Who We Are

Monday, December 1, 2014

Inside Middle Earth: Visiting Hobbiton

With the third and final Hobbit film upon us I thought I'd share a few fun photos from inside Middle Earth—Hobbiton in fact.

Starting with the view to Bag End and "the tree":

A close up view of Bag End:

And the famous green door:

As well as an interior view of the Green Dragon:

And the green dragon itself (very topical!):

Regardless of whether or not you see the movie: have fun in December and all the best for the forthcoming holiday season. See you all again in 2015! (Scary!)


KerrelynSparks said...

I would LOVE to go there!! Thanks for the photos!

Helen Lowe said...

It really is fabulous, Kerrelyn--I was blown away when I visited it.

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