Who We Are

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Sensational Fantasy Sidekicks Giveaway

Concept Art of Piper from Crown of Bones

 Hey Everyone,

I'm excited to say that Crown of Bones is on a BookBub special and going for $0 for the next seven days. Jump on over to  Bookbub and select your favourite eBook formate. I so appreciate the support.

And meanwhile, to launch my series of posts for the rest of the year, I'm letting Piper - orange-robe of Baiseen, lead the way. 

Piper is an orange-robe (high level) healer savant who raises a phantom in the form of a two-headed snake. Her job in the company is to heal, boost strength and endurance and restore the other party members. She is also trained in hand-to-hand and stands as a strong ally in any fight.

In some ways, Piper is the heart of the company, giving of herself to sustain and care for everyone else. As a healer, she makes no distinction between savant, non-savant, friend, foe, animal, plant or even coral reef when asked for help. She’s ready to do what she can.

With her passionate relationship to the caller/alter savant, Samen, another member of the company, and her enormous store of medicinal knowledge and lore, Piper is always a joy to write. 

She’s the moral compass of the group (along with Ash) and represents a powerful female character who, though kickass in her combat skills, doesn’t leverage stereotypical masculine traits to get the job done. Her power comes from belief in herself, something she doesn’t have to prove to anyone, ever. It is always within.

Let me know what you think of her when you read Crown of Bones, and tell me about your favourite sidekick characters.

Comments always welcome.


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Kim Falconer, writing YA Fantasy as A K Wilder, is the author of Crown of Bones, book #1 in the Amassia Series. The sequel, Curse of Shadows, is due for release in June 2022.

Kim can be found on  AKWilder TwitterFacebook and Instagram

You can Throw the Bones, read your monthly horoscopes or Raise Your Phantom on the AKWilder.com site or just drop a comment to chat. See you there!

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