar high and the caffeine, he should have that book finished in no time.
Can't wait to read about Dr. Phang next month, and Howard this November (although that is a LONG time to wait). LOL Love your books so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Honey and chocolate :). I know bear love sweet things :), Aretha zhen, arethazhen(at)rocketmail(dot)com

Chris R said...

He seems to being doing great the with the bear claws and donuts but what about some tea sweetened with lots of honey to wash it all down?

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

I think that honey and donuts will satisfy him. If not you could always try Snickers candy bars. They're reputed to satisfy LOL!

riverinaromantic AT aol DOT com

Anonymous said...

Milk and Cookies :)


Chrissy said...

Give him some honey flavoured porrige at just the right temperature. Lol! I'd suggest bearclaws and chocolate to get him on a sugar high so he'll work faster! Can't wait to read the books!

Jeanette J said...

I could say you need to feed a were bear very carefully but instead I will suggest some honey buns will keep him working.

Nicole Murphy said...

Go Howard go! Type, you were-bear you!

We only have drop bears over here in Oz and they're too dangerous to let near a keyboard. Although they do a nice line in door security... :)

Good luck, Kerrelyn. Will be thinking of you this week.

Johanna R Jochum said...

How about some apple fritters! Hey, they have fruit so they are healthy! LOL!
Thanks for sharing with us!


Kendal H. said...

Keep the bear claws coming and turn on the NFL Network. Just because he used to play football, doesn't mean he still doesn't like it.

Anonymous said...

Kerrelyn, I think the honey buns and bear claws are best. Maybe some Starbucks too might help. I can't wait to read it I'm so excited

Kimi said...

The candy stores in Downtown Disney and Main Street in Disneyland make chocolate covered honeycombs. I'm convinced Howard would LOVE those.

Wyntir said...

I love seeing Howard is helping you with his book. I would think getting his story out would be a serious inspiration for him to hurry. But to make sure he has enough energy keep those bear claws coming. It is hibernation season, got to keep up that energy and those eyelids open. :)

I know I told you before but I really enjoyed Phineas in Wanted: Undead or Alive. I passed it on to a friend to read and I can't wait to get it back, but just in case I already have it pre-ordered for my nook.

Can't wait til November, I want to see who you find for Howard, he seems such a sweet loner.

Hurry Howard!! lol

Angie Burger

pblair said...

Bearclaws and lots of bare hugs

Anonymous said...

How you can feed a were-bear and keep him working? That's easy....VERY CAREFULLY!

Tamsyn said...

Don't give him too much honey. A sticky keyboard is a no-no for speed typing! A looong straw from a tub of honey may do the work. :o)


Joanne said...

How about that honeycomb cereal? Or some bear claws or honey buns? And you can't forget the chocolate. Doesn't everyone love chocolate?


joepall said...

Howard has been and always will be a true friend and a honey of a guy! It's no wonder the sweet bear came to your rescue and has now become your knight in silky fur.

Kat Viernes-Lacy said...

Give Howard some Honey Teddy Graham crackers

Teresa K. said...

Well I think Howard would do well with his bear claws and doughnuts, but that's just for his for his breakfast rush. For lunch he needs that protein. I can see him eating a big hearty meal of burgers & Fries. For his Supper some type of steak or chicken with bake potato and salad and bread or pasta. I could see Howard in Olive Garden.
Anyhow, we can give him MaryJane's and Bit Of Honey candy for desert and maybe some Suzi Q's. All that Carbs & Caffeine should do the trick.

Teresa K.
tcwgrlup41(at)yahoo dot com

Thelma Bryant said...

Hmm. You could always try some salmon or a berry cobbler. The bear claws are a good breakfast, but he needs a good meal eventually. Kodiak bears have to eat a lot. I hope his heroine can cook.

Maria said...

I would buy him several large bottles of honey, from either Sams's Club or Costco, and also get him a lot of raw meet and fish. Then for desert I would get several large containers of strawberries and raspberries.

maria63303 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Here in Upstate NY we have Brugger's Bagel Co and they have honeywheat bagels with salmon cream cheese.. Or there's an irish chocolate bar that has honey combs in it (kinda tastes like a chocolate crispy bars, except with honey).....Or! you can buy a bright red shirt that cuts off at the mid-drift and wave it around like a matador and yell "Write Pooh Bear! Write!" and then threaten to make him wear it.. I like that one the best. Best of luck to you both and I know it will be amazing!
~Kristin Burns~

Diana said...

So happy Howard is getting his own book!! Would love to read CC Hunter - that's a new author for me :)

bn100 said...

Cute pictures! Maybe feed him some chocolate or other kinds of candy?


Janhvi said...

I am eagerly awaiting Howard's book!I think you should give him honey with a steady supply of Bear Claws.

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

ladiemarci said...

Honey, Royal Jelly, and Honeycomb cereal, and don't forget milk or coffee, depending on his preference. He's just big and cuddly, isn't he??

The Greta of X's said...

bears love hunny and hunny buns id give him a spoon and a bib though. and maybe some hunny filled coffee to keep him up all night

lisa z. said...

