Thursday, September 25, 2014

Back home from Scotland!

Congratulations to Kezia from Washington, who won this month's contest!  Thank you all for stopping by and leaving so many wonderful comments.  Please come back Oct. 25, when I'll be giving away the next two books in the series, Vampire Mine and Sexiest Vampire Alive!

What a fabulous time I had in Scotland!  It's one of those places that soothes your soul and fills your mind with imagination. I was fortunate to travel with a great bunch of women, all writers. Here you can see six of us in a selfie I took with Stirling Castle in the background.  Denise, Deb, Cathy Maxwell, Lorraine Heath, Elizabeth Essex, and me! We lived for a week in an old Victorian hunting lodge in Perthshire, complete with wonkie toilets, old-world charm, and a resident ghost, who made a few noises in the middle of the night, but otherwise, left us alone.

Every day was an adventure.  We went to places like Dunnottar and Blair Castle. We visited towns like Aberfeldy and Braemar. Even the journey there was an adventure, since we had to drive on the left side of the tiny, narrow roads and fly into a panic whenever a truck came along!  We happened to be near
neighbors of the Queen, who was in Balmoral.  The estate was closed for visitors, but we toured the church she attends every Sunday.

The trip ended in Glasgow, where we met with sixteen readers!  Here are some photos of them!  We all had a great time with lots of
laughs.  HarperCollins UK had mailed three boxes of goodies to the hotel, so everyone left with some signed books!

When I came home, there was a surprise waiting for me!  A box full of ARCs (advanced reading copies) for Russell's book, Crouching Tiger Forbidden Vampire!  These are uncorrected galleys, meaning they may not be exactly like the final version, since they don't reflect any changes made in the copyedit or final page proof stage. Which means they probably have too many commas in them, LOL. I tend to overdo the commas.    Crouching Tiger Forbidden Vampire goes on sale Dec. 30!  (And I am so tempted to put a comma in that title!)

Since I still have Scotland on my mind, I'm delighted to give away the book starring Robby MacKay! (I learned in Scotland that I have been mispronouncing his name for years! MacKay rhymes with tie.) I'll also give away Carlos's book, Eat Prey Love! (Again, I so want to put commas in that!)  So, for a chance to win The Vampire and the Virgin and Eat Prey Love, just leave a comment below. It makes it easier for me to contact the winner if you leave an email address in your comment. If you don't want to leave an email address, I understand that, but please come back in a few days to see if I'm looking for you. International entries are welcome. Good luck!


My~My said...

Would love to win thanks for the chance.

Sandra said...

I love to have one of your book signed by you Kerrelyn <3

Lisa Mann said...

Would love to win this again your my fav author and I love your books. Hope to win

Sandy said...

Would love to win this!! Have some of Kerrelyn's books, but not these!!
Thank you for the chance, Sandy Jones

Life, friends, books, movies, vampires, anime said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Love these books, would love to win either!

Life, friends, books, movies, vampires, anime said...

Would love a free signed copy of one of your books! Your my favorite author love your Scottish vamps! <3

Unknown said...

I love your books. Would love to have a signed copy of them also.

AmandaDawn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michelle Reuss said...

I love this series! I dont want it to ever end.

Unknown said...

These are the 1st 2 books that I read in the series. They are honestly my 2 favorites. I would love to have signed copies of them. Thank you for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Love your books. Thanks for the contest!

Nancy G said...

Would love to win these...I so enjoy your books.

nancyg5997 at gmail dot com

author nikki noffsinger said...

I loooove all our LAS boys furry or fanged but Robby Mackay and Ian are my abso favorites.

jeekle said...

Scotland is one of my favorite places -- it feel likes home :) -- so glad you had a great trip there! Thanks, as always, for your fun books.
janeerwin4 at gmail .com

Unknown said...

Would love to win this. I have been battling a bad depression for six months now. Reading was my all time favorite past time. I've lined up this series at the end of my bed, to look over and remember the adventure I've taken with them. I do hope, that I can pull myself out of this soon so I can continue it. You've become one of my all time favorite authors. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Loving this giveaway. This is on of my absolute fave vampire series/mythology. And I've been dying to get my hands on Eat Prey Love

Psyche said...

please pick me. Good luck to all of us. :D


Nicki Rivers said...

How Fitting it is for Kerrelyn Sparks to travel to Scotland especially after she has given us the Love at Stakes Novels which feature so many hot Vamps, Like Ian, Robbie, Angus and Dougel. I've read her love at Stakes series and because I relocated, I donated my collection to a local women's shelter, because I felt they could use a little Vamp romance in their lives. So now I am replenishing my love at Stakes series. I would love to re-read the Vampire and the Virgin again. I'm glad Mrs. Sparks had fun in Scotland and thank you for sharing the pictures.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win these wonderful books!

