Who We Are

Friday, March 9, 2012

Having a Baby or rather a book...

Writing a book is a like having a baby.  Of that there is no doubt.  You conceive (an idea) You grow (the idea) You nourish (write, revise, write, revise) You prepare (promo, edits, cover)

And then you give birth.

So, I've kinda given birth 6 times over the last 2 years and I've got 3 in various stages of development. It's a long process and like having real children, the results will stay with you forever!

Today, I thought I'd share with you guys exactly how I gave birth to a book.

Wicked Road to Hell.

The Conception: I came up with the idea for this book in January 2010 when I sent in my option material to my editor and agent.

The Growth and Nourishment faze: I was given the go ahead, in March. and I wrote this book between June-August of 2010. In that time I sent it to a few beta readers and I revised, wrote some more and revised.

I sent it to my editor a few days early on September 11, 2010 (which is the anniversary date of my first sale to said editor, September 11, 2008)

Nourishment faze continues: I received an editorial letter on November 22, 2010 and handed my revisions in Dec 1st.

You prepare:

In June of 2011 I got my first peek at the cover for Wicked Road to Hell and after a bit of tweaking, it was finalized in the fall of 2011.  The first version had Declan with a long, flowing mullet and a tattoo that didn't belong.  I'm quite happy with the final version!

I handed my Copy Edits back in summer and on December 14th, I finished my page proofs (or galleys as some call them)

Arcs went out for Wicked Road to Hell in February of 2012 and....

The Birth: it hits both virtual and physical shelves on April 24th, 2012.

This is how it goes my friends!

And this week I'm celebrating the birth of Wrong Side of Hell, a novella I wrote for the League of Guardian series.  These titles are wrapped up in  much shorter time frame.  I handed this book in Sept 2011 and it was released March 6th!  Short, but no less painful than the others!

So now it's out there and I hope you all enjoy!

With battle lines drawn and evil forces gathering in the shadows, the League of Guardians is all that stands between chaos and the human realm…
Logan Winters, an elite hellhound shifter, wants to forget his allegiance to the League and the pain he’s suffered because of it. But when he’s ordered to retrieve Kira Dove from purgatory and bring her back to life, he can’t refuse. Not only will her death affect the balance between the realms, she’s also linked to a past he can’t forget.

Kira Dove, a young woman murdered before her time, wanders the gray realm, alone and vulnerable. The one bright spot in her life is the memory of a mysterious protector who saved her once before. As she makes her way through this terrifying place, she can’t help but wonder…will he come for her again?
As Logan races to save her, he knows he faces a nearly impossible task: How can a hellhound survive in the one place he shouldn’t ever be? The wrong side of hell…

You can find Wrong Side of Hell at the following



Sharon Stogner said...

and you have managed to keep your figure through all those births! I am impressed;) how is your sanity? congrats

Amy Valentini said...

Very interesting concept, Juliana. You're right though. This past weekend when I was faced with the idea of losing my WIPs, it felt like I'd been faced with losing a loved one.

If y'all haven't read WRONG SIDE OF HELL yet, why not? If you love Juliana's stories, you're going to THRILL over the novella! It's AWESOME!

andieleah said...

I actually just added Wrong Side of Hell to my tbb list...just love the cover! Maybe I will win it!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway...good luck everyone:)

books4me said...

I just purchased Wrong Side of Hell and will ask for Wicked Road to Hell (print) for my birthday which is a couple days after its release! Congrats!!!

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