Who We Are

Friday, May 3, 2013

Why being a ninja is great!

So I'm reporting live to you from RT Booklovers Convention 2013 in Kansas City. It is a weekend of fun parties, reader interaction, and author meet-ups. Because this is the 30th anniversary, they have really  pulled out all the stops.

Because I am between series right now (see last month's post on plotting plotting plotting), I find myself in a little bit of a limbo. I get to plan my own schedule. See the panels I want to see (totally hunted down Jude Devereaux), and relax. A new concept for me in general, let alone at a conference.

So I find myself mostly sitting and watching and listening. The conversations here are awesome because everyone is as exciting about books as I am. And boy, are the topics varied. The two women across from my right now are talking about the upswing in New Adult. Two women in the elevator this morning were still talking about the Fated to be Mated panel that our very own Jeaniene Frost and Kerrelyn Sparks gave yesterday afternoon.

And no one is even noticing me. I feel very ninja. Listening to everyone, watching them stroll by in their Regency dresses or their Steampunk corsets (how Karina Cooper does it, I have no idea). And the SHOES. There are some fabulous shoes here.

Oh, right now, someone just asked me for a chair and I think she's doing the same thing that I am, capturing the energy and love of good stories and, lets be honest, some cute cover models.

LOOK, THERE'S JULIE GARWOOD. Have to go stalk someone!

This is Amanda Arista signing off from behind a ficus!


Amanda Arista, Diaries of an Urban Panther

1 comment:

Kim Falconer said...

Cover models? Really?

Can we hear more on that? I've never been to a writers festival or con that sported cover models!!!!

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