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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Book Porn

A little fun today since as readers and writers we are united in one thing: Our beloved books deserve a little somethin'-somethin'.

Oh, c'mon. You know you want it.

This is like a wine cellar, but for books. It's called 'Crafted' by dbd Studio.

The Console reading bookshelf bench by Stanislav Katz.Collect Bookcase by Ole Jensen.

A cow-shaped bookcase now that I live in Dallas part-time? Hm...but does it make my books look fat?
Decay by Katz. Rawr.

Expanding bookcase by Reiner de Jong. You're going to need this as long as everyone in the Supernatural Underground keeps doing their job!

There. Was it as good for you as it was for me? ;-)


Erika Powell said...

The first one and the last ones are my favorites! I want a book cellar!

Jennifer said...

Considering bookshelves are a very prominent part of my furniture (they've taken over) it only makes sense to buy bookshelves that are beautiful.

Now to try that argument out on my husband...

Michikit said...

I think I really like Collect Bookcase by Ole Jensen and the cow-shaped bookcase don't make your books look fat, but rather pink. I think is cute, but don't think it had enough space.

Karen said...

And to think I was impressed by my new Ikea bookshelves :-)

Alicia0385 said...

I desperatly need a book celler!!

Sharon S. said...

I think I need a cold shower now ;)

I like the console reading bookshelf.

Brenda Hyde said...

Shoot, I think I just had like a triple orgasm. Seriously. I love the book cellar, and the chair thingy. Actually, I love bookcases in general. *snort*

Vicki Pettersson said...

What, no votes for Decay?

Hm, hard to choose though. I love them all. The idea of a book cellar, though? Heaven...

Thanks for commenting. (Moo! ;-) )

BWest said...

Love the book cellar!

Anonymous said...

that was amazing.. and here i had fantasies of the bookshelf in moonlight. i loved that thing! i loved all these except for the cow... i didnt like that so much ;0) Kris

Smash Attack Ash said...

I'd love to have that bookshelf / reading bench combo!

Larissa said...

Oh, yeah. The first and last ones totally do it for me. Nice...

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I have the hots for the book cellar, though the bookshelf bench looks like it has some definite possibilities. ;)
They have some cool & funky bookshelves out there. If you've seen The Wisdom Tree, it looks like something from Dr. Suess.

Mel and Dave said...

The cow bookshelf is a bit OTT, even for a Texas girl born and bred, but I can't help but wonder how it would go down over here in England!

Danielle said...

You do realize I'm going to have to tear out all of the perfectly boring, 1960's cabinetry (which has about 10 coats of paint on it), and displace my perfectly placed books, maybe even force them into dark boxes for an unknown duration, just so I can remodel my office, right??? Right?

I'm so rockin the cellar! :D

Vicki Pettersson said...

The cellar seems to be the most popular, though perhaps it's for the best that we can't all have it -- the world would fall apart while we all spend our time reading. ;-)

I'm perplexed by the negative reaction to the cow. Strange, yes. But might be fun for a kid's room, no?

I still need Decay...

And more houses for all these disparate styles!

Anonymous said...

The first one is the most fabulous thing I have ever seen! WOW! WOW! Too Cool!

Nicole Murphy said...

Oh, yes. I just need to have the argument with my non-book loving husband about needing another book shelf...

Unknown said...

I NEED a bookshelf! Desperately!

katsrus said...

I really like the first one and the 5th one. Can you imagine a book cellar? I would be in heaven for sure.
Sue B

Jackie Uhrmacher said...

I could barely hear the TV over the lustful groans from my books when they saw that last one!

Danielle said...

LOVED them all but the cow. Sorry it just isn't me and would never hold my whole collection. I always dream of having my very own library with shelves so high you need some of those cool ladders to get to the ones on top. Heaven :)

Ash Wolf said...

They were all pretty cool. Sad part: I know I have no place to put them if I had them. :(

Buffy said...

Yes, I believe it was.

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh baby!

I so need that expandable bookshelf. Need the expandable room to go with it as well. ;)

heatwave16 said...

I so love the bookshelf with the built in lounge...fab-u-lous!!! However, I need more storage than that.

Helen Lowe said...

As someone seriously in need of a new bookshelf--the last one fell of the wall under the weight of books being added, and added :-( -- this post really struck the right note. But most of those bookshelves just won't cut it. Dudes, I need something WAY bigger.

BreannaRose said...

I LOVE Decay! omg its my favorite! I hav the perfect wall for it too. *le sigh* till I get it, all my books will stay in there glass door lawyer style cabinets. must protect my babies! espicially my signed zodiac books! love love love them!

nymfaux said...

those are amazing!!!!!!! *sigh*

Sarah MacLean said...

GOD do I love bookshelves. These are awesome...and I totally heart the expanding one...fantastic! My very favorite bookshelf is this staircase from Levitate Architecture. I dream of having these stairs.

nymfaux said...

@Sarah I heart that!!!

Vicki Pettersson said...

Okay, I need that staircase.

Lust, lust, lust...

BreannaRose - aw, shucks! And thanks for seconding the Decay vote. I love that one -- though, sadly, not the price.


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