Who We Are

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Announcing Supernatural Underground Update Month!

We've all just passed the solstice, and whether the zenith (summer!) or nadir (winter!) of the year, all the crew here at the Supernatural Underground feel it's the very best time to update you on where we're all at with our book projects, writing, or other exciting "Supernatural" events.

So expect to see all your regular Supernatural Underground authors checking in this month to tell you where they're at and what's the current big project in their writing lives.

 I heard there might be a few giveaways in the mix as well, so watch this space!

And because we're a team here, we thought it might be fun to have a bit more synchronicity to the monthly post round, so look out for the occasional — or regular — appearance of Supernatural Underground "themes" over the next half year.

I don't know about you but I'm excited I think we're going to have a great July, with an even better second half of 2013 ahead!

1 comment:

Alina P said...

I can't wait to see what everyone is up to :P

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