Who We Are

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Well, it's that time folks!  Time to celebrate my shiny, brand new up coming series, LEAGUE OF GUARDIANS and the release of the prequel novella, WRONG SIDE OF HELL!!! (click on the title to read the entire first chapter!)

I've been anticipating this for weeks and weeks now, LOL and in 3 1/2 weeks, on March 6th you guys can read Logan and Kira's book!

With battle lines drawn and evil forces gathering in the shadows, the League of Guardians is all that stands between chaos and the human realm…
Logan Winters, an elite hellhound shifter, wants to forget his allegiance to the League and the pain he’s suffered because of it. But when he’s ordered to retrieve Kira Dove from purgatory and bring her back to life, he can’t refuse. Not only will her death affect the balance between the realms, she’s also linked to a past he can’t forget.

Kira Dove, a young woman murdered before her time, wanders the gray realm, alone and vulnerable. The one bright spot in her life is the memory of a mysterious protector who saved her once before. As she makes her way through this terrifying place, she can’t help but wonder…will he come for her again?

As Logan races to save her, he knows he faces a nearly impossible task: How can a hellhound survive in the one place he shouldn’t ever be? The wrong side of hell…

And read on for a small bonus excerpt!

   Her hair was a mess of tangles, her eyes large, luminous balls of black oil. Her mouth parted and he saw the tip of her tongue. She took a step toward him, unsure, her tongue now moistening her lips as she bit down.
For a second he imagined that tongue wet and glistening, gliding across something else. Logan exhaled harshly, banishing the image from his mind just as quick. What the hell was wrong with him?
“That was . . .” She ran shaking hands through the tangles at her neck. “That was incredible. You’re incredible. I’ve never . . .”
“Christ. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that line, I’d be a fucking millionaire.” The result was worth it.
Her lips pinched briefly, and the fire he needed to see in her eyes returned. Considering what lay ahead, she sure as hell was going to need it.
Kira rested her hands on her hips and the tongue that had been teasing him disappeared, which, if he was to be honest, was disappointing.
“You may be an incredible . . . dog or whatever the hell you--”
“A dog is a pet.”
“And?” Her brow was arched as she took a step closer.
“I’m no pet.”
“So what are you, then? A big-ass fur ball with fangs?” She was pissed now.
Logan’s eyes glowed red as he leaned down until only a whisper separated his mouth from hers. “I’m like nothing you’ve ever met before, lady.”

All right!  So I've been running this contest over at my blog and it will end midnight, MARCH 5th!  Here are the details and they are EASY!

1st Prize 25$ Gift card from Amazon
2nd Prize, A signed copy of Wicked Road to Hell, the first full length book in this series which releases April 24th!

Here's how to enter!

1. Sign up for my newsletter if you haven't already and email me at my website so that I know you did and can get you entered.  You can find my email address HERE

2. Double your chances by following me on Twitter and/or Facebook. Again, email me at my website so I can make sure you're entered.  

3. TRIPLE your chances by pre-ordering WRONG SIDE OF HELL and sending your proof of preorder to me at my website. (the link is above).

Bonus, points for posting my cover and blurb all over the place and linking it back to this blog post!

Wrong Side of Hell is only 1.99 at the following sites!

Please note, that the pre-order is for ebook only, as this is an ebook original with print coming several weeks later!

All right! Spread the word lovlies and good luck!


Unknown said...

Great comp !! I already follow you over at twitter land and facebook have spread the love over at both and spread the word on your comp !! Hav signed up for you newletter !! Love the cover its smoking !!!


(( run_with_wolves )

Katrina whittaker


Shelley B said...

I sent email. I follow on Facebook, Twitter (Roxiesmother), and GFC. I Tweeted.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Maria said...

The Wrong Side of Hell sounds great!

I emailed you the newsletter signup, Twitter follow and the Facebook like along with the pre-order receipt

maria63303 at gmail dot com

Brenda Hyde said...

I think I got it all:) I can't wait to start reading the series!

Juliana Stone said...

Aw, thanks for entering guys!

Sharon Stogner said...

I have pimped it shamelessly...cause that is how I roll ;)

Juliana Stone said...

I like the way you roll Sharon! LOL

Unknown said...

The book sounds great and would love to read it!!


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