Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Venus in Taurus Guide to Abundance

La Naissance de Venus by Eugene Duval
Venus glides into Taurus, one of the two signs she rules, and all is right in the world . . . as long as we honor this transit. That means, show some reverence. Respect. When we do, our hearts light up and relationships go smoother, finances become more abundant and creativity pours forth in passionate waves of originality.

All we need do is place a bouquet of appreciation on her alter, metaphorically, or literally. Tangible displays count double. We want to make this real!

Taurus is an earthy, fixed and sensual sign, ultra potent when it comes to the physical and sensual responses to our emotions and feelings. When we become aware of our 'affections' (know what we love, be it food, art, relationships, pets, the environment, health and fitness, creative goals or intellectual abstractions) and demonstrate them in some way, the goddess of love smiles - meaning, we touch a core value, express it and feel more whole, more complete, in the process.

Taurus wants to brings things 'down to earth' so this is our chance to:

1) identify our desires
2) appreciate them
3) live them out

It doesn't have to be a huge production, this 'living them out.' Baby steps work fine. For example, if you're really into health and fitness, and want to work toward a renewed goal, doing one fresh thing in the name of your core value can start the snowball rolling. You might adjust your eating habits, or renew a commitment to the exercise that you love, appreciating your body as it is, in this red hot moment. If you have a core value around gardening and want to live in the midst of a botanical paradise, pot a fern, start a herb garden, plant one tree. If one of your core values is creativity but you 'don't have the time' you can honor Venus in Taurus by making Fridays (the day of Venus) your 'creation day'. Even if it's just for an hour, you commit to getting out the clay, sketch pad, guitar or word processor and let your artistry come alive.

Maybe relationship is the area of life that feels neglected. Venus is here to support your authentic goals in tangible ways, so if you want more from a partner (or more free time away from them, or maybe an actual partner to start with) get clear on what you want, relax and follow Venus's lead because the goddess of love knows just how to make your life more sumptuous when it comes to love, and of course, sex.  

Taurus is the #1 sign of love making. Keep that in mind :)

You might find that treating yourself the way you want 'them' to treat you is your most powerful tool. So have a candle bath, enjoy fine foods, settle in with a favorite film, novel or audio book. Treat yourself like gold! It's the fast track to improving all your relationships!

If you aren't sure how you want to leverage this energy to make your life more enriched, go to where Taurus is in your chart and track Venus's transits there. What area of life is activated? That's your playground. Go mix it up! (see a key word list for the houses below) If you need help, see 'creating your chart online' or ask for support in the comments!

From Swiss Ephemeris - The positions of Venus for the next 25 days
  Date          |    Venus    |
15 Apr 2013  | 29 ar 37   
The Venus by Michael Parkes
16 Apr 2013  |  0 ta 51   
17 Apr 2013  |  2 ta  5   
18 Apr 2013  |  3 ta 19   
19 Apr 2013  |  4 ta 33   
20 Apr 2013  |  5 ta 48   
21 Apr 2013  |  7 ta  2   
22 Apr 2013  |  8 ta 16   
23 Apr 2013  |  9 ta 30   
24 Apr 2013  | 10 ta 44   
25 Apr 2013  | 11 ta 58   
26 Apr 2013  | 13 ta 12   
27 Apr 2013  | 14 ta 26  
28 Apr 2013  | 15 ta 40   
29 Apr 2013  | 16 ta 54   
30 Apr 2013  | 18 ta  8   
01 May 2013  | 19 ta 22   
02 May 2013  | 20 ta 36   
03 May 2013  | 21 ta 50   
04 May 2013  | 23 ta  4  
05 May 2013  | 24 ta 18   
06 May 2013  | 25 ta 32   
07 May 2013  | 26 ta 46   
08 May 2013  | 27 ta 59   
09 May 2013  | 29 ta 13   
10 May 2013  |  0 ge 27   

Venus in Taurus is also our connection to Mother Earth. It's a time when we can take a moment an show reverence our for all life. There is so much to appreciate on this beautiful planet Earth. Pour forth some love, and respect, out into the world, and all living things.

Have a wonderful transit of Venus through Taurus,  Everyone!

* Reference for the houses*

The meanings of the houses are deep and rich with metaphorical and literal content but here is a quick list to get you started.

1st house – Appearance, personality traits, outlook on life
2nd house - $$$, resources, talents, peace of mind
3rd house – Teaching, learning, writing, talking, connecting
4th house – Home, family, ancestors, emotional ground
5th house – Creative expression, offspring (books/kids etc), romance
6th house – Health, pets, daily routine, employment, magic
7th house – Socially significant relationships, contracts
8th house – Sex, death, taxes, shared resources, trust
9th house – New horizons, travel, beliefs, WWW
10th house – Career, mission, profession, public relations
11th house – Friends, goals for the future, groups
12th house – Unconscious, dreams, giving and receiving, meditative states

Remember, if you need help, see 'creating your chart online' and go to where Taurus is in your chart, or just ask for help in the comments! Easy done!

Kim Falconer is a Supernatural Underground author writing paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA and epic science fantasy novels. She also co-directs Good Vibe Astrology, an astrology and law of attraction school.

You can find out more about Kim at kimfalconer.com or on the 11th House Blog. She posts here at the Supernatural Underground on the 16th of every month. Her latest release is Supernatural Underground: Vampires Gone Wild.


Bonnie Gill said...

Hi Kim,
I started working out with a trainer recently. Does that count?
It's too cold here to plant anything. But, I bathed my stinky little dog that I rescued.

Cool post.

Kim Falconer said...

Working out with a trainer totally counts! Anything that makes us feel good in the body is has a Venus in Taurus signature.

Doggy bath his probably a little more Virgo, but lovey to get little stinky dog smelling sweet again!


Helen Lowe said...

Great post, Kim--a great reminder to consciously actualise aspiration. Thank you.

Kim Falconer said...

Cheers, Helen. As Jarrod says, 'consciousness is currency.'
