Who We Are

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Countdown: One Month!!

Congratulations to Marcia of Oregon, who won this month's prize!! Thank you all for the comments!  Please come back April 25th for the next contest!

In one month, Zoltan Czakvar will leave his crumbling castle in Transylvania behind, so he can visit with you! How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying) goes on sale April 29th. I'll be doing a Launch Party with Katy Budget Books, so stay tuned for more news about that!  I will also be at C2E2 in Chicago, so if you're planning to attend that, please come by to see me! I'll be appearing on a panel and doing a signing with some other fabulous paranormal authors. That will happen the last weekend in April.

I've been so busy writing Russell's book, that I'm behind on website updates. I promise to get an excerpt up soon for Zoltan's book. Here's more about his book: Vampire Zoltan Czakvar is on the hunt for the truth about his father's death. He's been searching for a very long time—since 1241, in fact. And he is not about to give up, even when he's attacked by a woman with striking blue eyes and a hell of a right hook!

Neona is also on the hunt. She's looking for a mate and she thinks muscled Zoltan will work just fine. After all, men are good for only one thing. Soon, though, she realizes there's more to this handsome vampire than just sexual prowess. But she's keeping a secret from Zoltan, something so big that it will rock the vampire world.  Can their newfound love survive . . . even if their passion means the destruction of her world?

How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying) is available for pre-order now, in print, e-book, audible, and audio CD.  And what will you do while you wait for Zoltan?  How about letting Gregori and Phineas entertain you?  Today's prize is signed copies of Love at Stake books 11 and 12, Sexiest Vampire Alive and Wanted: Undead or Alive.  The winner will be chosen at random. International entries are welcome.  If you don't leave your email address in your comment, then please remember to check back in a few days to see if you have won. I will announce the winner at the top of this post. Good luck!! Now for today's question-- what kind of super power would you like to have?


Skjonnhet said...

Can't wait. I love your series.

kristiglasco said...

Yay!!!!!! I cannot wait... I love all ur books!!!!

Momma Crook Of 3 said...

I cannot wait!
Catherinescrook@gmail. Com
Hope I win!

Ella Z. said...

I love you, Kerrelyn!!! I'll love being mind reader *-*

my email: ella.zegarra@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love these books:)

sin said...

Awe not fair that I have to choose one super power, I want them all. Lol Okay if I must choose one I will choose Mind Control.

I LOVE this series and so can not wait for Zoltan's story.

Glad Russell is getting a story also. :)


Skjonnhet said...

I don't see how to edit my previous comment but I forgot to add my email. johnson.amanda.marie@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I would like to be able to freeze people like Piper from Charmed. That would come in so handy at times...lol. I cannot wait for the new book! I got giddy when I saw another one was coming out soon! My email: badkitty1222@gmail.com

Blindbaby35954 said...

Would love to have these! I love Kerrelyn Sparks and all her amazing vampires!

Email is drenfroe35954@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I would have to say- telekinesis. The sad thing is I would use it for cleaning up after the zoo critters I call my kids and maybe making random dummies trip over their own feet when they annoy me :)


LadyAngie101 said...

Can't wait for the new book! I definitely want what Caitlin have. Awesome linguist skills. That counts as a superpower, right?

hgr83 said...

Absolutely love the series! Can't wait to read this book!

Unknown said...

i CAN'T wait for Zoltan! Can I have all the powers? Ok, if I have to choose one, it will be the power to heal.

Unknown said...

Read minds would be my super power of choice. Love your books! Thanks for writing them and don't stop.

PamM said...

I think the power to tell a lie.
kydirtgirl68 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Can't wait I love, love, love this series!!!


Unknown said...

Love your books

Unknown said...

I love your books! My daughters and I (1 lives in WV, 1 is in college and I live in GA) all read your books and then get on skype and discuss what we like best.

If I could have a super power it would be to read minds. that would come in very handy in my line of work as a police officer.

robinky42 said...

Love your books. Can't wait.

Shelley Ponce said...

Can't wait for your new books! One super power? Mind reading I think.


Samaris said...

Thank you for the opportunity I <3 your books

Amanda Muniz said...

