Who We Are

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Congratulations to Kim of North Carolina for winning this month's contest! Thank you all for the great comments and support! Please come back Jan. 25 for the next contest!  Happy New Year to you all!

It's hard to believe another year has passed!  I hope it was a good one for you, full of joy, fun times, and great books!  And I hope you'll end 2014 with a bang-- Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire!  It releases December 30.

To celebrate, there are a bunch of contests going on, and some live appearances scheduled.  Just check the appearances page on my website at www.kerrelynsparks.com or the events page on my Facebook author page.  The Launch Party will happen Dec. 30 at Katy Budget Books.  If you can't make it, you could still order one of the books I'll be signing that evening.  Just contact the folks at Katy Budget Books (http://www.katybooks.com) to place an order.

Avon Books has started a series of author events called KissCon. I'll be at the KissCon in Sarasota, Florida, at end of January and the KissCon in the St. Louis area at the end of March.  For more information about KissCon, please go to http://www.avonkisscon.com.  I also have events in Dallas in January and Birmingham, AL in February.  For more information, check the appearances page on my website or events page on my Facebook page.

And since you're busy opening presents and munching on Christmas cookies, I'll get straight to the contest. One lucky winner will receive a signed copy of The Vampire with the Dragon Tattoo and How to Seduce a Vampire (Without Really Trying).  Those are books 14 and 15, so you'll be ready for book 16, Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire when it releases in a few days. The contest is open internationally. Winner will be chosen at random. To enter, simply leave a comment below. Leaving your email address in your comment will make it easier to track you down. If you choose not to leave your email address, that's okay, but please remember to check back here in a few days in case I'm looking for you.

And finally, I'd like to thank all of you for following the entire series and being the best readers ever!  Your enthusiasm and support have been a blessing to me over the years.  May you all have a safe and happy holiday season and a glorious New Year!


Unknown said...

I love this series! D3c_rosario@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Love this series and can't wait for the newest one.

Kim said...

Love your books! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! rimshot.bishop@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I really enjoy reading your books. Thanks for the chance to win some.


Jennifer said...

I absolutely love ALL of Kerrelyn Sparks' books! I have read and reread all that I have. Thank you so much for writing!

julie said...

I love the series.


My~My said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
My~My said...

Love the series thanks for the chance. myisha3@gmail.com

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Belladonna86 said...

I love this series. In fact, like many others, I've read them several times. I can't wait for the next book. Merry Christmas! ...dimons1313@gmail.com

Lanette said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lanette said...

I love these series of books. I have each and every one. I have probably read them 2 or 3 time each. Really excited for the new one. This series for me is unlike nay that I have ever read. Always waiting for the next one.

Unknown said...

Love this series and can't wait for the newest one.

Nancy Jones said...

I love your books, would love to win this one. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read Russell's book!

Melody said...

Happy Holidays,
I love anything you write. I have read books of this series repeatedly. Thank you for being such a great author. I am looking forward to reading your newest book. Thank you for this chance to enter the giveaway.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for this book to come out! Yay!
Merry Christmas Katie. 🎄

Unknown said...

Love the series! Merry Christmas! catfork91@gmail.com

Sandra said...

Merry Christmas.
Can't wait till next book.


Vampire Queen said...

Love the series! Thanx for holding so many contests :-)=

Unknown said...

I have read the whole series so far, and I have loved it. Each book draws me into this amazing world of heroes, who happen to be really hot and immortal. I can't wait to read this book. Keep writing, and we'll keep reading.

Unknown said...

awesome, love your books :)

Ash Wolf said...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday.


Unknown said...

It would be a super duper christmas to have your books! I love this series. From Roman's almost-single-fanged-vampire drama to Ian's I'm-an-adult-now up to Zoltan's Project-ten-climaxes. :D It's been fun joining them in their little vampire world with those sexy were's and angels :)

Merry Christmas! I hope you could write some more

carly said...

I love this series!! Thank you so much for the chance to win these amazing books! carlywood@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I so can't wait to read this book!! ♡

Kkdnc said...

Merry Christmas! Thank you for your fantastic books.

Barbara E. said...

Merry Christmas to you Kerrelyn! What an awesome present winning this one would be. :D

Unknown said...

Sorry to see it end!

Lynn said...

Can't wait to read this!

KerrelynSparks said...

Entry for Kimberly Fields Kicklighter

Diane Williams said...

Love your books. Looking forward to the next release. Diane0614@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I love this series! <3

Unknown said...

One of my FAVORITE series!! I look forward to each release and tell all my friends about it! Thanks for the opportunity! MERRY CHRISTMAS! nicksmom02@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Love your work melissammeador@gmail.com

Sullivan McPig said...

Thanks for the international giveaway. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


Sherry said...

This is one of my favorite series and I look forward to reading more of the books.
sstrode at scrtc dot com

Gretl said...

