Tuesday, October 22, 2024

From the Backlist - Scary Movies From Real Life


The Amityville Horror (2005) directed by Andrew Douglas

It's time for another look at the Supernatural Underground Blog Backlist! With Halloween a week away, we thought it might be timely to dust off this October 28, 2011 post by Dakota Banks - Scary Movies (and books) with Real Life Backgrounds. 

Read the original post here, and be sure to check out all the interesting comments from readers. You can find the chilling supernatural works, The Mortal Path Series, by Dakota Banks here.

Hope you enjoy!

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As Spooky Day approaches, I thought I'd take a look at some popular scary movies that have more behind them than just a screenwriter eager to cash in on the paranormal craze. These are oldies but goodies, and if you haven't seen them (or if you have), you might want to search them out for your Halloween fright-fest. Your friends might not believe you when you them them the background of these movies!

The Shining (1980)

This movie takes place in an isolated location, a large and luxurious hotel that is closed down for the winter due to impassable roads. This means the few who remain (caretaker, etc.) are trapped there as both the snow and the isolation deepen. Terrible things have happened at the hotel and left ghostly impressions behind that aren't exactly friendly to the humans in their midst. It's a psychological drama as well as a horror movie that will have you breathing fast.

Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, CO

The background: The movie was based on the book The Shining by Stephen King. He was inspired to write it after a stay in Room 217 of the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. In 1911, a housekeeper was nearly killed by a gas leak explosion in Room 217. Doors open and close and lights turn on and off by themselves in that room. Stephen King spotted the ghost of a small child who calls out to his nanny on the second floor. According the the staff, Room 418 is the most haunted room in the hotel. Ghosts of children playing can be heard in the hallway. The movie was not filmed in the Stanley Hotel, as many think, but the hotel does offer ghost tours and ghost hunts based on its many reported hauntings. EMF paranormal detectors are provided. There are tunnels beneath the hotel. Ooh! - read on to enjoy the entire post...


The Mortal Path Series by Dakota Banks

Learn more about Banks' books! They are perfect for this time of year. 

She is also a Thriller author, writing under the name Shirley Kennett

Happy Halloween reading and viewing!

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