Who We Are

Monday, July 16, 2018

S'up with the Sup Authors

Woman Warrior With Tiger by James Britto
Hi Everyone,

For my post this month, I wanted to do a bit of an update on all of us Sup authors to give you an idea of what's next for some of us, as well as a taste of the writer's life. There's a bit of diversity, but I confess, the first three words that came out of all our author's mouths when asked what they were up to was, "Writing. Writing. Writing."

Let's start with Amanda Arista

Amanda is currently working on a new Paranormal Mystery series and teaching creative writing through SMU. She is currently experimenting with new writing and life practices through her series on the blog called #2018YearOfTheNew.

You can chat with her on Twitter @Panterista and the Supernatural Blog on the 3rd of the month.

On to Helen Lowe

One thing I can tell you about Helen is, she's insanely busy, so much so, we should whisper when we speak her name, so as not to disturb. 

For example, she's working tirelessly on the fourth and final novel in The Wall Of Night series, and as any series writer will tell you, by the time you are on to number four, there are so many loose ends to tie up, so much history and worldbuilding to keep in place, and so many characters that all want to be the star of the final scene that it takes incredible focus and concentrations. 

Helen is also a conservationist, recently saving more than 1500 trees in New Zealand from destruction, including a 160-year-old weeping elm. She's also a poet and academic, writing posts regularly for her “…on Anything, Really” blog, and here at the Sup on the first of every month. You can chat her up on Twitter -  @helenl0we

Terri Garey's News

We're going to hear a lot more from Terri soon, but in her own words, she's ecstatic. Here's why: 

"I finally got the rights back to most of my books, and have some gorgeous new covers to share! Here's an example.

I’m actually REALLY excited by these covers, as they’re what I envisioned all along, and what gives the “Nicki Styx” series a consistency that the old covers never had."

"Healthwise, Terri's faced some challenges out of the blue and handled them with grace and wisdom:

I know it seems like I dropped off the face of the earth the last couple of years, but I’ve had multiple eye surgeries (including a detached retina), moved, and done a bit of traveling. Almost losing sight in one eye made me much more eager to get out from behind the computer and see more of the world!"

Here's her Amazon page where you can check them all out as they become available.  You can also follow her updates on Twitter  -  @TerriGarey

T. Frohock's Happenings

T.'s been busy as well!

In her recent update she said, "Last year, Harper Voyager purchased three novels in my Los Nefilim series. The first novel, WHERE OBLIVION LIVES, will be published in February 2019. 

The cover art just blew me away. It captures the surreal effect of Diago's nightmares, which are an on-going theme in the story. The striking imagery encompasses angels and broken nefilim and the dark sounds that follow them all.

I've been so MIA from the Supernatural Underground and not by choice. Between my full-time job and working on the novels, I've simply been pushed to the max in terms of time. I'm hoping to be back around soon with more posts. 

If you want to keep up with me, the best place is on Twitter,
@T_Frohock  or at my Blog."  Look's like T's also the 2018 Pitch Wars as a mentor! One busy Sup writer. 

News from Merrie Destefano

When I caught up with Merrie, she said:

"On July 21st, I'll be speaking on a panel at Comic-Con International about my self-published novel, Shade: The Complete Trilogy. Afterwards, I'll be signing books. Info about the panel is below and I hope to see y'all there! 

This upcoming Halloween, there will be an international celebration of the 200th anniversary of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. And with that comes a plethora of books and movies rejoicing this occasion. At this panel, listen to authors talk about the influence that Mary Shelley's writing had on their works and why people still obsess over Frankenstein. And watch as they talk about the monsters that never die in their own novels. 

Good luck sleeping that night! Panellists include me (Merrie Destefano - Shade series), Leslie S. Klinger (The New Annotated Frankenstein), Jonathan Maberry (Glimpse, V-Wars), Kiersten White (Bright We Burn and The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein), and Carrie Sessarego of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books."

Follow Merrie's adventures on @MerrieDestefano. Very Exciting!

And Finally, Moi?

Sin - named for the Sumerian Moon God
I'll be brief because, oh yea, #amwriting to a #deadline! 

You already know about the crazy-ass editing I'm doing right now, and the shift in Entangled's release date for The Bone Throwers

Yes, still changing the series over form 3rd person to 1st. I'm on page 410 of book two of three, so that's progress. ETD to my editor - October 2018. 

It's yoga, winter gardening and cat-walks in between hours of intensive work. I like to mix it up, to stay sane. Also, loving the keto diet (basically no sugar, grains or processed foods) so that's a great support too.

And, it's probably old news that the Amassia
Ra - named for the Egyptian Sun god
 series is under a pen name, AK Wilder. This story world is a collaboration after all so, A for Aaron, K for Kim and Wilder for our California family, one of the first settlers in Santa Cruz, my original home and heart.

You can keep tabs on the AK Wilder pages, or mail me, follow AK Wilder on Twitter and if you like cats, digital art, astrology and organic gardens, follow my @a.k.wilder on Instagram.  My two cat boys, Sin and Ra, feature heavily. :)

Now it's your turn. Let us know what you're up to, reading, eating, thinking, doing. We're all ears!

* * *

Kim Falconer's latest novel is out now - The Blood in the Beginning - and Ava Sykes Novel.

Kim also runs GoodVibeAstrology.com where she teaches the law of attraction and astrology. 

Kim posts here at the Supernatural Underground on the 16th of every month, hosts Save the Day Writer's Community on FB and posts a daily astrology weather report on Facebook. 


billabong1502 said...

Hi Kim, Helen & TSU-authors

good to read what you guys are up to - and nice to read you all seem to be busy writing/editing ;-)

… so what's happening in my life right now.... hmmm… well, apart from (im)patiently awaiting the releases of new books from my fav authors (which are still many months away *sighs*), I am working on getting employment in Australia... I am also packing my suitcase for my weekend trip to Hamburg (incl. going to see The Lion King Musical) as I write this. Also I am very much looking forward to my summer hols, which will be spent in Italy/South Tyrol at the beautiful location of the 'Kalterer See'. Plenty of time to soak up the sun and catch up on reading. I'll be getting started on "The View From The Mirror" series by Ian Irvine. By the time I am done with all 4, it should be time for at least one of my fav authors having released a new book… WOOT WOOT! :-)

in between all that and in the next days/weeks/months to come I will also be writing up some loong overdue book reviews...

all the best and guess I'll be reading you… :)

Kim Falconer said...

Christine! Did you enjoy The Lion King? How exciting to see live theater.

You might be working on your tan right now. Has the holiday started?

And the Ian Irvine series? Recommending?

Thanks for dropping in. It's always good to hear your voice here.


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