Who We Are

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hi everyone! I’m Leah Cypess, guest-posting for Melissa Marr, who is on vacation in Scotland.

*pause while everyone is jealous of Melissa Marr*

I write YA fantasy. My first book, MISTWOOD, is about an ancient shapeshifter trapped in the form of a human girl. The secondary characters include a prince and princess who love each other deeply, but whose relationship is overwhelmingly about protectiveness, dishonesty, scorn, irritation, dismissiveness, and jealousy.

Sounds seriously unhealthy, right? One of those romances where you feel like yelling at the characters, Get out! Just walk away! And while you’re at it, walk to the nearest therapist!

Except it’s not a romance. The characters are siblings.

Changes things, doesn’t it? Because here’s the thing about sibling relationships: you can’t get out. You can put distance between yourself and a sibling, but you can’t make them stop being your sibling. You didn’t choose this relationship, yet it will probably be the longest-lasting relationship of your life.

And these relationships come in as many varieties as there are people. Supportive. Antagonistic. Protective. Friendly. Jealous. United against the world. Embarrassed by each other. Bane of each other’s existence. Or, sometimes, many of these things at once... which is when it really gets interesting.

Thinking over the recent books I’ve read that feature compelling sibling relationships, what strikes me is how different all these relationships and their trajectories are:

WHISPER by Phoebe Kitandis. About two telepathic sisters with an antagonistic relationship (but is it, really?) Plus, family secrets buried in the past!

THE DEMON’S LEXICON & THE DEMON’S COVENANT by Sarah Rees Brennan, about two sets of siblings who are tight-knit allies against a hostile world. Plus, family secrets buried in the past! (um, you might be seeing a trend here…)

THE NIGHT OF THE SOLSTICE by L.J. Smith. Before The Vampire Diaries, Smith wrote this novel about four siblings called upon to… save the world. Because hey, it is fantasy. But the best part of the book is the relationships between the siblings, especially when it is strained by their mission. No family secrets buried in the past, but I can forgive this due to the book’s general awesomeness.

SPLIT by Swati Avasthi, about the fractured relationship between two brothers who grew up together in an abusive household, until one escaped and left the other behind. This one isn’t speculative fiction, but it is one of the most complicated and heart-breaking and hopeful sibling relationships I’ve ever read about.

If I thought about it longer, I could probably list dozens of books with relationships between siblings that are completely different, yet have in common that unique bond. But, well, I don’t want to think about it all by myself, so let’s hear from you: what books about siblings do you recommend? And yes, there’s a giveaway! Any comment will be entered, but if you recommend a book, that will be two entries! And the giveaway is for a signed hardcover of MISTWOOD *plus* a copy of any of the other books on that list—reader’s choice! Open internationally. Ends Monday, August 9 at midnight.

...And we have a winner! Jennifer (jpetroroy), you should have already received an email notifying you. Everyone else, thank you so much for entering and for all your fantastic book suggestions! My TBR list is on the verge of explosion. Which is a good thing.


JenM said...

You are right, there are so many books about siblings and their complicated relationships. The first one that came to my mind was a book by Sarah Addison Allen called Garden Spells that I just loved. Another one that I really loved was On the Edge by Ilona Andrews. Most people classify this as a PNR, but for me, what really stood out in the book was how fiercely the heroine, Rose, loved and protected her two little brothers.

Elizabeth Ryann said...

Ooh, fun! The first two that pop to mind are Hunger Games (I LOVE how protective Katniss is of Prim) and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. C.S. Lewis makes me scratch my head, though, at all the "Susan is evil because she wore lipstick that one time, so no more magic for her" stuff.

ElizabethRyann (at) gmail (dot) com

Mistress of the Library said...

I like The Thirteenth Child by Patricia Wrede, Witch and Wizard by James Patterson, and of course (though not Sci-Fi/Fantasy) The Outsiders.

Julie! said...

I love reading Books with siblings in 'em!! I liked Firelight with the twin sisters! :D


Sullivan McPig said...

I must confess I haven't read many books with siblings prominently in them. I can advice the childrens book 'The brothers Lionheart' by Astrid Lindgren though even to adult readers.

Candace said...

I think Garden Spells is a good one. It's for a younger crowd but The Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler was about siblings and I LOVED it when I was a kid but I don't remember it very well anymore.
I'm really wanting to get my hands on Mistwood and Split. And actually all of them when I look at the list. Haven't read ANY of them!
Thanks for the giveaway!
candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

Jessica Ring said...

