Who We Are

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Love Doctor is in the House

Congratulations to Melissa of Tennessee!  She has won Phineas' poster and book. Many thanks for all the great comments. Please come back May 25th for my next blog and giveaway!

Since Phineas' book released a month ago, it's been a wild and crazy!  I was fortunate to go on three trips in that time, and I met fantastic readers in Charlottesville, VA; Dayton and Cincinnati, OH; Lexington, KY, and Chicago, IL. The great folks at Katy Budget Books hosted a launch party for Wanted: Undead or Alive, along with three bottles of Blardonnay and a cake with Phineas' cover on it!  I can report that his belt buckle was very yummy!

Many thanks to you all for showing your love to the Love Doctor!  Wanted: Undead or Alive debuted at number eleven on the New York Times mass-market print list and has survived three weeks there!  It also enjoyed two weeks on the USA Today and Publishers Weekly bestseller lists. Without a doubt, the Love at Stake readers are the best!

To show my appreciation, today's prize will be a signed copy of Wanted: Undead or Alive plus a small poster that I used at C2E2, the ComicCon in Chicago.  It measures about 11 x 7 inches (27 x 17 cm), and I'll sign it to you. This is a picture of it to the right. International entries are welcome.  Winner chosen completely at random in imitation of my mental processes. Good luck and many thanks to you all!


jaimecr76 said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your Love At Stake series! They have a little bit of everything & are just fab :)

Unknown said...

I love the series!And it is about time the love doc settled down.

rachelcron said...

Love the blog entry ;)
Can't pick a fav book by you...love them all

andieleah said...

Absolutely love the Love At Stake series!!!! Dr. Phang was the best:)


Adrie said...

I absolutely love the Love at Stake series. I have all of them except for Phineas' book.


Anonymous said...

I love the series! I see your name on a book and I just grab it because I know I will enjoy it. :)

Brittney Anita said...

LOVE your books!!! Picked one up at Random for my Kindle and I've been hooked ever since!!

angelblue857 said...

Picked up "How To Marry A Millionaire Vampire" when it came out for something to read while waiting for an appointment. Been hooked ever since. thanks for writing a wonderful series

Toni said...

Hi Kerrelyn, just finished reading Dr. Love's book. LOL! I really loved it! The twist at the end was brilliant!! Now you have a brand new storyline. Loved it!!!

Lynne said...

I Love this series and Phineas was great! Have it on my shelf

great giveaway


elizabethqe3 said...

this is my favorite book of the series yet. Keep up the great work. Can't wait till the next book!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait till I'm caught up! Learning to be mommy set me back some in my reading. Hope to be reading it soon though!

Phyllis M said...

Thanks so much Kerrelyn for such a fantastic giveaway! I have just started reading your series and I am addicted!! Have a great day.
bradyom(at)optonline(dot)net :)

kelly.caudle said...

Love this Love at Stake series! Would love to win a copy of this book!

Melissa said...

I would love to win a copy of this book!! You are an amazing author and one of my favorites!!


Anonymous said...

Love this series, totally hooked. Can't wait to read more.


Katie said...

Adore the Love at Stake series...and can never say which has been my favorite...they just keep getting better and better!


Anonymous said...

I Love the whole series & wanted undead or alive was fantastic like all the others, Keep up the great work and looking forward to reading the next one about Howard Barr! :-)


Kyra said...

I just love those books!
Can´t wait for the next one!

Greetings from Germany :)


michelle said...

Loving the series! cant wait for the next one! ^^


Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews said...

I really love this series! Please keep up the awesome work! Can't wait for the newest release!

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just enjoyed so much reading your books !!!


Anonymous said...

Just started reading your books! So far don't want to put the book down, which is my favorite kind of book!! Thanks



SandyG265 said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

sgiden @ verizon.net

redjuliet said...

This is a great series & I'm looking forward to the next book! Thanks for a chance to win a copy of one of my favorites!

Angels Cove said...

love your love at stake series i have to say when i was reading all of them i was wondering why the love doctor didnt change his ways and marry he needs love just like anyone one else and when wanted undead or alive came out and it was his story i was happy dying to read this one angelwolfmystic@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Ever since the Love Doctor was introduced to the series Phineas has been one of my favorite Love at the Stake vamps.

Thank you for giving him such a lovely story.

Brenda Hyde said...

I'm SO glad the Love Doctor (I always find myself stretching out the word Loooovvvvvveeee when I say it to myself. LOL) has done well. Of course, I love all of the books:)

Anonymous said...

Love your books :)


Unknown said...

This series is great! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the Love at Stake series and loved Phineas' story.

Almost literally can't wait for more!


Sue Ellen said...

Loved Phineas' story. As usual you never disappoint. Already looking forward to Howard's story. I just love this series.


