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Friday, February 28, 2014

The Mortal Path Swag Bag Returns!

** Giveaway **
Jeanette was the winner! Thanks for your comments, everyone.

It's baaack! The Mortal Path Swag Bag is making an appearance to let you know that the fourth book in the Mortal Path series is underway.

It's been a while coming, as I've taken time to develop a YA science fiction proposal and self-publish a children's book (as DB Ayers). Having gotten a taste of what indie publishing is like, I've decided to become a hybrid writer. That means I'll be doing some indie and some traditional publishing. My first major indie project will be Mortal Path #4, in print and e-book form. I'm tremendously excited, both to be getting back to Maliha Crayne & Company's adventures and to be doing it as an adventure of my own.

Snickers the cat photobombing
I've seen other indie authors be successful with a new format: issuing a novel in three or more parts to get each section to the reading audience faster, then having a compendium of all parts available at the end for those who prefer to wait. I'm thinking of Hugh Howey, who wrote Wool as a science fiction novella, then separately published four more parts to it, as he wrote them. Readers could buy the sections as they came out, or wait for the complete story. Hugh wasn't the inventor of this format; I think that was Stephen King with the six-part serial e-book The Green Mile.

Mortal Path #4, Bloodletting, divides naturally into three parts. I'm thinking of serializing the e-book. My question is this: What do you readers think of it? Like it? Hate the idea? Let me know in a comment below. A random commenter will win the Mortal Path Swag Bag (tote bag, 3 signed Mortal Path paperbacks, pens, bookmarks, magnets, and a calculator - excluding Snickers). International entries welcome, but will receive a $35 Amazon Gift Card instead of the mailed bag. The last day to enter is Wednesday, March 5th.



Blood Rose Books said...

Wow, Can't believe I am the first one to leave a comment, this is such an amazing prize to be won.

I know that there have been some indie authors that have decided to serialize the some of thier book, but they were always an in addition to the main books that they provided. Are you going to have Bloddletting and then addition content in with the serial or just release bloodletting chapter by chapter?


Dakota Banks said...

J9Books: It wouldn't be a chapter-by-chapter thing. That would drive me nuts as a reader, I think. There would be three published sections that would make up the entire novel.

SandyG265 said...

I'm not a big fan of serialized novels. When I get into a book I want to read the whole thing. I hate waiting for the next section to be published.

Gina said...

I like to be able to read and read and read..lol nrslalee00@yahoo.com

Bonnie said...

Hi Dakota,
Yay! I'm so glad Mortal Path is coming back. I loved those books.
I've seen more and more authors doing the serial thing.
The question is... How long would we have to wait in between each novella?
I looking forward to reading more of Maliha's adventures.
I've previously won one of your swag packs and have all your books so please don't include me in the giveaway :) Btw I use your calculator all the time.
P.S. Snicker's is adorable. I love his Photobomb.

NoraA said...

Count me in. I'm a big fan of the series and look forward to reading the serialization. I'd love to add those books to my overburdened book shelves.

Sharon Stogner said...

O_O finally the next Mortal Path book!!!! I have been waiting a long time for it :) I enjoyed Honor's Journey and have donated it to my daughter's 7th grade teacher.

I understand the need to do a three part book if it would be too long as one. Just as long as they aren't novella size and each one has some sort of closure. If they have cliff hangers I would want to wait till all three were out before starting.

SO EXCITED! (don't enter me in the contest since I won this awesome prize pack last year)

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading books that are serialized. I'm reading several different ones now and as long as the wait isn't too long in between releases, I'm great with it.
I have YET to read your series but will work on fixing that!

Aurian said...

International entree. That is great news Dakota, finally the next book is in sight. Personally, I don't like serials as that is just tormenting myself and I don't read them. But I do like the finished book and will certainly buy that one.

Aurian said...

International entree. That is great news Dakota, finally the next book is in sight. Personally, I don't like serials as that is just tormenting myself and I don't read them. But I do like the finished book and will certainly buy that one.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Not an entry

I've read all 3 books and loved them. I can't wait for #4! I also have to say that I really hate serials. That may be just me. I just don't like cliffies and usually serials almost always end in one.

Bethany C. said...

I've only read one serial, and I didn't get to it until after it was fully released, so I'm not a great judge. But either way, can book 4 just come out now? How about now?

Nicole said...

Been dying to get my hands on the next one!! And I'm not a fan of serials. I want to devour the entire book!

Eli Yanti said...

I like standalone or series, no problem for me :)


Kimberley said...

I love this series. Thank you for the giveaway.
I am not a fan of serials... I tend to want more right now.

June M. said...

I am not really a fan of serial books....I prefer to get the whole story at one time instead of small parts of it spaced out. The few I have read, I have waited until they were all out before getting.

Mary Jo said...

I won't buy serials, but will buy the ebook of the completed bundle :). The same way that I don't read excerpts of unreleased books...its too frustrating to not be able to read more right away!!

Unknown said...

I say congratulations! I like books of continuing characters, as long as it's not a true serial and only a continuing character. The other is too much like a soap opera for me and my attention span is too short to engage for anything like that. I do like continuing characters in novels, though (like Spencer in Robert B. Parker's novels). As long as I can pick up any of the books and read it as a standalone, I'm happy. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

Texas Book Lover said...

Whole i live the context of serials I don't like the format at all. I always wait till either all chapters are available and read them together or wait for it to be released as a bundle. I'm just not patient enough to wait week to week.

Jeanette J said...

I don't really like serials. I remember when The Green Mile came out...I waited for the whole book.

Mary Preston said...

I'd rather get the book all one hit. I'd be waiting for it to be complete too.


Shari C said...

I am not a fan of serialized books as I like to read the whole book at my convenience. Sometimes I will sit and read a novel from cover to cover as I want to know what happens next. I am not a very patient person and have trouble waiting for the next part of a story. I guess I would be one who would wait for the whole story to come out.

Alina P said...

I don't read serials... I mean I do, but after all of them are out :D
Congrats on the decision! You'll do great

Stormy Vixen said...

I really don't care for serials it's like somebody giving me a teeny tiny bite of cheesecake and making me wait an eternity for the next bite. When books leave you with cliffhangers that's okay because you got a full story and anticipating the next story is good. With the serials it's like a tease. Thanks for sharing the awesome giveaway.
evamillien at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I think that would be cool

Brenda Hyde said...

I'm not a big serial person-- BUT, I have read first parts when they were free or cheap, and then waited for the entire thing to buy. I can see where that works for authors...

I'm excited that you are publishing the fourth book-- no matter how you release it!

Crafty501 said...

Wonderful prize. I'm okay with serial books as long as I don't have to wait too long for the next book. Given a preference I would prefer to have the complete story in one book.
Good luck to everyone entering!

Alyse said...

I hate not being able to read a book in its entirety. I do enjoy reading books on my kindle and can't wait until book 4 is out!

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