You mention LJ smith in your post, and another of her series comes to mind. The nightworld series! I love and adore that series!! I can't wait for the conclusion...

nymfaux said...

I LOVED MISTWOOD!!!!!!!!!!! But I have it in ebook...which is kind of hard to autograph... ;)

As a sibling, I totally, wholeheartedly agree with everything you said!!!

The first sibling books that come to mind, are the Sweet Valley Twins--who aren't really paranormal, unless you read some of their special editions :) Also, I was just taking a trip down memory lane and was reading The Great Brain series by John D. Fitzgerald--some siblings can never win, and some always do!!!

Somebody already mentioned Narnia!

I've been a HUGE L.J. Smith fan since forever, so I don't know how I didn't know about the Night of the Solstice until just recently--That's now on my ever growing TBR list :)

---Oooh, not a book, but how about Luke and Lea???? Very famous sibs!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by Leah!!!!! And congrats on Mistwood--it's totally AWESOME!!!!

Helen Lowe said...

Siblings can definitely be a rough ride ... in Thornspell, a retelling of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the prince, I have made the evil and good fey twins, providing a strong mythological twist. I also love the two brothers at the core of Patricia McKillip's The Changeling Sea.

Bella@BeguileThySorrow said...

When I was a little girl I remember getting so wrapped up in "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" because of how much I related to Peter's life being ruined by his little brother Fudge! And then there was also Ramona and Beezus, but what's funny is perspective made all the difference because in that book I totally sided with Ramona even though I'm not a younger sibling! But I think since it was read to us by our Kinder teacher and I was that age, I related by defaulting to thinking of how my older cousin treated me the way Beezus treated Ramona (like a pest). bells DOT franco AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Funny thing, the two that immediately came to mind were stories about siblings who turn out to not be. Cassandra Clare's Immortal Instrument Series and the Harper Connelly books by Charlaine Harris. In the first they discover they are siblings and have the normal "sibling" stuff to deal with and also the attraction between them that has suddenly become "wrong". In the second they are not truly siblings but, grew up that way and always felt that way until their relationship changes.

Giada M. said...

Great post! I suggest also Cassandra Clare's Immortal Instrument Series. I absolutely love it! Ans I want to thank you for making this AMAZING contest international. Mistwood sounds more than awesome and I really can't wait ot read it. :D Thank you for this chance!!!

Giada M.

fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I ahve two younger sisters and even if our relationship can be rocky at times (my mom never imagined girls would fight too, now she knows better ;-p lol), we share a strong bond and I would do anything for my sisters.

I LOVE reading about siblings' relationships in novels, unfortunately ther aren't too many I have found, so thanks for the recommendations!

Michelle Zink's Prophecy of the sisters comes to mind.

I also love Nora Roberts' trilogies because of the way she portrays the bond between sisters/brothers. (The Born In Trilogy, the Chesapeake series among others).

Thank you for the giveaway, I've heard great things about Mistwood, would love to read it! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

There is quite a bit of sibling relationships in books these days. It's kind of good too, because people have siblings they have to deal with on a regular basis. The love and hate of a sibling.

I loved LJ Smith's Forbidden Game trilogy. Read that like 10 years ago when I was in 7th grade and it was nearly 10 years old then too!

Another good series that I read that dealt with family relationships was the Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie, which was FINALLY completed last year after leaving us hanging in 2003 or somewhere around then. There was a strong bond between the girls who were sisters and their cousin.

Rachel Vincent also used a cousin bond in her Soul Screamers series, mostly in My Soul to Take you see Kaylee's cousin and she's a real witch, just take the "w" and replace it with a "b"! ;)

Which then goes with the Harry Potter series too with cousins Harry and Dudley. Dudley was kind of an evil jerk to Harry as well, but with the last book that did change so it was nice.

Keri Arthur's Riley Jenson series had a nice brother-sister relationship as well. They were a closely knit duo being the whole family that they had.

And that's all I can really think of so early in the morning!

Rambling Wraith said...

Siblings are kooky kindred spirits. I'm very excited for Mistwood. I'm reading Michelle Zink's Guardian of the Gate right now, the companion novel to The Prophecy of the Sisters. It's creepy good.
Sisters Red by Jackson Pierce is also excellent.
Another would be Holly Black's White Cat, only with brothers and curses and yum.