Anonymous said...

luv your work Kerrelyn. Phineas' tale was warm and exciting at thesame time. Looking forward to many more tales from the characters in your universe!



alainala said...

ohhh so awesome!!! congrats on the book, cant wait to read it!!!
thanks for the chance to win!!

alainala AT hotmail DOT ca

wildlower said...

Love the series. Loved the book. Very excited for Howard!!!

xander_316 said...

Amazing series... super hawt leading men... a must for any book lover


Johanna R Jochum said...

Awesome, I love your books! I can't wait for Howards!!!!! WhootWhoot! Thanks for the chance to win!

Seraph751 said...

I love the reality of this series from book one till now. I adore that these guys sometimes step out of the role they are designated to by others or by themselves.

Ashley Phillips said...

Phin was an amazing guy! I enjoyed reading the book soo much! His brother was hilarious and you are a great writer! I cannot wait to read more and more!


bn100 said...

Congratulations! The book sounds good.


Dawn said...

Wanted:Undead or Alive was such an awesome book. Thanks for the draw.


Anonymous said...

Oops, entered a bad e-mail

Still luv this series of supernatural heroes!



Anonymous said...

All of them are awesome! Luv them!!! Kayko118@yahoo.com

Jacqui R said...

That cake sounded good. Thanks for the chance to win,

ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Just want to say love ur series, such great stories and heroes. Love how u connect all of them together and make reappearances of the previous heroes, so sweet and cool seeing them as husbands and fathers :) thanks for this opportunity :) Arous L

LJ Peters said...

This was so good!!! I'd love to win a signed book.


goaliemom00 @ cox.net

Tracey Q said...

I love this series! Phineas has been a fav for a while so I was thrilled when I saw you were writing his story

Dannyfiredragon said...

Have been a fan of this series since the first book. It's my favorite vampire series!

Dannyfiredragon @ aol.com

Geek_Queen_Gem said...

The cover was enough for me to have picked it up. Congrats on your success and I look forward to reading more.


Mandi Casey said...

Love the series, are you going to continue or start a new paranormal series? Either way, I'll be a fan for life :)

catslady said...

Sounds like a wonderful series and one I would like to start because it sounds like something I would enjoy! Thanks for the chance.


xsheilax said...

Kerrelyn is absolutely fab.
I love this series and it would be great to have a signed copy.
Thankyou for making it international. :-)


DebEA said...

At first I didn't want Phineas and Brynley together, but after reading the way LaToya treated Phineas, I was glad he had Bryley and they made a perfect couple!! I hope in future books LaToya finds out what a mistake she made.

Xhex said...

I love the whole series. Can't wait till the next one.

June M. said...

I really love this series! I loved Phineas & Brynley's story so much. I had been expecting him to end up with LaToya for a while but am so glad he got Brynley instead. They make a terrific couple. I also really liked that you introduced a few new characters in this book. I definitely do not want to you run out of characters, LOL. Can't wait to see what is in store for Howard and learn more about this mysterious bear. Although he has always been in the stories, I don't know a lot about him but really want to.
Congrats on the success of the book!

Mindy said...

I LOVE the Love at Stake series, it just keeps getting better and better. I love the interplay between Phineas and Brynley, Snout-face and bloodsucker are a RIOT.
I can't wait for Howard's story and to see if Rhett got away.

Mindy :)

Barbara E. said...

Thanks for the chance to win, I'm looking forward to reading Wanted: Undead or Alive.

Barbed1951 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I love this series. I can't get enough of them. Wanted: Undead or Alive was an awesome book. The humor was great. I can't to read Wild About You. Congratulations.

Pat Cochran said...

Congratulations on reaching the NYT
list! I so wanted to attend the KBB
signing but life got in the way!
Maybe next time!!

Pat Cochran

Jenn said...

Hi, It does not say how to enter so I hope leaving a comment is what you wanted. This does look like a good book.

NoraA said...

Finally, the Love Doctor gets a book. He is a great character and his back story is a good one also. I'd love to win this book to add to my collection of your books I already own.

Janhvi said...

I love the Love At Stakes Series.I am so looking forward to Howard's story!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Joni said...

Kerrelyn, I just love your Love at Sakes series. They are soooo much fun to read. Your sense of humor comes thru so natually in the characters. Keep em comin Kerrelyn

Meljprincess said...

Congrats, Kerrelyn! Great news about WANTED. I would very much like to win and read it. I really enjoy your 'Love at Stake' series. One of these years I'd like to attend ComicCon. I want that poster for my library! Thanks and have a great day. :-)

Meljprinces AT aol DOT com

Anonymous said...

I was all set to meet you in chicago and had some family emergency that needed me elsewhere. I love you series and I am not suprised to see how well your sales are on phineas book! Congrats!


Invisible_fish said...

I loved this book! By far my favorite for many reasons. I cant wait for the next one.


Lynne said...

Loved Phineas's story! this would be an awesome win!


Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

I'm reading this one now and LOVE every single minute of Bryn and Phin...LOL.

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