Who We Are

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Revisiting Old Friends: What's New with Terri Garey

***The winner of a signed set of FOUR books in the Nicki Styx series is R BUTLER!! Please send an email containing your mailing address to terrigarey@gmail.com, and your books will be in the mail!***

When I become emotionally attached to someone, I often have a hard time letting them go, which is also true of my characters. This is why, after a hiatus of three years, what I'm up to these days is revisiting the character of Nicki Styx, who made her debut in my RITA award winning novel, DEAD GIRLS ARE EASY.  Nicki's adventures with the dearly (and not-so-dearly) departed went on to fill four more books and a novella before I moved on to other projects, but Nicki (much like the spirits who plague her), simply refused to die.  True to form, she demanded her OWN happily after ever, which I may or may not give her -- the story isn't finished yet -- but HAPPILY NEVER AFTER is my current project. 

In my spare time, I'm also working on the third and final book in the DEVIL'S BARGAIN series, which will be the one where the devilishly handsome Sammy Divine finally gets what he deserves, and revisiting a couple of historical novels that I wrote a few years back involving Roman warriors, ancient Druids and the Egyptian cult of Isis.  (Say what???)  :)  Oh, and then there's a Victorian mystery involving mesmerism and spiritualism that keeps calling my name... I hope to get to that one sometime next year.  If you'd like to find out more about any of these books, including the release dates, you should probably sign up for my newsletter, which is also a great way to win free books, cool t-shirts and all around awesome writerly swag (I love holding contests!).  And look, you can even sign up via text message!  Isn't modern technology wonderful?  :)

In other news regarding revisiting old friends, tomorrow I shall head off to Atlanta, GA for the 2013 Romance Writers of America conference.  Once there, I'll attend workshops, parties, laugh, eat, and laugh some more, as I see some of my dearest writing pals, many of whom I only get to see once a year.  Here I am with two of my best buds, Harlequin Medical author Janice Lynn and Harlequin Superromance author Anna Sugden.  We met online over ten years ago when we were all still unpublished, and have hung together ever since.  I can't wait to see them again!

So, in honor of old friends like Nicki, Anna and Janice, I'm offering a giveway today of ALL FOUR books in the Nicki Styx series:  DEAD GIRLS ARE EASY, A MATCH MADE IN HELL, YOU'RE THE ONE THAT I HAUNT, and SILENT NIGHT, HAUNTED NIGHT.

All you have to do is tell me the name of YOUR oldest friend, and you're entered!  A winner will be chosen on Thursday, July 18th.  Good luck, and here's to good friends!


Kim said...

My oldest friend would be Bobbie Jo... we were best friends throughout elementary school and middle school. We drifted apart in high school and in our adult lives but we are still friends.

Bonnie said...

I have a group of old friends that are very dear to me. One since before kindergarten, Susie, the others I picked up in grade school. There is about 10 of us that still get together about every six weeks. They are more than friends, they're my sisters. The best thing about having really old friends is that no matter what you do as an adult they've seen you do something more hair-brained in high school.
When will the other Nicky Stix books be avail? I absolutely love them.
Have fun at RWA Nationals.

Gail B. said...
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Lori K said...

Heather! 25 years and still friends that's a true BFFE

Gail B. said...

Hi Terri. My oldest friend is Vicki, after 40 years and hundreds of miles between us.

Unknown said...

My Mom. Can't get any truer of a friend than her

Unknown said...

My Mom. Can't get any truer of a friend than her

Terri Garey said...

I forgot to tell you the name of MY oldest friend, Maria, whom I met in third grade. We still hang out together all the time. I have another friend from the third grade that I keep in touch with via Facebook, as well as my first boyfriend, and several other friends I've known for over 30 years!

Brooklyn Ann said...

YAY! I am so excited for more Nicki!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

That would probably be my friend from high school! We've been there for each other lot! We also kept one another sane while we worked at the grocery store back in the day!

Angela (Angel's Book Nook) said...

My oldest friend is Katie who happens to also be my third cousin by marriage. We meet in Elementary School and have been BFF's every since.

Scorpio1974 said...

I'd have to say my mother is my BFF, she's my rock and always has been, without her I'd be dead by now for sure.

Valerie Long

Terri Garey said...

I love reading your responses. For those who said that their mom was their oldest friend, I can only say that I hope you TELL HER that! :)

SandyG265 said...

Roger, we've been friends for over 30 years.

Stefanie said...

That would be my sister. We used to like to 'tease' eachother, but now that we're older we can say just about anything to one another.

Terri Garey said...

Ah, yes... how could I forget my sisters!! (I have three of them.)

Unknown said...

That would be my best friend which I call my sister we've been friends since high school. we graduated in 07

CrystalGB said...

Tracee is my oldest friend. We have been friends for 25 years.

Kim Falconer said...

Teri, I love that you're still friends with your FIRST boyfriend! I'm such a 'burn the bridges' girl in that department.

My oldest friend is Jimmy Roush, the first surgeon I worked for, 35 years ago! We are in different countries now, but still email regularly. :)

Have fun at the con!

Unknown said...

My oldest and best friend is Thresa... we have been friends since seventh grade and now work together.

Unknown said...

Freddie, my grandmother, she is 86 and still amazingly strong both mentally and morally!

Alina P said...

Corina. I know her for more then 15 years.

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