Who We Are

Friday, June 28, 2013

Intro & Drawing for a Tablet

***** Winner of the HP Slate 7 Tablet is Tiffany! *****

Hi, everyone! I'm DB Ayers, an award-winning, internationally multi-published fantasy and thriller author using a pseudonym for my first effort in the Young Adult genre. That's my clever disguise, to the left. I've joined the Supernatural Underground team and the first thing I want to say is that I'm in terrific company here!

I'm trying something new and thrilling with my YA venture. I'm inviting you in from the beginning, when the Aftermath trilogy is still a gleam in the eye of the author. Share my journey through submission via my agent to NY publishers, the contract I'm hoping for, and publication to put the first book of the trilogy, Yesterday, in your hands!

Learn a little about the characters, story, and world ahead of time, and share my ups and downs during this exciting/stressful time. Follow along with the progress of this series from its birth to bestsellerdom (a girl can dream, right?) with the inside scoop! I'm really excited about this concept. I hope you'll get to know me and Aftermath!
Here's the pitch for Aftermath:
Sixteen-year-old Anna Hart flees a deadly situation in a failing human colony on the planet Silva. Using her empathic ability and her skills with an ancient weapon, she struggles through danger and betrayal, searching for a place where love and hope can thrive.

I'll be offering prizes at milestones as a way for me to involve you in my intermediate celebrations. I've already shared with followers of the Hart Beat Blog revising the proposal with my agent and getting the go ahead from her for submission to editors, and actual submission day. Now I'm in a waiting game, sharing my thoughts and some writing tips on the blog.

My current giveaway is an HP Slate 7 tablet. Entries end June 30, 2013. Don't wait! You can enter at the Prize tab on my blog.

Kindly leave a comment below - What do you think of the concept of Aftermath? Are you a fan of YA science fiction?

Please help me spread the word!
Website: http://dbayers.com
Blog: http://dbayershartbeat.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbayers01
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AyersDB
Hugs ♥,


Helen Lowe said...

Welcome to the Supernatural Underground! :) "Aftermath" sounds a great concept.

felinewyvern said...

I'm a fan of any kind of Science Fiction and I rather liked most of the YA books that I've read so far. Aftermath sounds like one I will really like! Just wish more had been around when I WAS a YA ;)

Kim Falconer said...

Love having you here at the SuperNatural UG! Can't wait to read Aftermath!


:) Kim

Bonnie Gill said...

Ooo the pitch sounds fabulous and I can't wait to read it.
I'm curious about The ancient weapon.

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