Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The ABCs of Being a Writer

By Merrie Destefano

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a writer, here’s a brief (although scary and chaotic) glimpse. This particular ABC list is specifically aimed at the writer whose currently between contracts like—ahem—I am.

Happily, I DO have another book coming out. October 1st is the release date of my YA novel, FATHOM. [You can read more about that HERE ON MY AWESOME WEBSITE.]

So, without further adieu, here’s my take on what the writer’s life.

Between book contracts, the writer is:

A. Terrified she'll never work again

B. Eating bon bons by the pool

C. Spending WAY too much time on social networking sites

D. Taking in more stray animals than she can feed

E. Working furiously on her next (secret) book

F. Looking for a REAL job with vacations and health insurance

G. Becoming BFFs with her therapist

H. Watching too much TV and claiming it's research

I. Wondering if she really needs high ticket items like cell phones, cars and electricity

J. Deciding pajamas make a great fashion statement

K. Talking to her pets more than she's talking to humans

L. Beginning to think her pets are talking back to her

M. Learning to love/hate peanut butter sandwiches

N. Really mad when her fave TV show is playing reruns

O. Convinced the raccoon living in her backyard is not evil, since it would cost $500 to have it trapped and relocated

P. Turning into a nocturnal creature who can barely function during daylight

Q. Certain no one understands what she's going through, even though all of her friends are writers and half of them are just as neurotic as she is

R. Thinking everything tastes better with chocolate

S. Deeply, truly, madly in love with her current WIP, although she can't talk about it

T. Wondering if Elaina will ever realize that Damon really is the better choice

U. Trying not to read Publishers Marketplace Deals, for fear of discovering that a better, more famous author just wrote the same book she did

V. Hoping that her readers/fans will love her new project

W. Wondering whether milk chocolate or dark chocolate goes better with the latest episode of The Walking Dead

X. Deciding that yoga pants look great and, no, they don't make her look fat

Y. Checking her inbox way too often for an email from A Very Important Publishing Person

Z. Writing lame lists like this


AND for any of you brave enough to have read that entire list, I’m going to give away 2 e-book copies of my new YA paranormal romance novel, FATHOM. Please note: The e-book won’t be available until October 1.

My Pretty New Book...

All you have to do to enter is to post a comment below and share a link to this post somewhere, like Twitter or Facebook or your blog. And you need to include your email address (very important detail.)

This contest will run through midnight on September 30th and the winners will be announced both here and on MY BLOG.


Sharon Stogner said...

lol, I think I do a lot of those too! will spread the link.

Helen Lowe said...

"Turning into a nocturnal creature who can barely function during daylight"

Haha! I always knew that all writers were secretly vampyres! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm already doing lots of the things on this list, guess I'll make a great writer.
