Who We Are

Monday, August 25, 2014


Congratulations to Bella Boo, who won this month's contest! Thank you all for the lovely comments! Please come back next month--I'll have some photos of Scotland!! And I'll be giving away signed copies of The Vampire and the Virgin and Eat Prey Love! Meanwhile, you can follow the Scottish adventures on Facebook and Twitter.  See you next month!

Have any of you been watching the new television series, Outlander?  Jamie Frasier captured my heart years ago when I first read Outlander, back in 1991. But then you know that I have a thing for valiant young men in kilts (or valiant old vampires in kilts!).  One of the things I love most about the TV show is that we get to see Scotland. I've been fascinated with that country ever since I was a kid reading
Nancy Drew books and she traveled to Scotland (and solved a mystery, of course.) And I have Scottish ancestors, so I can't help but feel drawn there.

In September, I'll be traveling to Scotland with a group of writers.  You may know of a few of them-- Cathy Maxwell, Lorraine Heath, Elizabeth Essex.  We'll fly in together to Glasgow, and then take off to an old hunting lodge for a week. Of course, the only thing we'll be hunting is countryside, castles, and men in kilts! When we come back to Glasgow on Sept. 14, I hope to meet some of my readers. If you are able to attend our get-together, please let me know! I want to bring a signed book for everyone.

And since sadly, you can't all make it, I'll give away two signed books today.  One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of Secret Life of a Vampire and Forbidden Nights with a Vampire! Just leave a comment to enter. International entries are welcome. Good luck!!


Unknown said...

I would really like to win these books...I love paranormal romance books and find them harder and harder to find where I live and shop. Please pick me.

BeyondTheAngelsReach said...

loved both of these books when i brought them as e-books, would love to have copies in my hands :D

Chellbelle said...

I would love to win ! Love love love your books!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Christina Hunt said...

I would love these!!! I just love reading any thing that you write :-)

Unknown said...

Wow! Great giveaway. Thank you for chance.

Unknown said...

I love paranormal romance!!!! Thank You for giving us Fan's a chance to win these.

Good Luck Everyone!

Unknown said...

Awesomeness! Thank you for being such a wonderful writer!

Unknown said...

I would have loved to visit Scotland and meet you, but I live way too far, making this impossible for me.But I would love to win your books.I love this series.

Unknown said...

Omg this would be like a dream to win!!! U rock!!
Thank u!!

Unknown said...

Oh to be part of your luggage!!! I hope you have the most amazing time! I hope this means lots of new reads. I know DAMN IT BJ...I'm going for the men not for you..LOL
I wouldn't be doing my job If I didn't stalk you properly and I've been doing it for years now!!!
Truly I am happy for you. I have Ireland at the top of my huge bucket list followed closely by Scotland then the rest of the insane stuff I desire to do before I haunt this world. Because we all know Neither Heaven nor Hell will take me....So I'm going to have a wonderfully long life, followed by an even longer after-life.
Please flip a few kilts for me...Blame it on the Fae :)
Have fun....And post lots of Pics :)

CrystalGB said...

What an awesome trip you will be taking. Have lots of fun.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I have a few of your books already and must say I enjoyed them tremendously. Would love to expand on the collection. Thank you for adding to the reading pool. Have a fun and safe trip.

Sandra said...

My name's Sandra. I'm from Poland. I love your book. Can't wait for 'Crouching Tiger..'


Geraldine Wentzell said...

Love a good vampire story

Unknown said...

I hope you have an amazingly beautiful trip filled with lots of laughs and kilted inspirations! I have read everyone in the love at stake series! I would adore if I was lucky enough to be chosen to actually win a signed copy from you! Good luck all.

Unknown said...

You're writing sucks me in immediately every time I pick up one of your books! I hope you enjoy Scotland I would love to make it there one day. Let me know when you make your way to NY I'd love to meet you!

Unknown said...

I love the love at first stake series:). Would love to win this pretty please;)

Unknown said...

I wish i could win !!!! reading Sexiest Vampire Alive !!! PLEASE PICK ME !!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I always wait in anticipation to get your books, love, love, love them!

Unknown said...

It all started with "How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire " I now have read all your books and created an overwelming response in my house. My daughter a 9th grader has watch me enjoy reading so much, that this summer, 2014, she read 30 books all 300-500 pages long. I'm so proud of her and it all started with your wrightings. Thank you. Nita

Bessie Art Sacturay said...

shes such great author i love read more of books...

donnas said...

I would love to go to Scotland. Hopefully one day. Have fun!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Unknown said...

Love your books!

Unknown said...

Love your books. Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Love your scottish vamps. Any plans for a welsh vamp?

Unknown said...

I really wish vampires and shifters existed, because they would make life more interesting! Please keep writing!

Unknown said...

I love this series!!! Can't wait for the next book!!

sophia_vamp said...

love love love "love at stake series. :-)

Anonymous said...

I really love your book there awesome

Unknown said...