Unknown said...

So jealous that you got to Scotland. Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

Kezia said...

I love all your books!!! (And I overdo it with the exclamation points.) :)

Unknown said...

Love all your books!


Awesome giveaway

Unknown said...

So jealous that you were in Scotland! I dream about going to Scotland. Love this series! Can't wait for the next one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan Johnson said...

I love this series, I have them all on my kindle but who can say no to having the real thing?!

June M. said...

I would love to go to Scotland someday. To be able to see the castles, lochs, and scenery. Not to mention a few Highlanders, lol ;-)
manning_J2004 at yahoo dot com

Lisa G said...

I was lucky enough to spend several days in Edinburough while in college and loved it. One of my dreams is to get to go back and spend longer exploring Scotland.
lisaguertin at

Unknown said...

Love this books! Can't wait for December 31st!

MsAwesome said...

I wish I was one of those readers that got to meet so many of my favorite authors! It sounds like you had so much fun. Good for you!

annaoj (dot)mortes (at) gmail (dot) com

beckyjo said...

thank you for post pictures, they look beautiful. happy you and the other girls had a blast!! love both book, girl ever book you write is the best cant wait to read crouching tiger forbidden vampire, really need something to lift my spirit during my time.thank you for writting.

richhayes said...

Scotland sounds like it was fun and would love to receive one or both books

Unknown said...

Love your books. My aunt had me read one and I've been hooked ever since. :)

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of your books.

Cylver said...

I'm so glad you had a great time in Scotland! It must have been beautiful!
I love Robby McKay (rhymes with "tie" - I must remember that!) and I would love to win a signed copy of his book. But I especially can't wait to read more about Russell and see him get to be the hero!

charlene said...

thanks for the chance to win! sounds like you had a wonderful time!

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome trip.

Scorpio1974 said...

Looks and sounds like you had a blast!
What a generous giveaway too! =D

Valerie Long (and all the ways you can find me...)
Facebook -
Etsy -
Pinterest -

Unknown said...

Love your books...can't wait till December for the new one :))

SheriV said...

Looks like a great trip and I love your books.

smurfettev AT gmail DOT com

Cherri said...

OMG! Kerrelyn it sounds like you had a fantastic trip! I am very jealous! I would love to be able to visit Scotland one day. I was so envious reading about where you stayed and visited. Some day.... :)

I know that you know this already, but you are one of my top authors and I am so honored to be able to chat with you every now & then. Your books help me so much to escape my pain and colitis issues. To me, that is priceless!!!

And of course I would LOVE ANYTHING from you, but autographed books are so awesome!!!!!

thank you for everything!

Unknown said...

I would love to win your awesome books!

Unknown said...

Ooh this would be so cool! Also welcome home so glad you had a nice trip ^_^ I have always wanted to go, but money and young kids make that difficult.

Chera said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit to my homeland. My favorite time of day is gloaming, that time between sunset and dark when the fae are out and about.

Unknown said...

love your books

Unknown said...

Love your books! Have the whole series!!

elizabeth said...

The Vampire and the Virgin was the first book I read in the Love at Stake series. Read it in a night. Ended up reading the entire series.

Elizabeth Gray

Unknown said...

Missed to at Capricon. This would be next best thing.

Mineliz Medina said...

I'm dying for December to come so I can read Russell's book!!

Unknown said...
I am missing these two from my collection. I would love to add them. Thanks for the opportunity.

Jeanette J said...

I'd love to win these. Thank you for the giveaway
lindahl at rogers dot com

jess said...

comment lol just kidding I would love to win a signed copy of these books. I have read the vampire and the virgin but haven't gotten to eat pray love. however I did give it to my mother to read and now she wants to read the entire series! she's not even a supernatural fan!

Unknown said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun in Scotland. I hope to someday tavel there, it is such a beautiful place. I love your books so much Kerrelyn thanks so much for the chance to win a signed copy of your books.

Unknown said...

I love both of those books.

Jan Hougland said...

I am envious of your week-long stay in Scotland! I was there primarily in Edinburgh for only two days in of those blitz trips. I suppose it's better than not seeing anything at all, but I need... to go back to see more! Thanks for your photos and post...and the chance to win a couple of your books.

Unknown said...

Sounds like such a fun time. It's on my bucket list to visit. Can't wait for the release, so excited.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. 😍

Unknown said...

Thanks! Love your writing!

Always Wright said...

Sounds like a fun trip! Hope u had lots of fun. I cant wait for the new book! You always write a peice of art. :)

Tangaray said...

Looks like you Ladies all had a great time!! Hope you got lots of inspiration for your next few books!! Love your work and thanks for a chance to own something so valuable as a signed book from you!!
RGober60( @ ) gmail (dot) com

Courtney said...