Katie said...

I haven't read Mistwood, but it sounds really good! I hope I win!

I have to agree with the person who mentioned the Harper Connelly siblings. They are the heart of the whole series and have a lot of different relationships.

Danielle said...

A book with siblings? "City of Bones" I'm not going to say much because I don't want to spoil it for anyone but this book shocked me and not in a good way.

Nicole said...

humm a book about siblings... I really like The Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn, or of my favorite sibling historical series. For contemporary, I love Susan Mallery. Her Bakery Sisters Series and the one about the sisters in Texas are great!

~M.A.CHASE said...

A book about siblings? Cool :D I actually just read a book this year by Jackson Pearce with siblings :DD

Mistwood is on my list to read and I have absolutely no problem spreading the word because it sounds great :D

Have a nice day, hope to talk to you soon.


Sherry said...

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce is a great example of two siblings, sisters, that are different yet share that bond of family.

It's completely awesome by the way so if you haven't read it yet, you should!!

Also even though it was already mentioned, Firelight, which has twins that are opposite from one another but still have a love for each other. I just finished it last night and it was superb!!

Thanks for the giveaway! :D

Jay said...

I'll have to echo those who nominated Prophecy of the Sisters. Michelle Zink rocked that sibling rivalry something fierce.

Awesome giveaway, Leah. Thanks for opening it up internationally too!

Vicky said...

I like the brother interaction between Yelena and Lief, they meet in the second book of the series, and I like it because they didn't know about each other and they're hesitant at first, but they end up liking each other. And I can relate to this specially to Leif because I have an older sister and she came to live with us a couple of years ago and I was hesitant because we didn't grew up together, but we get along now.

Cackleberry Homestead said...

They aren't truly prominent but the sibling to Alex in Perfect Chemistry, Carlos, gets his own story in Rules of Attraction and he does play a part in Perfect Chemistry. For some reason my brain doesn't want to work right now so I can't think of others, I'm sure there are ones I've read.

Great giveaway!

Shy said...

I really love books that feature siblings relationship in it. I don't know why but sometimes their differences and the things that make them continue to stick together really caught my interest.

I think one of the book that feature great siblings relationship that I've read thus far is The Alchemyst: The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. Another compelling but heart-wrenching read is Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma.


Mariana Dal Chico said...

Awesome giveaway, Leah. Thanks for opening it up internationally!

Hmm book about siblings... I like City of Bones

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Nice giveaway:)

The most recent book I read that had a very interesting sibling relationship was Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce.

Llehn said...

I think the sibling relationship in Peter and Max by Bill Willingham is very complex and tragic!


Ashleigh said...

I think sibling dynamics make it so the characters are more real. They have to deal with a sibling they want to kill (and yet will fiercely protect) as well as whatever else they need to do in the story.

I'm a Harry Potter nut and I always loved the family dynamic with the Weasleys. Yes all the brothers and Ginny argue and tease each other, but they're totally there for each other.

Also, Jenna Black's Morgan Kingsley series has that sibling relationship pretty central.

Elizabeth Briggs said...

I recently read Sisters Red, which has a great pair of sisters who have a complex relationship. I need to check out the other books you listed!

mizzlizzbeck said...

The Sweet Valley twins! I know someone said it, and it made me laugh because I had all but forgotten that I had read those as a kid! I would love to get a copy of Mistwood and hope I win!

9Pendulum said...

The Gemma Doyle series has an interesting brother-sister dynamic especially because it takes place in the Victorian Era where a woman's destiny is in the hands of her male family. In addition a woman's reputation can damage that of her male family, so there you have Gemma struggling with her independence as her social climbing brother tries to make her conform.

A classical book with a good father-daughter relationship (not a sibling relationship, but still lacking in YA) is A Little Princess. It's one of the few stories that really talks about how people deal with the loss of everyone they love.

Rachel498 said...

There's a strong sibling relationship in Karen Marie Moning's Fever series. Mac's sister dies at the very beginning, but that's how the whole story begins and everything Mac does after that is about finding out who killed her sister. They were really close, like best friends, so everything changes after that.

Also, even though the books don't focus on this relationship, Faythe and Ethan are brother and sister from Rachel Vincent's Shifters series. I always loved seeing them together because they were so close.

Heather Zundel said...