Love this series! I have everyone of the ebooks would love to collect the books as well.

Mineliz Medina said...

I love your books. I can't wait to read more on your Paranormals and hopping to get more on your Historicals

linda g said...

would love to have just started reading you books,love them

crimsonfrosst said...

I feel the same thing about the Outlander series and Scotland! I can't get enough of Scottish men in kilts!

crimsonfrosst said...

I feel the same thing about the Outlander series and Scotland! I can't get enough of Scottish men in kilts!

Kezia said...

I love all your books! :)


Redamarie said...

I would love to win....cross your fingers for me. :-) Thank you!

mcv said...

I adore all things Scottish and would love to visit the Highlands.
Next best thing is reading a good novel set in Scotland!

Unknown said...

I love reading your books and can't wait for the next one to come out...have fun on your trip.

Nocturnal Lady said...

If you are hunting men in kilts keep in mind it's the most fun on windy days.... ...

jmcgaugh said...

I've been in love with Scotland since I was a little girl, and I was fortunate to get to visit some years ago with my husband. I know you'll enjoy your trip.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Unknown said...

wish i could join u

KCecce said...

Excellent giveaway. Had a copy of Secret Nights with a Vampire, and read it until it fell apart. Would love a new copy of the book that introduced me to Kerrelyn Sparks

Unknown said...

I am so in love with this series. The earlier ones are the ones I don't have yet. I would love to add these to my collection. Thanks so much!

lavendersbluegreen said...

Enjoy Scotland. I am sure we all hope to see updates from the field so to speak. Thanks for the giveaway.

Gwen said...

I foster homeless books, much to my husband's dismay :) tee hee..............

Unknown said...

I love this series. Can't wait for the new book.

Unknown said...

I would love to have these two books on my shelf! I have them on my Kobo but that makes it pretty hard to share!
Have a wonderful adventure in Scotland :)

Shannon Courtney said...

I habe this series in Kindle, bot I'm trying to get the physical books.

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks for the international giveaway!


Mindy said...

Wow, what an awesome trip coming up! Enjoy all the kilted hotties & stay safe. Thanks for the cool contest, LOVE, love, love your books.

Hope I win :)

Mindy :)

Unknown said...

I love your books! Would be happy with just one of these. Thank you for the chance to win both!

Unknown said...

I love your books. Thank you for this great give a way. I love the humor and love you share.

Unknown said...

Absolutely love your books!!! The kilts are definately hot :)

Cylver said...

Have a wonderful time in Scotland! Wish I could come along!

Unknown said...

I too have felt the draw of Scottish ancestry to the isles of Scotland and the Highlands. Independence, freedom of spirit, appreciation of beauty and stubborn determination seem to be genetic. Have a great trip and take lots of pictures.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great trip you have planned. Hope you have a wonderful time. Would love to win one of these books. Thanks for the chance.

Cherri said...

Hi Kerrelyn! You are so lucky to be able to go visit Scotland!! It is one place that has always fascinated me as well! I hope you have a great trip and I can't wait to see some pictures! Of both Scotland and the Vampires in kilts! :) Thanks for thinking of us that aren't able to travel with you or to meet you there! I think that is very sweet of you! :) I don't know if you need my email address, but here it is just in case cboitson@shaw.ca (I know previously we have had to leave it in the comments.) Have a great trip!!!!

Unknown said...

Have fun and safe trip to Scotland. Take lots of pictures for us to see.
Love your books and would love to win.

richhayes said...

Love the books and would love to have these

kbanks54 said...

Hi Kerrelyn! Thanks for the opportunity to win signed copies of 2 of your books. You are one of my favorite authors & I love the Love @ Stake series!! <3

Unknown said...

I am trying so hard to post on here to let you know how much I love your books! I follow all your new releases! I'd so love to win the two books to share with my teen daughter, she's 17 and loves vampire paranormal romance and humor! You fit the bill to a T!! Even if I don't win I'm still following your wonderful books and introducing her to your books!! She's just a traditionalist and reads paper and I'm an e-reader girl! So we agree to differ. This contest would have brought us closer to the middle and bonded us over books we love!!

Paula said...

Love those vampires in kilts. I get excited every time I find out you have a new book being released - love them. Thank you for writing such an imaginative addictive series.

June M. said...

Have a great time in Scotland. I would love to go there someday. Btw, Secret Life of a Vampire was my first book I read from you. I loved it and had to get the others after it :)
Manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Love these books almost have them all. :)

Minkydo said...

Love your books and your writing style. Hope you have a great trip to Scotland. Wish I could stowaway and visit too.

sin said...

Hope you have a great trip :)

Love you sexy vamps in kilts. yummy

Unknown said...

I love this series. I need these two since I am getting this series in paperback.

Unknown said...

Awesome, thanks for the opportunity!

Lillie said...

I'm a big fan of your books. Would love to win these to add to my collection.

Teresa K. said...

