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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Soggy Summer: What's New with Jocelynn Drake

**CONTEST WINNER: The winner for the ebook giveaway is STEPHANIE FREDRICK. Stephanie please email me at JocelynnDOTdrakeATgmailDOMcom and tell me which of my books you'd like and in which format (Kindle or Nook)**

Summer is not quite working out how I anticipated.  Last summer in the wilds of Kentucky, we were baking daily at 100 degrees.  The grass was scorched and the A/C was constantly humming away, drowning out any of the birds that were insane enough to open their mouths and risk bursting into flames.  (I'm serious. Spontaneous combustion was a problem last summer.)

Of course, winter wasn't exactly awesome this year as I moved farther north to the icy wonderland of Wisconsin.  Let me say, I've seen my fill of snow.  Yep, I saw more snow fall last winter than all my years in Kentucky combined.  If you'd like a quick overview of our first Wisconsin Winter, check out the video below.

The plus side of being buried under a mountain of snow is that I managed to get a lot of writing done. Yay!  Yes, I finished a novella  and a novel and I've got several other novels started.  After several years of writing urban fantasy, I decided to take a little break to cleanse the palate.  As a result, I finished a historical romance novella and a novel.  But don't worry, I've got more urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and fantasy that I'm working on.

But now summer is here.  I've returned to Kentucky for a visit with my family.  I was looking forward to some sun and family and lots of writing time.  Well, I got the family part right.  Kentucky has been abandoned by the sun in favor of torrential downpours and the words... well, the words just haven't been coming. (I guess I should take my own advice and relax a bit.)

However, I have noticed that the words are coming back following the explosions.  The Fourth of July brought some wonderful explosions despite the rain.  My family is big in fireworks and we've come up with an interesting way of dealing with the little bottle rockets.  Here is a quick video of the infamous "Box" by the Drakes from 2010.  I'm still working on this year's video. 

And now that the fireworks have exploded around the city, I am back to typing away on stories.  I've got two more urban fantasy novels that I'm playing with and something really.... strange is brewing in the back of my head. (Don't worry.  It'll hit the page very soon!)  After I finish writing it all, I've just got to find a home for everything.

To celebrate the Fourth of July, let's have a contest!  I will give away one of my books on the Kindle or Nook.  Just leave me a comment below telling me what you love about the summer.  The contest ends at midnight on Thursday, July 11. I will announce the winner on Friday, July 12. You can win any one of my books from the Dark Days series or Asylum Tales.

But now... it's time to get back to writing.  Those warlocks can't rule the world without me.


Barbara Stephenson said...

I love no school traffic going to work.

Barbara E. said...

Living in Florida, there isn't a lot to like about the weather, it's really hot and there's the threat of hurricanes June through September. But I like the longer days and all the summer fruit. :D

Unknown said...

I love that schools out and get more time with the kids. I love sitting at the beach reading a book and I having BBQs

SandyG265 said...

It's been to hot and rainy to do much so far but I love eating meals out on the deck and BBQs.

Ash Wolf said...

I love sitting in the bed of my truck, watching a movie at the local drive-in theater. I love not worring about ice or slush. I love going the the town's 4-H fair and seeing all the animals and projects the kids did. I love fair food.

CrystalGB said...

Wearing shorts and sandals and bbqs.

Kim said...

I love not doing dishes. Summer means my husband helms the grill (I'm not allowed) and paper plates are the norm. It means I can relax and not care about supper because he has something marinating and has his own plans. We basically switch roles this time of year.

Kim said...

I love not doing dishes. Summer means my husband helms the grill (I'm not allowed) and paper plates are the norm. It means I can relax and not care about supper because he has something marinating and has his own plans. We basically switch roles this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Salads! And the abundant produce at the farmers markets!

Allison W said...

Flip flops, wedges, ice cream and bbqs... so shoes and food! LOL

Bonnie said...

I love not being cold. I can walk out of the house without a coat. I don't have to wear layers.

Barbara Stephenson said...

I love the longer days.

Tracy said...

I love air conditioning. Sorry, but summer in Houston is just miserable.

Unknown said...

Oh summer! I love the longer days, no school so more time with my daughter, camping, reading and relaxing poolside, fireworks, BBQ's, freezer pops, flip-flops and Slurpees!

Kel said...

It's been hot but a trip up to the mountains for the 4th was much needed. Relaxing and grilling.

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