The Book of Jude by Kimberly Heuston is a great sibling relationship book, especially of twins. It deals with a psychological illness of a girl in 1989 Czechoslovakia (the date becomes significant). It is one of the most authentic twin relationship books I've encountered, but the whole family dynamic, including their little sister feels organic and real.

ferretvamp14 said...

Awesome guest post! Mistwood sounds awesome! Most of my suggestions have been made by others, but I'll post them anyway: The Mortal Instruments, Blue bloods (sort of), and Vampire Diaries!

Thanks for the giveaway!

The Words I Couldn't Say said...

There's a series by Dan Greenburg called Sercrets of Dripping Fang that's about twins who are total and complete opposites. The series is actually meant for younger kids (it says between the ages of 8 - 12), but as an 18 year old, I have to honestly say I adore this series! The twins are so cute and the books are hilarious!

Sharon S. said...

Funny that the other Sharon on the list mentioned the same book I was going to mention (Harper Connelly books by Charlaine Harris) . I read romances so not much sibling stuff going on. Maybe Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark Series. There are lots of sisters and brothers involved.

John (johnnie_cakes) said...

I can't believe no one has mentioned the most bizarre, and messed up sibling books. The Flowers in the Attic series by V.C. Andrews. Talk about complicated sibling relationships!

Alicia0385 said...

Wow I guess I never really read anything about siblings. I should look in to this. Thanks for all of the suggestions!


Onge said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I can't really think of any books that I have read that are purely sibling books. The Devouring trilogy, The Education Of Bet, The Great and The Terrible series, and Fablehaven all have some sibling interaction. I'll have to check out the books you recommended! Thanks.

Caitlin said...

Wow, thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! A book you should make sure to check out is North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headly. It's not about sibling relationship but the relationship between a mother and daughter. it's an amazing story.

CrystalGB said...

I recommend Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters series. Such great books.

Alessandra said...

I'd say My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Heart-breaking, but very worth a read.


Jackie Uhrmacher said...

A few books into Jennifer Rardin's Jaz Parks series, Jaz's brother, David, enters the scene. Their relationship is tenuous at first, but totally hilarious.

Also, The Demon You Know by Christine Warren has an awesome bro/sis pair. The scene where he tries to "rescue" you is on my all-time funny book scenes. : )

Okapi said...

Complicated sibling relationships are really interesting!

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce features one of these interesting sibling relationships. Rosie and Scarlett are extremely different, yet they do have their sisterly similarities and love each other deeply.

Thanks! Mistwood looks absolutely FANTASTIC!

tymcon said...

I have a good book for complicated siblings:P
A Game Of Thrones by George RR Martin.
Trust me doesn't get nay more complicated than that.
Hope i'm not too late to enter:S

TracyW said...

The first thing I thought of when you mentioned siblings is a PR series by G.A. Aiken. The siblings in her Dragon Kin series are side characters but their interactions with each other are priceless!

Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Gee... I'm sorta drawing a blank at sibs, but then thought of Sookie and Jason in Charlaine Harris' Vampire books. I just know I'll think of a dozen after I log off! :P

Oh, I know... "Tyger Tyger" by Kersten Hamilton. LOVED the little brother in this book!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Ug, I can totally relate to this post with my younger brother. LoL

I've read a few good series with siblings and there is one that I really liked but for the life of me I can't think of it. Don't you hate that?
A lot were already mentioned but LJ Smith's series, a few had siblings in them. A fave is Keri Arthur's Riley Jenson series. Of course SVH like nymfaux said and I loved The Outsiders, still have that book from middle school. The Fear Street books I read when I was younger had sisters. And there's a lot with smaller sibling relationships like The Hollows, Blue Bloods, Jaz Parks, Jacob from Nightwalkers, and so many more.

Haven't read Mistwood but I would love to.
Thanks for the post and have a great weekend everyone!

Violet said...

Holly Black's awesome White Cat is the most recent fantasy novel that comes to mind when I think of sibling relationships. Cassel has very complicated and difficult relationships with his brothers. The tension and secrets between the three brothers propel the story forward. Such a great book!

I also really enjoyed Mistwood and was thrilled to hear that there will be a companion novel. I look forward to seeing more of Isabel and Rokan (and his clever sister). Thanks for the opportunity to win a signed copy of Mistwood! :)


cegluna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
cegluna said...

"White Cat" by Holly Black definitely shows how twisted sibling relationships can be. It's a great book!

