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Friday, July 12, 2013

Shifters and Vampires and Shadows, oh my! Or...What's New with Pamela Palmer

Contest winner: Congrats to Jerri Mooring! 

I'm finally settling down after a whirlwind spring filled with a book deadline, a book release, and three fabulous reader conventions, one of which was in Europe. Whew! It's time to stay put for awhile and write.

The book that just came out: A Kiss of Blood. This is the second book in my new Vamp City series and it released June 25th to great reviews. This one reveals a slightly gentler side of Washington, V.C. (Vamp City). Perhaps a 'slightly less dark side' would be more accurate. You'll also see another side of Arturo Mazza, the vampire hero/anti-hero of book 1. In her review, Jeaniene Frost says, "If Palmer would’ve told me before I read A Kiss Of Blood, “You’ll like Arturo by the end of this,” I would have bet her my car that she was wrong. For the record, if I would’ve made that bet, I’d owe Pamela Palmer a Jeep Cherokee. I heartily recommend A Kiss Of Blood."

The book deadline that had me scrambling this spring was for the eighth and final book in my Feral Warriors series, Wulfe Untamed. Finally, Wulfe is going to get his story, and it's a rip-roaring ride of a tale that concludes the Daemon Blade story arc. I fully intend to write more Feral Warriors stories in the future--I adore my guys, and both Vhyper and Grizz are going to come after me if I don't--but this current story is coming to an end.

Now I'm back to writing and I'm working on two stories simultaneously, with a third trying to catch my eye from the shadows. The first is another Vamp City novella, my second from this world. This one, a romance centering around new characters, will actually be a prequel to the main story. This will be my first foray into self-publishing, a venture I've been wanting to try.

I'm also looking over my notes and re-reading the first two books in the Vamp City series in preparation for diving into book 3 the moment the novella's complete. The main VC story, Quinn's and Arturo's, is going to take four to five books to tell. I think! I know where we're going but, as usual, I'm not entirely sure how many words it will take me to take to get there.

And the story hovering in the shadows? You'll have to wait a bit to hear more about that one because even I'm not entirely sure what's there. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a departure from what I've been writing, but how much of one is yet to be seen.

That's what's up with me!

I've got a signed copy of A Love Untamed to give away. For a chance to win, just leave a comment. If you can't think of anything to write, tell me what you're reading right now. And if you would, leave your email address so I can contact you if you win. I'll choose the winner on Wednesday, July 17th.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!


Unknown said...

I am so looking forward to Wolfe's book, right now im half way with Kiss of Blood enjoying it so far rophill63@yahoo.com

Books Books and More Books said...

I have read all of the Feral Warrior except Wulfe Untamed - My TBR pile is overwhelming at the moment. I am in between book at this moment but will be starting Celia Kyle's ALPHA MARKED: GABRIELLA tonight.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I finished both VC books recently & loved them! Can't wait for more in this series. I may have to check out your other books while waiting for the next VC book. :)

Unknown said...

I'm getting ready to purchase the second book of the vamp city series. .. loved the first one.


Unknown said...

I'm getting ready to purchase the second book of the vamp city series. .. loved the first one.


Amy Valentini said...

You know I'm one of your all time biggest fans but yes, A KISS OF BLOOD blew me away. And now I'm totally on Arturo's side but in love with Micah! I hope we get his story eventually. Can't wait to read Wulfe's story. xoxo

I'm always reading something and if I told you it would take all day. : )

amyvalentini at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Im so excited for Wulfe Untamed to come out its gonna be a long rest of the year.. I sure do love me some Feral Warriors. Shame I cant win the lottery hire you to write for me full time so I could read one behind another....hehe. Good Luck everyone.


Cynthia Garcia said...

I want to read this so bad!!!! Thank you for the giveaway. And Thank you Pamela for introducing us to this world.


Sullivan McPig said...

I really should get hold of A Kiss of Blood soon.
And I'm reading lots of post apocalyptic YA at the moment.


Kimberley said...

I am currently reading Affliction by Laurell K Hamilton. Just finished Macrieve by Kresley Cole and Fifth Grave Past the Light by Darynda Jones.

kcnrhtx (at) charter(dot)net

thanks for the giveaway!

Stefanie said...

I'm reading Lover Unleashed by J.R. Ward.


Tasha21 said...

Cant wait for your next books

SandyG265 said...

I'm looking foward to reading your latest.

sgiden at verizon.net

Unknown said...

Loved every book of yours I've read, but have been anticipating Wolfe's story for along time. Can't wait!!! :)


Allison W said...

I LOVE this series! And I love you too! I met you at AAD last year and had such a blast!! You were one of my favorite people I met there! Can't wait for the next book!

allison dot westcote at gmail dot com

Angela (Angel's Book Nook) said...

Love the Feral Warriors. Can't wait to read Wolfe story.

tigerlilly_liz at hotmail dot com

Anita H. said...

I'm so happy to hear that Wolfe's story is coming soon and anxiously awaiting the conclusion to the Daemon Blade story arc! Thanks for the chance to win, Pamela. Enjoy your summer!


Helen Lowe said...

Wow--you're so busy, Pam, it makes me feel beathless!:) But can't tell you what I'm reading because am not allowed to read:I have to finish, WALL3: Daughter of Blood!:D

jmcgaugh said...

I'm currently reading Eden's Angel in Chains.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Ada said...

I love the Feral Warriors! So glad to hear Vhyper and Grizz are getting their own stories even though it's not part of this current storyline. Can't wait to read Wulfe's book :)


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