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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Foolery: "Never Have I Ever" – Plus Giveaway!

April 1 means fun time on the Supernatural Underground so we're playing a little game of "Never Have I Ever" – with a good old Supernatural Undergound giveaway for good measure. 

"Never Have I Ever" first, then the giveaway details at the end!

Never Have I Ever – Supernatural Underground Style


"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping to research what it felt like to be a mermaid." ~ Amanda Arista
– Amanda is giving away an ebook of her first novel, Diaries of an Urban Panther

"Never have I ever been held at gunpoint or surrounded by a SWAT team." ~ Merrie Destefano
– Merrie is giving away
an ebook of her YA novel, Fathom

"Never have attended a cocktail party with Guillermo del Torro and Jerry O'Connell." ~ Jocelynn Drake

– Jocelynn is giving away an ebook copy of Angel's Ink, from her Asylum Tales 'verse.

"Never have I ever been stuck at 80 ft, bottom of the anchor line, waiting for a school of 12 ft long tiger sharks to pass overhead . . . with only 3 minutes of air left in the tanks . . ." ~ Kim Falconer
– Kim is giving away an ebook of Path Of The Stray, Book # 1 of her Quantum Encryption series

"Never have I ever stayed in a "haunted house" while doing research for a book." ~ Terri Garey
– Terri is giving away an ebook of her latest publication, Whistling Past The Graveyard


"Never have I ever ridden across Mongolia and hunted from horseback using a golden eagle." ~ Helen Lowe
– Helen is giving away either a paperback or ebook (winner's choice) of The Heir Of Night, Book One of The Wall Of Night series

How The Giveaway Will Work!

You've seen the swag listed with the "Never have You Ever" contribution from each author.

To be in to win, all you have to do is enter your take on whether the "Never Have You Ever" contributions are True or False.

Just leave a comment to tell us what you think but every comment will go in the draw (via RANDOM) to win the books!

The result will be drawn and posted here on Friday 24 April, so you can enter any time up until then and be sure to check back to find out the correct answers and whether or not YOU won the giveaway!


Merrie Destefano said...

Wow, I love hearing all of these! We sound like such an adventurous group of writers. Or ARE we? LOL. Great post, Helen!

Terri Garey said...

I think yours should've been "Never have I ever dated a rock star", Merrie! :)

Merrie Destefano said...

Terri, ROTFL. And the Supernatural Underground skeletons come tumbling out of the closet! Haha.

Kim Falconer said...

Helen, I love the post, and the giveaway! Great fun.

I think we are all very adventurous, or at least, have adventurous imaginations.

They all feel so wild, but they could be true too.

Can't wait for the big reveal on the 24th. (I have my guesses written down).

Helen Lowe said...

It's deciding on the 'true' or 'false' question that's the fun part, for sure! :)

Andie said...

I would love for most of these to be true, but are you not all tellers of stories?

So ...

Amanda - true
Jocelyn -false
Merrie - false
Kim - true
Terri - false
Helen - false

Jess said...

This is fun! My guess is T F T T F T (lol)

Meredith said...

I'm going for true...sounds like fun!

Meredithfl at gmail dot com

jorlando said...

Here are my guesses:

Amanda - false
Jocelynn - false
Merrie - true
Kim - true
Terri - false
Helen - true

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