Who We Are

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Countdown to Phineas: TWO days!!

Congratulations to June of KY for winning the signed copy of Vampire Mine! Thank you all for the comments! See you next month on the 25th for another giveaway!

The moment has almost arrived! Wanted: Undead or Alive arrives in stores Tuesday, March 27th. If you've ordered the e-book for $4.99, you can wake up Tuesday morning with the Love Doctor! To celebrate the new release, all sorts of exciting things will be going on. Please check the Appearances page on my website for details. http://www.kerrelynsparks.com/appearances.html

There will be blogs with book giveaways, like this one here. Tuesday night, the Launch Party will take place at Katy Budget Books. The wonderful ladies at KBB always put the cover of the book on a cake. Imagine the icing with Phineas's gorgeous chest! Yum! If you would like me to sign a book for you at the Launch Party, please contact KBB. (Details on the Appearances page)

Thursday, I'll be signing in Dayton, Ohio. Friday in Lexington KY and Saturday in Crestview Hills, KY (Cincinnati area). For more information, go to the Appearance page!

In April, I'll be in Chicago for the Romantic Times Convention. The huge booksigning (over 400 authors) will be open to the public. I'll also be at ComicCon in Chicago. Details are on (you guessed it) the Appearances page of my website. http://www.kerrelynsparks.com/appearances.html

Just a note for those of you who saw photos last month of that sweet bear, Howard, helping me write the next book-- after devouring 5,628 donuts and bear claws, Howard came through and we finished the book! It's titled Wild About You and releases at the end of November.

And for today's giveaway-- a signed copy of Vampire Mine is up for grabs. I picked it because that was the book where the chemistry between Phineas and Brynley exploded. Believe it or not, it wasn't planned. I remember sitting back and thinking, what the heck was that? Those two came on stage and nearly fried my computer. After that, I knew I had to get them together. You'll see them burn up the pages soon in Wanted: Undead or Alive.

Just leave a comment, telling me which Love at Stake guy you would like to see as the hero in the book after Howard's. The winner for the signed copy of Vampire Mine will be selected entirely at random. International entries welcome. Good luck and many thanks for all your support!


Bookish Fangirl said...

My goal in 2012 is to read all of these books that I've heard so many wonderful things about and Vampire Mine is in my top 10 must read books. :)


Ashley Phillips said...

I actually would like you to bring in a ton ton ton!!!!... more! lol more people to write on so we can have 100 plus books in this series... :) i love this series how can anyone pick just one?! lol


80slady said...

Todd Spencer :)

Unknown said...

Angus, without a doubt. I love them all and can't wait to read about Phineas, but I love a man in a kilt... and what he DOESN'T have on under there. lol

Cindy - mrsprince54@gmail.com

Eli Yanti said...

hiks.. i havent read any of your books :(

can i entered this contest =D


NikkiBirdsall said...

I wanna see more about Roman's old harem. Especially Cora Lee. :D

MicheleAnn Oboyle said...

the series is so awesome where i can see endless pointional in them how about getting the character who is against the vampires falling in love and have him himself fall inlove that whould be so great so yes i can see alot of more in these books

Jocelynn Drake said...

I can't wait to read the next one and I am trying very hard to get to your Cincinnati signing. I'll use it as a carrot as I fight through my edits. :)

As for the next one, I love Mikhail. We haven't seen him too much, but I love the big silent types when they go all gooey over a woman. I bet Zoltan would be pretty awesome as well. He tends to remind me of Jack, and I loved Jack.

Don't enter me in the contest. I just stopped by to gush.

Julie R said...

I'd like to see Dougal get a love interest. Having a now differently abled vampire deal with that and finding someone to love would be cool.

Jessica said...

I don't remember who all's left. Could do a spin off to the wolves growing up, becoming alpha's and finding love.?.

Kendal H. said...

Dougal needs his happily ever after. I've been waiting for that since Phil's book.

Sheila said...

I agree with the ladies above, Dougal needs his own love.
Everyone needs a bit of love so it must be his turn.
Bless him :-)

Kerrelyn Sparks said...

I am so flattered! Thank you! I hope to see you, too!

Melissa said...

Sadly I haven't read any of your books because I have just learned about your work through a blog. :(
With that being said, all of your books has been added to my TBR list! I can not wait to get started on your amazing books!!


wildlower said...

I'm thinking Dougal or Cora Lee. I am SO excited for Tuesday!!!! I love the series! Keep up the great work!!


alainala said...

thats tough.. im gonna have to go with the majority and agree with Dougal!!

NikkiBirdsall said...

Oh hey! Totally didn't realize this was a contest!
Still want Cora Lee!

Cylver said...

While I'd love to read about both Mikhail and Zoltan at some point, first I want to know all about DOUGAL!


joepall said...

I'm with Julie R---Dougal...what a story that would be! I could see it paralleling with the other Scotsman's stories. Oh, yes, please, Dougal and give the signed copy of VM to Julie R for the best idea!