Loved "Mistwood" and am dying to read "The Demon's Covenant"!


nymfaux said...

I already posted, but I just thought of Wicked and Mirror Mirror by Geoffrey Maguire!!!

Plus I know a someone mentioned Flowers in the Attic, and someone else mentioned the Weaseleys--Don't know how I could have forgotten those!!!

Julianna Steffens said...

I'm reading Supernatural: Nevermore by Keith RA DeCandido.
Has no better example of a complex relationship between brothers.

Karen said...

Great post Leah! I have read both Mistwood & Split and they are two of my favorite books this year. Both beautiful (even if they are completely different in subject matter)

Sue S. said...

Hmm...can't think of too many books with siblings...most have been said already!

Well Jeannie Holmes' Blood Feud had a brother and sister in it. I mean their relationship wasn't a big focus of the book.

Charlaine Harris's Harper Connelly series had a sibling relationship but they weren't blood related! ;)

Erika Powell said...

SIbling relationships make for great reading. I just read The Deadly Sister and it was genius!

Nic said...

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall. It's for a younger audience, and not speculative, but it reminded me a lot of the books I loved to read when I was younger, like the Treasure Seekers by E. Nesbit.

In speculative fiction, I love Darkfall and Darksong by Isobelle Carmody and I hope she writes the next one soon!

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

LoL, I already posted but I was still thinking about this when I was trying to sleep. I can't believe I forgot Christine Feehans Dark Series, she has a several sets of siblings in there and is a great series. And then a dif. angle on siblings but you can't forget Jolivia in the Zodiac series. And I think someone may of mentioned this but Sookie & Jason.

Brenda Hyde said...

MY ALL time favorite siblings are Nico and Cal from Rob Thurman's books. The first one is Nightlife. Wow, talk about two opposites, yet they have that bond you were speaking of. I love this series.

Lisa B. said...

Great post. It makes me even more excited to read Mistwood!

Sisters Red a good example of an interesting relationship with sisters, and Rob Thurman's series with brothers, Nik and Cal, gives off a Supernatural (the TV show) vibe while maintaining it's own identity. I'm on book one (Nightlife) and I can't seem to put it down.

Tura Lura said...

It's not fantasy (it's historical), but "The Luxe" by Anna Godbersen has an interesting pair of sisters in Elizabeth and Diana. They love each other, but can't always stand each other. Diana thinks her older sister's too much of a goody-goody who follows all of society's rules. She rebels as much as she can for 1899. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I liked it a lot more than I expected to. ^_^


Sweet Rachel! said...

Hello, My book recommendation is Doppelganger And it's sequel Warrior and Witch by Marie Brennan. Although some may argue that the characters I refer wouldn't be traditional "siblings" they are twins in the sense of the word. The story basis is when a With is born a Doppelganger is created, The Doppelganger is a completely different person who looks and has the same genetics of the Witch. Neither can live while the others survives, I know very J.K. Rowling but it is a great series none the less.

Carrie S. said...

Jenna Black had siblings in her Morgan Kingsley series. A good mix too, because the sibling relationship was really intense from being loving to almost hating and then to an awkwardness.

In Kelley Armstrong's YA Darkest Powers Derek and Simon were brothers.

Having a hard time trying to think of more. Some that I can think of have been said already.

A'lina said...

I love the Dead Is series by Marlene Perez. The main character, Daisy, is the youngest of three daughters who all have special gifts. I love when the sisters interact because their personalities are different so it's funny when they bicker, reminds me of me and my sister, except for the whole special gifts thing, lol. I wish I could move things with my mind.

I also liked the relationship between sister and brother in The Devouring. Reggie is the older sister who will do anything to protect her little brother and free him from the monster, a Vour, who possesses him.

Mistwood sounds awesome and I can't wait to read it!

YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

Would you believe, I haven't a clue what book to recommend? I can't think of any I've read that feature siblings!


Have a great day!
aka YzhaBella

Liviania said...

For sibling relationships, I have to rec Rob Thurman. Both her series (Cal Leandros, Trickster) involve crazily devoted siblings, as does her standalone CHIMERA.

There's THE TRICKSTERS by Margaret Mahy, which involves two groups of siblings. Also, the triplets may all be the same person. And a ghost. Or maybe that's just what they want you to believe.