I would want the super power of reading minds! I know it can be bad to know what other people are thinking but the good out weight the bad!!
On a side note, I love your books!!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait.. It will be my late birthday gift.

Unknown said...

I would like to have super speed. I could get my house cleaned in a matter of minutes and be able to be outside with my boys playing in the dirt or fishing! I cant wait for Zoltan's book!!!!

Unknown said...

I love love love this whole series!! I would love to win but if I don't Congrats to whoever does!! Kerrelyn you are an awesome author!!

Unknown said...

I love your books. Especially this series. I have them all. If I win I'd like to get it in e-book form. Thanks for the opportunity.

Gwen said...

I foster homeless books, much to my husband's dismay :) tee hee.....

Golden Great Grandma said...

Can't wait. Love all your books.

Unknown said...

I would love to have them. The super power i would love to have is the ability to see in the dark. mstygee@yahoo.com

NoraA said...

I don't know if it would be considered a super power, but I'd love to have the power of my mind back. I'd like to walk out of my den to do something and actually remember it 2 minutes later.

So I'd love the power to defrag my brain and reboot it in updated form.


MJ said...

So excited - we don't know very much about Zoltan so this is going to be awesome! If I could have any super power, it would be the power to help people feel at confident and at peace. mjrobinson77@gmail.com

Joanne said...

I would love to be able to read minds. I'd like to know what people think. Can't wait for your new book. Thanks for the giveaway.


susan60625 said...

Can't wait for Zoltan's and Russell's books! I love this series.

Martha Lawson said...

Mind reader!! Can't wait to read these, sound great.

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Janhvi said...

SO excited for Zoltan's book!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

June M. said...

I think I would choose mind control or the ability to conjure whatever I wish for.
Can't wait for Zoltan's book!
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying)

koolbrat said...

Can't wait to read. Thanks for the chance to win this. My email is koolbrat@gmail.com

Kezia said...

I think teleportation would be a nice power to have. :) I would also like some healing power.

kansassweet43 said...

Can't hardly wait for this book. It has been to long since we had a new story in the series. :)

Unknown said...

Love your books! Gammaa@gmail.com
If I had a super power, it would be to fly like a eagle.

Unknown said...

Love your books! Gammaa@gmail.com
If I had a super power, it would be to fly like a eagle.

jkhubbard said...

Can't wait!

jkhubbard said...

Can't wait!

Gina said...

I sooooooo love you Kerrelyn Sparks!!! I cant wait to dive back into those sexy vamps world.

Unknown said...

So looking forward to your new book...love them all

Ash Wolf said...

I've enjoyed your books and am excited for this latest one.

Super power: Moving things with my mind, change shape, or able to control ALL machines with just a thought.

Happy Spring!


Mustang Mama said...

Anytime I see your name on a book I know I have to read it. I love your vamp books! Am so looking forward to reading Zoltan's story. I prefer E books,I have trouble with my eyes and can make the font as big as I need it. If I had a power, I'd want to be able to communicate with my dogs so they could tell me what's wrong when they don't want to eat or when they cry!

Vampgrl30 said...

Superpower I'd most want would be like Wolverine's... to be able to regenerate over & over. Thanks for the chance and I love this series!! nataliarosewoodell@yahoo.com

ladiemarci said...

I love your books. Have read the Love At Stake series twice; once as I got the books, then once in exact order. The second time was much better. One super power would probably be mind control. Thought about reading minds, and knowing the truth, but mind control would allow me to have them always tell the truth without having to listen to the everyday junk.
Keep up the great writing. I'd really like to be one of your winners.

Barbara E. said...

How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying) sounds like another winner, I can't wait to read it. :D

Jan Hougland said...

Wow, Kerrelyn! Is writing all you do? You are so prolific, girl! Every time I turn around you have a new book out. But mind you, I'm definitely not complaining...just amazed! I love your stories. They are the super dupers of all the paranormals I've ever read. As to what super power would I like to have? Since I dream of flying, I believe I'd like to fly. jdh2690@gmail.com

~Erica~ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
~Erica~ said...