Thelma Bryant said...

As much as I would love to learn more about Dougal, I am insanely curious about Mikhail's story. I'm such a sucker for the tall, dark, and silent types. His dry sense of humor will make for a fun book.

June M. said...

Dougal, Zoltan, Mikhail, the harem ladies, the other cat shifters, Olivia's friend (his name is excaping me right now, lol), add in new characters so they can someday get their own story....get the feeling I never want to see the end of this series? LOL
Honestly, I have loved this series since the first one I read. It is on my autobuy list and keeper shelves. Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful stories with us.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Kim said...

I would have to say Dougal or perhaps Lazlo. They are both overshadowed by other more outgoing characters. Lazlo is a brilliant scientist who despite his small (probably normal compared to real guys ) size always comes through when needed. I've said it before I think it's time for a little witch in his life. I think Dougal should have a flamboyant and perhaps irreverent woman who balances his quiet persona. Someone who never wears matching socks as she feels its boring to knit two that are the same. Hmmmm she sounds like me. That is weird. Lol


margie said...

i have read all the books in the love at stake series and have been waiting for phineas book since it was ready to pre-order i cant pick one for next after dougal i just hope u keep bring in more characters so that we get to have lots lots more books cant imagine them coming to an end they are sooo good

Brenda Hyde said...

I'm voting for Dougal-- yeppers:) Actually, I love all of them, but he'd be a cool one to do very soon.

Ash Wolf said...

Dougal. I think you got your answer, Ms Kerrelyn, with all the Dougal votes. Either him or Zoltan. They have both been on my "More Info!" list. Excited about Howard's book. Go Shifters! Would also like to see more paranormals appear in the upcoming books (witches, ghouls, elves, ect). Keep up the stories!

Patricia Legates@hotmail.com said...

I would like to see what happens when if a vamp bites a were panther. I like the were panther from India.

Barbara E. said...

I vote for Dougal too. I guess everyone wants to see him get his own book.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

bn100 said...

I'd like to see Dougal's book.


Arous L said...

First of all Congrats on Phineas's book it looks as amazing as the others which i totally have loved. As for who i would like to read more about next that person has got to be Mikhail!!! Thank you and good luck to you.

Lynne said...

I just love your books I can't wait to read Phineas'story!


kristi glasco said...

I dont care whos next I love them all and wantcall to be happy and in love!! Kristiglasco@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Any of them that still need their HEA....okay so maybe Dougal or Angus, doesn't matter really to me. I love this whole series, I just want it to continue!

And if you haven't read any of the books..GO READ THEM, yes they are that GOOD!

goaliemom00 (at) cox.net

bluesun1218 said...

I haven't read any of Kerrelyn Spark's books but they are on my to read list. Thanks for the chance to win!

Debbie said...

I have read all your books and loved them all!! I can't wait for Phineas' story. As for anyone else I would like to read about I would have to agree that it should be Dougal or Angus. I am sure their story would be as great as all the others. Thanks for the chance to win a signed book. dsaraceni@gmail.com

Christina C. said...

I've just recently discovered you, so I don't have an opinion at this time. However, I'd still love to be entered, if that's ok! I'd like to read all of them this year, if possible :)

Johanna R Jochum said...

Zolatan, Dougal, or Lazlo would be awesome! It really does not matter who. All your're books ROCK!


Theresa Haywood Donbroski Johnson said...

Dougal of course! im sure anything you write will be good!

molly.frenzel said...

I agree with the majority and say DOUGAL!


Casey said...

I have to say that I want to read about Dougal, Zoltan, Mikhail, JL(Olivias friend), Lazlo..... anyone that I have missed,and Keep bringing in more characters. I NEVER want this series to end!!!


Melissa (Books and Things) said...

I love it when characters like that surprise you! Makes me want to read it even more. I would love to read all the hero's stories. I love it when that happens. Seriously!
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I love all her vampires, but Carlos was positively YUMMY!! I wouldn't mind something about the were-tiger. That could be interesting.

Tamara Colwell

Ashley said...

I would like to read Dougal's book after Howard's.

_Heather_Maire_ said...

I read the first 9 books in just under 2 months! I love Robby!

ladiemarci said...

Dougal would be nice. JL is a baby vampire but as a former FBI agent he knows his way around. The first book I read is The Vampire and The Virgin, then I found out it was a series. Wish I had read them all in order. Isn't Angus married to Emma, a former Stake-Out team member? Can't wait for your books to come out. Keep them coming.

Na said...

I would like to meet meet the heroes of the books in this series. Vampires are my favorite creatures to read about and I'm adding your books to my reading list. Congratulations on your release.


felinewyvern said...

Dougal or Mikhail please :D

felinewyvern at googlemail dot com

host said...

I love your books and now I am rooting for Angus :)

franalokas (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Yay! I can't wait! I got so involved in this series, I read them all in two weeks! And I have 8 children (probably all starving to death in the playroom somewhere! Heh ; ) ) Wonderful series!

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