Monday, April 3, 2023

Refusing the Call 2.0

 The Hero's Journey Reimagined: Refusing the Call

I think this is the phase in the journey that has changed the most for me, in life and in writing. Perhaps it is the growing up thing that I fought tooth and nail. Perhaps it is just becoming the Author of my own life, but this phase has taken on a new meaning. 

On a hero's journey after hearing a Call to Adventure asking for help, the phase known as "Refusing the Call" highlights what exactly the hero thinks about himself. They are not just saying, "No I don't want to," but more along the lines of "I'm afraid because of ..." That dot-dot-dot is the real part of themselves that they will have to overcome in the adventure ahead.

My favorite case in point is our man Luke Skywalker, who refuses to go with Ben Ken-obi by saying, and I'm flagrantly misquoting, "No I can't go with you. I have to stay on the farm with Uncle Owen." He's not really saying that he has to stay on the farm with his Uncle. What he is really saying is that he is afraid that he is not awesome like his father and he's just a lowly farm boy. Once the farm is removed from the picture, literally, he spends the rest of the movie trying to become awesome like his father. Sort of.

However, looking back at this phase, its more than just an inner fear holding the hero back, especially in a hero that has seen the world (Luke had never even left the planet). It is a firmly held belief in his own capabilities holding him back. He has not been strong enough in the past. He has made mistakes in his past. He has potentially hurt people in the past. These actions of failure have lead to a belief that he is not good enough, not brave enough, could never be brave enough. He has proof in the external world in the form of memories, mementos, maybe even scars that all inform that belief that his is not enough to be a Hero. And all of those come rushing back when an opportunity for change presents itself.

Toby Allen designed a series of Mental Illness Monsters and I think Anxiety is probably the best on that weighs on a hero's mind for this phase. It is a voice, his own voice, that tells him he is not strong enough and here is the proof. It is a little voice making lists of all the bad things that have happened and all the bad things that could happen.  It is a monster that has taken up residence in his head that will fight and scream constantly during this phase in the Hero's Journey to ignore the call, turn away from the fight and NOT be Heroic.

Changing a belief is almost harder than facing a fear. Change is hard. And to even attempt to quiet that little monster of Anxiety, it going to take a miracle. Or a Mentor. But that is for next time. 

In the meantime, LIVE HEROICALLY!

Amanda Arista


Twitter: @pantherista
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