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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Release the midsummer magic

Thanks to everyone who commented. I've declared you all the winner! Email nicole@nicolermurphy.com.au so I can send you a copy of 'Release'.

It's Midsummer in the northern hemisphere - Midwinter here in the land of Oz. Here it's the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. From here, we fall down into deep winter and the weather is certainly do it's best to mirror that. We had a lovely mild autumn and it's taken a while, but the cold has hit.

The cows have been killed, the kegs tapped and we have feasted. Now we wait, and hope we make it through the hardness of the months ahead, until spring blooms and we can start anew.

At least, that's the way it used to be celebrated. A little sad that squirrels were smarter than humans... Anyway things are different now - we don't have to eat all the food for fear of it going off, or spend all our time indoors because it's too dangerous out (although you don't go outside by choice in this bit of Australia - nights are below freezing, days aren't all that much warmer sometimes).

Still, there's magic in the air. Days like today, where the sky is so blue, the sun so yellow and yet there's a crispness that stings your cheeks a little and makes you feel alive. I love walking in fog - the shadows it gives to familiar things, feeling alone even though you're in the midst of a city. And the crispness of frost on the grass.

Of course, the best thing about winter is being able to curl up under a doona with a good book. And luckily, I think I've got a pretty good one for you - if you like lots of steamy, sex with some hot spirits :)

RELEASE, my collection of four paranormal erotica novellas, comes out July 1. Below is the cover, blurb and some links and then a giveaway!

Four stories of eroticism, strength, experimentation, and ultimate salvation.

Cursed after death to live in grey nothingness until they atone for their sins, four spirits have spent centuries doing good for others. Finally they stumble upon the true key to their salvation — because they hurt women in their lives, they’ll only find release by now helping women to become all they should be. One by one, the spirits meet a woman and as each sexual delight unfurls, the grey nothingness disappears a little more. As the women find their happily ever after, they grant the spirits a chance at peace for eternity.

Follow the journey of four remarkable women — Luisa, Anna, Cara, and Jan — and the four spirits that set them on a new path to sexual freedom and boundless pleasure.

Preorder links 

Kobo - http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/release-21

Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/Release-Elizabeth-Dunk-ebook/dp/B00KQ64YIM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1403128221&sr=8-1&keywords=release+elizabeth+dunk

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/release/id885270605?mt=11


I've got ten -yes ten -copies of Release to give away in your preferred electronic formate. To enter, tell me what is your favourite thing about winter?

I'll announced the winner on July 1, the day Release is released!


Jacqui said...

Sitting in front of the fire when the kids are asleep with a good book. ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com

SandyG265 said...

Curling up with a hot drink and watching the snow fall.

Kim Falconer said...

Nicole! Looks like Hot Stuff! Congratulations on the upcoming release :)

Unknown said...

Clean white snow, especially the first one of the year

Kretch48 said...

This is awesome,my favorite thing about winter is to have a fire in the fireplace, rainy day, cuddled up with a blanket and a good book, it doesn't get any better than that!

KCecce said...

Snow. It changes the way that everything looks. And I especially love it before people walk in it and it looks like it's glittering.

Nicole Murphy said...

Thanks everyone for the comments. So jealous of you all that get snow - there's very few parts of Australia that do. Canberra gets extremely cold, but never quite manages the combinations to create snow. Would love it!

Agree with the cuddle up in front of a fire - I want to get one of the heaters that has the fake fire look (we don't have a fire) just so I can pretend.

Winter is fabulous, isn't it!


Unknown said...

Ah no snow here but it is nice cuddle up with a book when it rains!

Joyce said...

My favorite thing about winter is watching it give way to spring. lol

donnas said...

I love the first snow.

Bacchus76 at myself dot com

aiwarnfae said...

I enjoy decorating..pine cones, lights, a warm fire. Hot chocolate and a few good books, snuggled under a blanket, whilst sitting on my couch. And my kitties curled up beside me. ^_^

Aries said...

Reading drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows with my kittens on my lap and reading one book after another.

Nicole Murphy said...

Thanks everyone. aiwarnfae - I'm always jealous of someone with a knack for decorating. I'm so bad at it myself. Pine cones, lights, fire sounds wonderful!

That makes ten commenters, and I said I'd give away ten copies - so you ladies are the lucky ten! Please email nicole@nicolermurphy.com and tell me your preferred electronic format and I'll send you a copy of 'Release'.


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