Started it all with Eat Prey Love and then had to start all over on book one! Loved it and would love a copy!

Unknown said...

I love all the love at stake books but Robbie and Olivia are the best can't waite for Russels book but will be sad when it ends

Unknown said...

Would love a signed book, love the series, can't wait for next one to come out.

Unknown said...

I wish I could of went with you!
Love all of your books.
I am waiting for more and I hope there are more soon!

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

Rhymes with tie? I've been pronouncing it wrong too. But I'll never get it wrong again.

Thank you for holding the giveaway.


Unknown said...

I love your books. Would love to have a signed copy of them also.

Pat Cochran said...

What a lovely trip! I have wanted to
visit Scotland since my earliest
reads which were set there. Thanks
for the giveaway!

Pat Cochran

Unknown said...

I adore your books and so does my Sissy!! We would love to win and share this prize!! XxxOoo

Unknown said...

I would love to win signed books of yours. I love your books! I have read a lot of them. :)

pleasantmo said...

Would love to win your books. Thanks for offering them.

Unknown said...

I love this series. I would love to win.

Unknown said...

It sounds like an adventure. I am a little envious. Hope to see more pics.

Unknown said...

Was wonderful to finally meet you. We all had a blast meeting up at Glw airport. Glad you had a great visit to our fair country.
love, Ann-Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Wow!! My sister would freak if I won!!. Thanks for the chance to win :)

susanbeamon said...

I would love to win. I love ARCs. I have been able to compare several ARCs with the finished hardback book, I won't name them, and I have to say the errors in the editing that show up in the ARC are still there in the published book. Just something I've noticed.

AmandaDawn said...

The Vampire and the Virgin was the first book of yours I ever bought, and once I finished reading it since I couldn't put it down that took about a day, I went and bought all the ones in the series before it and eagerly waited for Eat Prey Love! I Love your series so much and I really wish I could go to Scotland.

Unknown said...

:) fingers crossed!

jmcgaugh said...

I'm glad to hear you had such a great time in Scotland. My husband and I went there about 20 years ago and loved it. I remember the narrow roads and meeting tour buses coming the other way!
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Lisa1200 said...

Loving your writing Looking forward to More! And maybe this books also.

Unknown said...

Love that you liked Scotland. Went to years ago with the family and we're going again next year. And I also love Eat Prey Love. It is one of my top five favourite books!!

Peggye said...

So jealous of your trip to Scotland. Been too long since I've been to either of my ancestral homes - Ireland and Scotland. Love your books though I'm embarassed to admit, I'm a couple behind. So many books, so little time will be be on my tombstone.

Jeepgal said...

Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Love your vampire books.

Unknown said...

Yay!!! I just started reading your books and I love them!

Unknown said...

Love your books!!! I usually try not to get attached to a series because I can't always read every book but I couldn't resist with these!!!

Texas Book Lover said...

Looks like you had a fabulous time in Scotland. That is my dream vacation spot.

Thanks so much!
mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Love Kerrelyn Spark's books

Nancy said...

Love the opportunity to win the book about one of my favorite characters, Robbie McKay. Carlos is yummy too.
My only complaint is you don't write fast enough...LOL!

Teresa mcwhirter said...

I love the whoele series of "Love at Stake" series. I' m waiting patiently for the next book in the series. Thanks for all the goood reads. I would live to win one of the books signed by you. Thanks for the contest. Email is

Strawbarry21 said...

I am obsessed with this series!!! You're such an amazing writer and one of the major reasons I think I will pursue a writing career in my future! Thanks for this lovely opportunity!

sin said...

Your trip sounded wonderful. Thank you for sharing. LOVE this series.
Thank you for the chance to win :)

Paula said...

Live your books! I am so jealous over your trip. It sounds like it was wonderful. Maybe one of these years I'll get to go.

Paula said...

Sorry - typo - love your books! Would really like to live them though. 😊

Anonymous said...

Your books are my CRACK! I love your writing and would love a signed copy. Jestine Clayton

Unknown said...

I would absolutely love to win, your books are amazing and I have fallen in love with each of them! Even got my cousin impatiently waiting on the next one! :)

Unknown said...

I love your books!

Terry's Crafty Fingers said...

I am so jealous. I would love to go to Scotland someday. I'm so glad you had a fabulous time.

teresaryntetar said...

I would love to be able to go to Scotland and see the things you were able to see. I saw some of the pictures you posted on facebook and loved them all. I would love to win some of your books. They are great. The first one I read was How To Marry a Millionaire Vampire. It was wonderful and I still want to read more of your books.

Teresa A Ryan

Unknown said...

Id love ro have Eat prey love....i had some of ur books already and i want this one to be added..i love reading your stories and want to read more

vmcbride77 said...

I would really love to win, love your books !!!

Vanessa McBride