Maybe try some biscuits with honey for the "rumbly in his tummbly" and scratch him behind his ears while whispering sweetly to him.

Meljprincess said...

Tell him if he doesn't work you'll spank his BEAR bottom! And every one with a were-bear knows you feed them CAPT. CRUNCH'S CrunchBEARRIES!

Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

WildAboutBones said...

Howard is a little different from how I'd pictured him. LOL just keep feeding him donuts and all will be good. Just finished Wanted: Dead or Alive and it was fab. Will be posting my review this week.
Thanks for the giveaway offer. Good writing.

Eurika S said...

Definitely keep the were-bear hired--Just fee him tons of his favorite snacks (and keep away humans?) haha. Looking forward to your new book!!!!


Kanya said...

Some Sugar Bear, maybe? Good luck with your deadline and give Howard a bear hug from me!
Your books are awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Bookish Fangirl said...

No bears here but there are other critters (raccoons and possums) that get into everyone's garbage.


Lori said...

well he used to be a linebacker and football players eat a ton of meat, so grill some burgers and steak. I can't wait for his book. I didn't give much thought to his story (sorry Howard - I was too focused on vamps) but now I'm intrigued! Can't wait!

clynsg said...

Bears also are big on berries, so you might stock up on them, along with the honey for just a touch of sweetness.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

CandyG said...

Think he would like BearPaw cookies? Who knew they were so cute?

Anonymous said...

Give him a big bowl of Honeycombs and maybe some fish with honey to dip it in and keep a bowl of fresh berries handy for snacks.

Kim said...

How cute it this. I always imagined Howard being bigger. haha. I am so glad he is getting a book. I really thought Zoltan would come first. When I think of a lady for Howard I always imagine a petite curly headed brunette woman with an apron who keeps cookies in the apron pockets. Actually she looks alot like Evelyn in The Mummy. Ok... I admit I think about your characters way too much to be considered healthy. In my defense I am on planes ALOT and that leaves my mind with way to much time to wander. It may be the fishing model from Jean Luc's book for all I know. Anyway thanks for this little heads up. I can't wait for the book

Kim said...

Oh..Just in case that wasn't obvious I was suggesting putting cookies in an adorable woman's apron pockets to motivate Howard into finishing his own book.

Gwen said...

I suggest lot and lots of honey.

May said...

How about honey graham cookies? :)

Oooh... I love Kerrelyn Sparks and the Born at Midnight books...

E.Pleasant said...

I would just keep giving him donuts and bear claws. And some honey tea to drink.

catslady said...

Just some TLC ) These sound wonderful.


carocress said...

I'd say salmon as the entree with honeycomb for dessert!

CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

Hahahahha, that is so cute!! Bears like honey too, right? Haha, give him donuts dipped in honey and maybe that'll be a better motivator. :P Don't give up, Kerrelyn! Your fans will always be there to back you up!:)

C.C. Hunter said...


I know you trust the bear, or you wouldn't let him co-author anything, but I'd say feed him very carefully. Fingers could be mistaken as snacks.

Thanks for giving away Born at Midnight.


Joni said...

Would it be canabalistic to feed him gummy bears? I hope not cuz a gummy is yummy. Thank you Kerrelyn for all your stories.

alainala said...

ohhh thats tough.. birdseed and peanut butter is what the bears go after in my dads backyard.. wonder if that would work!

SandyG265 said...

I'd keep feeding him sweet things like honey.

Sharon Stogner said...

get him hooked on something cheap like dum-dums. great lolipop with lots of flavors to choose from

Tiffany K said...

I had heard about your new upcoming release, and I have it down on my calender when it came out, but I had no clue about the book Be Still My Vampire Heart, and I stay pretty up to date on your books. I cannot believe that I missed that one because it sounds like a good read.

Good luck on meeting your deadlines, and thank you so much for the opportunity to win your book, and another authors one.

To feed a were-bear you could feed them some Honeycombs, and some fish.

I'm not sure if I am supposed to leave my email or not but here it is:

tiffanykrepps @ gmail . com

Jodie said...

Gummy bears,obviously. All that sugar will keep him going for hours!

Thanks for the giveaway!:D


JShorty said...

Whats the link to the website?

Lisarenee said...

Hmmmm...food worthy of a bear claw loving werebear who used to be a Chicago Bears fan???? How about Illini Bear Bars. Okay, they're really just Illini Bars, but the bear theme seems to be "working" for him so I got a little creative.(I don't think he'll notice the switch. Sounds like he's a silly old bear to me.) lol Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.


Shainers said...

Definitely Honey, what bear doesn't love honey?? Pooh Bear loves it :D Not that....I know that...haha

80slady said...

Give him some Gummi Bears for a snack :)

Sheila said...

(lol) Gummi Bears. I vote for popping Cadbury's Creme Eggs. My snack of choice. Besides Frosted Cherry Pop-Tarts.


Kayla Beth said...

I think feeding Howard fish sticks would be a great idea!


Robin said...

Give him some Krispy Kremes?


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