Who We Are

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bound To Me: Top 10 Countdown

The countdown continues to tick away until the release of my “final” Dark Days story.  I say “final” because I had planned for Burn the Night: The Sixth Dark Days Novel to be the final story, but then some lovely readers of the series teased me with an idea I had long ago regarding my beloved Mira.  As a result, I wrote another novella about the hot-tempered Fire Starter and while I have no plans to write more, I’ve learned not to say “final.”

So, as the last couple of days trickle away, let me provide you with a countdown of the top 10 reasons (in no particular order) you need to pick up Bound To Me on Tuesday, April 10.

10.) A great introduction to the series:  You’ve never read the Dark Days series, but you happen to like urban fantasy, paranormal romance, or just love vampires.  Bound To Me is a great starting place.  Set roughly 200 years before the first book, Nightwalker, this novella introduces readers to the main character, Mira, and many other characters that appear in the series, while taking you on a wild adventure through London, Spain, and Venice.

9.) You’ve finished reading the series but need MORE Mira!: The last book in the Dark Days series was released last summer and you’ve been going through Mira withdraw.  I know what it’s like.  You find yourself wishing you could wave your hand and light some candles, you’re now planning a trip to Venice, or you simply wonder what Danaus would think about the state of vampires in books.  Mira was a lot of fun, but you are longing to know a little about her past.  I mean, she was nearly 600 years old when the series started. What was she up to before we met her in Nightwalker?  Bound To Me will help answer your questions and get your through your withdraw.

8.) It’s only a short story: Maybe you’re not ready for the commitment that a full-length novel requires. I understand.  Some days I just want a little taste rather than a complete dinner.  The story comes in at 94 pages in the print version, so that could just be one afternoon of reading.

7.) It’s only $0.99 for the e-book and $2.99 for the print edition.  Afraid of breaking the bank?  Carefully watching your wallet?  Trust me, I know the danger of ordering new books.  Once you get started, you find yourself clicking on more and more, until the pile in your cart is threatening to steal away your grocery budget.  Don’t worry! This adorable little novella only costs $0.99 as an e-book and if you prefer print, it is less than $3.  Treat yourself to a few hours of pleasure for only a dollar.  You’re worth it!

6.)  Valerio: Bound To Me give you a heavy dose of the ultra-sexy vampire Valerio.  A great supporting character throughout the series, Valerio has never had much time to shine – Until Now!  Valerio has always been extremely secretive about his age, but Mira knows that he is quite old and powerful.  However, he prefers to hang back and simply fill his life with amusements rather than try to control other nightwalkers like many his age.  His one weakness has always been Mira.  Bound To Me gives you a closer look at the relationship that ended centuries ago, but still has Mira wearing his ring despite her feelings for Danaus.

5.) Mira and Valerio are HOT together: And I’m not talking about Mira lighting a couple candles when she walks into a room because she’s the Fire Starter.  No, I’m talking bedroom hot.  Hot enough to melt my computer and blush when I think about my parents reading this story HOT.  They might not be the most emotionally healthy couple, but … wow … they know how to have fun. 

4.) Mira: Or maybe I should just say, the Fire Starter.  Not only is she a powerful centuries old vampire, but she can light stuff off fire whenever she wants.  Who doesn’t want that power?  Honestly! Bound To Me is a chance to get to know this hot-tempered, playful nightwalker before she runs off to the New World to set up her own domain and become a “grown-up”.  It’s a chance to see Mira before Danaus steps into her life and turns it upside down.  It’s a chance to see some of the dark past that she doesn’t remember too well because of you know who.

3.) Because you requested this story:  Readers asked and I listened!  Yes, a little over a year ago, I held a little gathering of readers.  We sat around and I answered all the burning questions you had regarding the series, Mira, Danaus, and all the other characters.  One thing that was almost unanimously requested was a look at Mira’s relationship with Valerio.  In roughly a year, my publisher and I are responding to your request with the novella Bound To Me.

2.) Glimpse of new series: With the Dark Days drawing to a close, it was time for me to direct my attention to other worlds and characters.  Later this year, the first book in The Asylum Tales series will be hitting shelves and e-readers.  Angel’sInk is entirely new world and new cast of characters.  As a treat, my publisher has included the first two chapters of Angel’s Ink in copies of Bound To Me.  Read the first two chapters of the book before it is released in October

1.)    Because this really is the last Dark Days story: As I look at my writing schedule for the next year, I find that a new story featuring the characters of the Dark Days series is not on my list.  Bound To Me is the last story that I will ever write with Mira as the main character.  I also have no plans to write a story with Danaus as the main character.  While I love the Dark Days world, I feel that it is time to move on.  I’ve left the characters in a good place at the end of Burn the Night and I’m ready to move on to new chaos with my Asylum friends.  Help me say good-bye to Mira and the gang by picking up a copy of Bound To Me.

Reading order for the Dark Days series:

Bound to Me (novella)
The Dead, the Damned, and the Forgotten (novella)
Pray for Dawn
Wait for Dusk
Burn the Night

Also, thanks to everyone who has supported me and the Dark Days series over the years.  Mira, Danaus, and I have had many great adventures and we are filled with so many fond memories.  They are all because of you!


cher said...

I miss Mira's world and the hunter already.I had always hoped that there would be a spin off series with the Barrett and maybe Shelly. I am excited for the new series.Dark Days was a great series and I will reading the new novella.

Sharon Stogner said...

#6 pretty much seals the deal for me ;) looking forward to this and your newest series

Helen Lowe said...

Jocelynn, this sounds like a time where anticipation for the new series but a little sadness to wave goodbye to Dark Days would be equally mixed. Am sure readers will look forward to anything you do though.

Jocelynn Drake said...

Thanks everyone! It has been really hard letting the characters of the Dark Days series go. I worked with Mira and Danaus for roughly seven years and it's hard to sit down at the computer and not hear Mira's voice in my head. However, the transition has been made easier with the new series quickly capturing my interest and my heart. I think you're going to enjoy Bound to Me and the new series is going to be an entertaining change of pace. :)

Brenda Hyde said...

I have to wait for payday but then I'll pick it up. I've been waiting:)

I can imagine how sad you are to finish Dark Days. I remember when I picked up the first book in the series-- I had hardly read any urban fantasy and was looking for new stories when I saw the blurb and bought it. I loved it, and read each one when they came out. BUT, I'm also really looking forward to what else you will come up with. I know it will be great:)

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