OMG Kerrelyn!, I'm so jealous. I just know you and Cathy will have a great time. I don't know the other ladies you will be with.
I love Cathy and you. But you know this. Cathy might run into some of the Chattan's.
And maybe you will see Angus and the other fellows. Have so much fun for me.
Thank you for the giveaway.


Pat Cochran said...

I so wish I could visit Scotland!
Among the settings in some of my
earliest reads were Scotland and
Australia. Maybe someday! Enjoy the
Pat C.

Unknown said...

I' so jealous, visiting Scotland is on my bucket list. Like you have ancestors from their and have always been fascinated by the culture. Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip.


Unknown said...

Coincidentally, You will be traveling to Scotland about the same time as when I traveled there last year for Study Abroad. Glasgow is Awesome, especially around Christmas and the people there are super friendly. There is a lovely market you should look into, but be prepared for lots of walking. Have fun on your trip, you will love it. I can't wait to return.

Vonnie Alto said...

Bon Voyage! Hope to hear of your travels to Scotland. How exciting that you're going!

Unknown said...

Cool, thanks

pleasantmo said...

Love your books. Have a good trip.

Unknown said...

thanks so much for the giveaway and a great new site for me to stalk!!!

Unknown said...

Lucky!! I miss Glasgow!! I also really love your books!!! Hope to get picked but either way enjoy Glasgow!!!!

Unknown said...

Love your books... Hopefully you come to M.D again...

Unknown said...

Love love love your books. Would love to win :)

Unknown said...

Love your books, especially Forbidden Nights with a Vampire! The romance is just amazing.

Unknown said...

I was living in Scotland for about 22 months, working for Cisco Systems, and I fell in love with the country. I'm spaniard and from Asturias, a part of Spain quite similar to Scotland, so it was like being at home. I love the scots vamps and that they are still wearing the kilts, seriously sexy things. Hope you enjoy your trip there as I did.

Unknown said...

Enjoy Scotland!

Unknown said...

Such an awesome writer and author anyone would be happy to get as would I. Would love to add to my library

Unknown said...

I love your books can't waite for russels book to bad it will be the last one fore a while

Janhvi said...

Forbidden Nights with a Vampire is my favorite :) Thanks for the giveaway!

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

author nikki noffsinger said...

Who doesn't love a man in a kilt and with a sexy brogue? Kerrelyn I adore your books.

Bindi Millson said...

would love to win this. would love to split with another lucky person. already have Secret life.......not yet bought Forbidden nights so would happily split :-)

NoraA said...

I love the series and would be proud to display either title on my bookshelves.

Unknown said...

i just love your books and wish you could write more books i also wish they would turn them into a tv series Connor is my favorite i hope you put him in more books

Jeepgal said...

I love your Love at Stake series. Great paranormal romance.

Shirley (Duncan) Miller said...

Love all your books, would love to win this
great Birthday present to me!!!
Have fun and safe travels

Lisa G said...

I was lucky enough to visit Edinborough back in the mid 80's as part of a college trip. What an amazing place, filled with so much history.

Unknown said...

Love all your books, have all of Love at Stake series, and even the historical romance. Im lucky enough to stay in Scotland, however the problem with all these absolutely gorgeous Highlanders, is the local lads struggle to match up. Looking forward to September :)

MsAwesome said...

Oh, to visit Scotland!! I have no idea how I became fascinated by all Highland things but now visiting Scotland is in my bucket list. And who wouldn't love a man with a brogue ;)
Have a safe and fun trip!!
annaoj (dot) mortes (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I would really live to win the signed copies, too...

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

I'm jealous! Scotland is so lovely, have fun. And hunting men in kilts, that sounds like a bucket list thing.

Thanks for always holding these giveaways. onceuponadreambooks(at)Hotmail(dot)com

Carol L. said...

Oh how I wish I could go.Visiting Scotland is at the top pf my Things to do list. Have a wonderful time. Thanks for the chance to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I love your books and would live to win this Giveaway.

Amy2read said...

Watched the first episode of Outlander and loved it, would love to someday go to Europe and visit Scotland :)

Unknown said...

I haven't been able to watch it no cable. :-( Hopefully it will go over big enough that it will wind up on Netflix so I can watch it!

Unknown said...

I wish I could go to Scotland. That would be so awesome! I recently ordered the paperback copy of "Vamps and the City" about a week or 2 ago. I have the e-book, but I still like to have the physical copy. A signed copy would be even better! Lol


Unknown said...

just got my mother hooked on this series :)

Kelly said...

Someday I will go to Scotland! Have fun!

April said...

I read with sorrow that Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire would be the conclusion in the Love at Stake series. I will miss them all so much. So glad though if Russell gets his HEA. He has been such a great character!

teresaryntetar said...

I would love to win these books. I have read several of the Love series and would love to read more of them.

Unknown said...

I love this series. This series Is my inspiration to wright my own book. I also love the Irish and Scottish hotties that are in your books.

mark said...

One of my favorite vampire series EVER! Great writing! Cant wait for more!

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