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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Two Gemmell Award Finalists From The Supernatural Underground---Plus Giveaway!

USA Cove

Giveaway Result:

The 'Great Gods of Randomness' (ie the Random Number Integer) have spoken and we have winners for the two x  HEIR/GATHERING giveaway sets—and they are:
  • Bonnie
  • Llehn
Congratulations to you both and thank you to everyone for participating and for all the wonderful encouragement for Kim and me with the Gemmell Awards!

Bonnie & Llehn--could you drop me a line on contact[at)helenlowe[dot]info to confirm your posting details for the books.


 April has been a very busy month, with The Gathering of the Lost, Book Two in The Wall of Night series, being published in the USA, Australia and New Zealand on March 27 and in the UK on April 5—and the Blog Tour in full swing throughout that time!

But—there is more!

Gemmell Award Good News!

UK Trade Paperback Cover
In the midst of all the Touring razzmatazz I learned that The Heir of Night (The Wall of Night Book One) has been shortlisted for the Gemmell Morningstar Award for Best Fantasy Newcomer!

Yes, we made it through to the final round: an absolutely HUGE thrill!

About the Gemmells:
As I mentioned back in March, the Gemmell awards were established to honor the legacy of heroic fantasy maestro, author David Gemmell—and to celebrate excellence in the fantasy genre that he exemplified through books such as Legend and Dark Prince. So as a long time fan of David Gemmell's work, I feel deeply honored that my debut epic fantasy novel, The Heir of Night, is a finalist for the Morningstar Award.

But there is Even More Gemmell Award Good News for the Supernatural Underground: my friend and fellow author, Kim Falconer's novel, Journey By Night, has also made the finalists list—for the Ravenheart Award for Best Fantasy Cover Artwork. In her case, the cover art was done by her son, Aaron Briggs, which I personally feel makes the shortlisting for Journey By Night extra special!

& If You Wish To Support Your Supe Authors To Win...

All rounds of all the Gemmell Award categories are reader voted so if as Supernatural Underground readers you feel you would like to support your Supe authors and their books—or another book on the list you really love—here's what to do:

... Here's What You Do:

To vote for The Heir of Night—Helen Lowe to win the Morningstar Award for Best Fantasy Newcomer, click HERE
(Then click in the circle above the book/author name)

To vote for Aaron Briggs for the Cover of Journey By Nightto win the Ravenheart Award for Best Fantasy Cover Artwork, click HERE
(Then click in the circle above the artist/book cover name)



Plus Giveaway!

Because The Gathering of the Lost is still just '1 month old' & because I am so happy that The Heir of Night has made it onto the final shortlist for the Gemmell Morningstar Award I am going to do another giveaway today, with 2 x HEIR/GATHERING sets to giveawaywith the recipients being drawn from amongst those who comment on this post.

The draw will close at midnight EST on Saturday 5 May and be made by Random Number Integer, with the result posted here (at the beginning of this post) on Sunday 6 May. And don't forget to check back to see if you've won!


Kim Falconer said...

Congratulations, Helen! It's a thrill to be acknowledged in the David Gemmell Awards, as I know you feel too!

April has been a very busy month with the blog tour, interviews, everything! Tells us more about where you've been! And there was a road trip tour in NZ too, yes? I'd love to hear about it!

Terri Garey said...

How exciting for you, Kim and Helen! I voted for you both, and will keep my fingers crossed!

Kim, your son is quite an artist - you must be so proud!

Anonymous said...

Awesome for you both, you must be thrilled. I voted, and hope you both win.

molly.frenzel said...

Congrats! I can't wait to check these two books out.

Bonnie said...

Congrats to both of you. I voted for both. Good Luck!

Pamela Palmer said...

Congratulations, Helen and Kim!

Helen Lowe said...

Thank you everyone for your best wishes--I know both Kim and I really appreciate the support!

And please do spread the word! :)

Kim Falconer said...

Thank you, and yes, super proud of my son. He did the covers on the whole second series. You can see them here.

Your support is wonderful everyone!


sarac said...

Congrats! I loved The Heir of Night.

Helen Lowe said...

Thanks, Sarac--it's always nice to hear when someone has enjoyed your storytelling! :)

bn100 said...

Congratulations to you both!


Jacqui said...


Voted for you both. I have everything crossed for you.

ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com

Sharon Stogner said...

woot! Congrats to both of you :) I will pass the word along.

Danielle D said...

Congrats to the two of you, I went and voted (thanks Sharon). :)

Llehn said...

Congrats! How exciting! I voted :D

Helen Lowe said...

bn100, Jacqui, Sharon, DanielleD & Llehn

Thank you for the support!

Dakota Banks said...

I'm so thrilled for you both, Helen and Kim! I voted. :-) I'll pass this along as best I can.

Kim Falconer said...

I am so so so appreciating all the support! Thank you! MWAHS xxx

Olga said...

Oh I'd already voted for you Helen :)
I love the cover art for Journey by Night, your son is very talented!

Olga said...

Oops the second part of the comment was for Kim!

Helen Lowe said...

Dakota: Like Kim, I am deeply appreciative of the support & esprit de corps of all the Supe authors.

And of all the Super ;-) readers and followers--thank you, Olga, for having already voted! :)

Unknown said...

Loved the first book, can't wait to get the 2nd in my hands!

Christine said...

Congrats! I voted and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Helen Lowe said...

Thank you, Susan & Christine--for enjoying HEIR & for voting. :)

Kim Falconer said...

Thank you Olga, Christine, Dakota, everyone!

Your support is wonderful and uplifting!

Anonymous said...

Hugs for Luck for both of you! My votes are in for you too.
Anita Bell
(google won't let me sign in today, sigh)

Helen Lowe said...

Hey, thank you Anita--sorry you couldn't sign in 'properly' but good to see you here!

June said...

I have read most of the books now and thinks yours is definitely the best. Your writing gives epic Fantasy a good name.

Helen Lowe said...

June, thank you--it is very kind of you to say so!

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