I want to be able to think about a place and be there. Standing under the Eiffel Tower, On the Great Wall of China, Standing in Times Square.

I love the Love at Stake series, and have read every single book!!


Unknown said...

I'm so eager to read this one. Love the series.
I'd love to have the ability to control the elements. It would be awesome to change a cold day into warm. :)


bluenikki29 said...

I cannot wait! I love these books so much!

Unknown said...

Can't wait! Love this series.

Unknown said...

Love the series, would love the signed books, can never have too many copies. Lol

Unknown said...

Love the series, would love the signed books, can never have too many copies. Lol

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

If I had to pick a super power, I'd love to fly. Common answer I know, but imagine the freedom available if you could.


Thank you for this opportunity. Cannot wait until the next book is released.

Unknown said...

Thank you for another fantastic read and great characters! You are so on my alert me list!

Unknown said...

So love your books, can't wait for the new book and every book there after. Keep up the great work.

J.L.L said...

I can not wait for Zoltans book!!!!! Love your books so much.

Pat Cochran said...

Looking forward to information on
your visit to Katy Books!

Pat C.

Samantha said...

This sounds wonderful! Hoping I will be the one!

Unknown said...

Love your books, I eagerly look forward to each one!

Jeanette J said...

I would love to have the power of teleportation.

kbanks54 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kbanks54 said...

Absolutely luv this series & all of Kerrelyn Sparks' writings! Thanks for chance to win! kbanks54@yahoo.com

wanda f said...

Love your books this is one of my most favorite series .

wanda f said...

Love your books this is one of my most favorite series .

Fluser said...

My fav superpower is flying. I would love to have real wings with feathers.

But I do love your books too... LOL


Anonymous said...

I would absolutely love a copy of this book!!! IT sounds so interesting and it would be heaven on Earth for me to become a part of another world--if even for a short while ^.^

Beth aka Scifibookcat said...

One of my favorite series.

Unknown said...

Superpower huh?.. I would like the power of "perfect sarcasm" ... To always have the absolutely perfect answer/quip for every situation.. ;)
Thankyou for the chance... I <3 your books..

Unknown said...

I would love to teleport!!

AquarianDancer said...

So I know it's not a superpower, but it should be. I'd love to have an Eidetic memory.

Unknown said...

Love all your books...

Ivana_Croatia said...

An exciting reading, as always I'm sure :)

I would love to control the weather - the storms, thunder, wind, waves, sunshine... It would be inspiring to have so much power and responsibility in one.

( ivana.ciglar@gmail.com )

Unknown said...

Awesome can't wait. Have a great day

Unknown said...

I want my super power to have the ability to see people the way their personalities are, not their outward appearance. So horrible people = horrible looking. It would make my life so much simpler. :)

I would love autographed copies of your books!

Marie said...

I'd go for flying... Or atleast levitating xD. Countdown one month new book countdown one month bday!! Awesome april 29th this year!!!

TMeShelle said...

I emailed you before about my sisters and I dividing the list of protagonists and laying claim on our favorites! Zoltan is one of my babies, and I've been counting down to his book for so long! Please pick me! tmlewis2012@gmail.com #Zoltanslove

TMeShelle said...

I emailed you before about my sisters and I dividing the list of protagonists and laying claim on our favorites! Zoltan is one of my babies, and I've been counting down to his book for so long! Please pick me! tmlewis2012@gmail.com #Zoltanslove

Unknown said...

Would love to win! terrutty@att.net

Unknown said...

To telport would be amazing and love all the books

Bluuvodka said...

I would love to be able to go from one place to another instantly as I take the bus ( I hate to drive) and it takes 5 hours round trip to go to work everyday


Unknown said...

I am so excited for the next book in this awesome series! Great reads!

Unknown said...

I would love the power of flight. This way I can travel where ever I would like.

Tammy Beck said...

I would choose mind reading.
I love your series.

Unknown said...

Counting the days!

Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting. Love your books.

Brenda Hook said...

love your books misspiggysue51@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

If I would be a super power, I would like to have the same power as Constantine Draganesti. The way he hold Vanda and knew that she was hurting.

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