Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Sophie Jordan's "Paranormal Heroines vs. Paranormal Heroes": From The Backlist

Sophie Jordan first posted Paranormal Heroines vs. Paranormal Heroes as a guest of the equally wonderful Kerrelyn Sparks -- and we're thrilled to feature it again today. 

Especially as Sophie has an exciting new book, Fire In The Sky (tagline: Magic lives...) due out on September 24!

Coming very soon!

But here's what Sophie posted when her Firelight trilogy (recently released with new covers) was new-out: enjoy!

Paranormal Heroines vs. Paranormal Heroes

As we slip into fall and near Halloween, nothing excites me more than talking about the paranormal!

Recently on tour for my latest novel, FIRELIGHT, a reader brought to my attention the fact that my heroine in FIRELIGHT is the paranormal “figure” in my book -- not the hero as is the usual case. Yes, I know this, of course, but I hadn’t really considered it very hard. Before now (see me tilting my head thoughtfully here).

Those new covers!

I started mentally checking off a lot of paranormal books – many favorites of mine – and realized the observation in point is rather true. I’m not saying there aren’t books with paranormal females in them, but so many books feature the male figure as the paranormal figure while the heroine is simply human. Why is that? I’m not saying one is better than the other … but I’m interested in your opinion today. Do we, as readers, simply want our male heroes more feral? More dangerous? Does making our heroes into a paranormal creature accomplish that? What does that say?

The original

In Firelight, my heroine Jacinda is a draki, which is a species that has evolved from dragons. She’s the only one of her kind that can still breathe fire. She’s a very strong female, and being so “unique” opens up a world of conflict for her. And what would a book be without conflict? Jacinda is constantly surrounded by danger because of what she is. Since I wrote the book solely from her POV, I had fun with this. It wouldn’t have been nearly as fun to write had she been the human and Will, her love interest, the draki. But that’s just my take. What’s your take?


To read the full post, including some great comments, click here.

To find out more about Sophie Jordan, click here.

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