You must be psychic. That's exactly where I left off in the series. I need those 2 books to catch up because the new one looks really good!


Unknown said...

I freaking love this series:). Bring on book 16:). daisy26_82@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

OMG. OMG. OMG. That would look perfect on my shelves added to my collections of KS books.

Happy Holidays everyone! xoxo

Unknown said...

I forgot to include my eadd so here it is- lenzheartnet@gmail.com

Irishangel.com said...

I would love to win these books, I love this series! Irishluck377@hotmail.com Hope everyone has a great holiday season!

My~My said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Courtney said...

Can't wait for Russell!!!

Unknown said...

Love this series! Thank you for the giveaway!!


Merry Christmas!! :)

Unknown said...

I <3 this series!!! I would love to win the books.


denise said...

I would absolutely love to win.

kaisquared said...

Hope your Christmas rocked! Thanks for all the great books.

emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com

donnas said...

Happy Holidays!!

Love this series

bacchus76 at myself dot com

CrystalGB said...

Awesome giveaway! Wishing you a happy New Year!

Unknown said...

This is one of the best series ever. could read over and over again. GammaJJEWB_5@yahoo.com

Rini K said...

I love this series! Cannot wait to read the latest one

rinib2 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Alaina said...

I love this series! So excited to read this next book!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Geraldine Wentzell said...

Can't believe the series is coming to a end will be missed auntgerry@comcast.net

Geraldine Wentzell said...

Can't believe the series is coming to a end will be missed auntgerry@comcast.net

Geraldine Wentzell said...

Can't believe the series is coming to a end will be missed auntgerry@comcast.net

Carol L. said...

It's going tto be hard saying goodbye to all the characters we ve grown to love through the years.Looking forward to reading this last book. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

I've been reading your books a long time now. Would love to have the nearest ones!! Love anything you write!

jmcgaugh said...

I'm looking forward to Russell's story, but I hate to see it end.
jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

Cylver said...

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, and all the best for a fantastic 2015!

I'm really going to miss these characters and this world you've created, but I look forward to seeing what you do next!


RobinM said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! tweetyiniowa@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I love the series and am very excited for the final book. I enjoyed the teaser as well. WheelofTime13@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I love this series ! I have read all the books twice and some of them theee or four times. I'm very sad to see it end its like losing part of the family.

Unknown said...

I love this series and can't wait to read Russell's story.I would love to win. ms.nettles_04@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Have loved this series since the start!

amulet-angel said...

Thank you for the giveaway :)


Peggye said...

Love your series. Merry Bah and Happy Humbug to all!

Carrie @ Paper Bindings said...

Hope you had a great holiday!


Strawbarry21 said...

Love your books! Have an amazing holiday! Mcv4@geneseo.edu

Mindy said...

Hope your Christmas rocked!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway,

Mindy :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for the opportunity!

MsAwesome said...

Man, I wish I could come see you at KissCon! Congrats on the new release! I love the cover. I feel like I want to enlarge it and frame to hang it on my wall ;)

annaoj (dot) mortes (at) gmail (dot) com

Cherri said...

Hi Kerrelyn! I hope that you had a Very Merry Christmas! I can't believe that we are AT. THE. END. !!!! *sniffle* This has been an amazing series that is what got me addicted to Vampire Romance books, and then to Paranormals as well!!!! I am so NOT ready to say Good...Bywawwaawawa *sob sob sob* I can only *sniff* hope that *so-o-o-b* you do come back *snuffle* to the series or *sob* back into Paranormals soon! It is so hard to say good-bye to some of my greatest book friends! Not to mention a fantabulous author (yes you Kerrelyn!) *watery smile* So BIG HUGS to you and I promise to keep on stalking, I mean LOVING you all the same! Happy New Year! cboitson@shaw.ca

Unknown said...

I was soooo looking forward to reading this! And being the nice mom I am... I let my 20 yr old borrow my kindle and he went out of town with said kindle.. and forgot to pre-order. Darnit. lol I'll get it back in 2 days and devour it as I do all your books. Happy New Year!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love all these books.

Unknown said...

Would Love to win these books! I am a huge fan and have read almost all in this series.


Dragon Momma said...

So love the titles!

Stacy Wilson
dragn_lady at yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Love this series.


Unknown said...

Love the series, so glad to here it's going on hiatus and not ending. Went to a signing a while back and bought a 2nd copy of Book #1 just for you to sign & hideaway even though I had a copy to read.
*Fingers crossed *

Anonymous said...

I was just recommending this series to some facebook friends. I'm so glad Russell is getting his own book!


Unknown said...

Love the series and could use these books to catch up to the last one!

Unknown said...

I have a addiction to this series and all of Kerrelyn's books. Its like I finish one book and I am on pins a needles for the next one to come out. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to read the new book....

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