DANGEROUS NEIGHBORS by Beth Kephart isn't paranormal, but it's about one girl's reaction to her twin's death.

The Doctrine of Labyrinths series by Sarah Monette has been described to me as "the psychological issues real people would have if they were high fantasy protagonists," which I think is a good description. Truly messed up sibling relationship ahoy! (I'm not telling you who though, because you aren't supposed to know.) Plus, it has a great opening line. "This is the worst story I know about hocuses."

inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com

Unknown said...

A book with siblings how about a scent of shadows by vicki petterrson

Sara M said...

White Cat by Holly Black
Soulless by Gail Carriger
Changeless by Gail Carriger
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain Yasmine Galenorn's Sisters of the Moon series
Alyson Noel's Immortal series
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
Rob Thurman's Cal Leandros series
Rachel Vincent's Shifters series
Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink
Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink

Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com

Name: Aine said...

I've really been wanting to read MISTWOOD. There are so many books out that I want to read that I need more hours in the day.

Books with siblings... Hmm...

I like both Spiderwick series. I love how the siblings (who don't really get along) have to band together.

Anonymous said...

The Mortal Instruments is definitely the first that comes to mind! It really had me on a roller-coaster of emotions ... Jace + Clary are in love, then they're related and STILL in love, then they're not ... oh, man ... it was hard wrapping my head around their relationship but the really weird thing is that even when they thought they were related and just COULDN'T get past their attraction to one another - I totally got it, lol ... I didn't think *eww, please, there's 6 billion other people in the world, find a new love interest*, I was still rooting for them to keep trying to get past the whole bizarre incest thing and just allow themselves to be in love!


Leah Cypess said...

Wow! Thank you everyone for your comments and recommendations. Sisters Red & Prophecy of the Sisters seem to have the highest number of recommendations (I guess it's no secret that those focus on siblings!), but all these books sound great. Some I've read, but there are many that I haven't - my TBR pile is now bursting.

I realized that I never mentioned when the giveaway will end - I'm going to run it until midnight tomorrow night, at which point I'll draw the winner. The post has been edited to reflect that.

And extra thanks to those who loved Mistwood or who have it on their own TBR lists! Maybe I should have added extra points for complimenting me... well, maybe not.

Amy said...

The first sibling books that came to mind for me were the Riley Jensen books by Keri Arthur. I love the dynamics of their different characters and yet the love they feel for one another is prevalent in every scene they have together!

Melissa said...

Sibling relationships, especially that of two sisters, are ones that mean a lot to me as well. I think it's because I have a younger sister and have gone through the good and bad times with her through the years. I'd love to win this contest because each of the books you mentioned sounds great!

My three recommended sibling relationship novels I have for you are: Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce and The Deadly Sister by Eliot Schrefer and Wildthorn by Jane England (though this one has a sister and brother relationship).

Hope I win!
melissa {at} yabookshelf {dot} com


so many great choices I'd have to see the brother and sister Georgia and Shaun from Mira Grant's feed had a really strong reltionship a great book,

Unknown said...

I know it hasnt came out yet, but Nightshade has the best brother/sister relationship!

I hope I win!

Scoot said...

Another book featuring sibling relationships is Dragon Bones & Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs. I love those books!

Thanks for hosting the contest!


Heather Dixon said...

I LOVE "Goblin Market" by Christina Rossetti. You can read it here:

It closes with:

"Days, weeks, months,years
Afterwards, when both were wives
With children of their own;
Their mother-hearts beset with fears,
Their lives bound up in tender lives;
Laura would call the little ones
And tell them of her early prime,
Those pleasant days long gone
Of not-returning time . . .

. . . Then joining hands to little hands
Would bid them cling together,
"For there is no friend like a sister,
In calm or stormy weather,
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands."

Aaaaah I love that.

Anonymous said...

Sibling relationships are great in books :D

Pagecrawler said...

Okay, I have to admot for a whil I couldn't think of any books with sibling in except Demons Lexicon/Covenant which are teh best! Then I thought that Diana Wynne Jones writes great siblings There's the four Melford sisters in The Time of the Ghost and Gwendolyn and Cat Chant in Charmed Life to name just two. Fantastic all of them *Must re-read all my Diana Wynne Jones books asap*

Great Give away and thanks for making it international


Crazy for words said...

I've been dying to read Mistwood. Books involving tense sibling relationships get to me because of my own tense relationship with my sister.

An amazing book full of sibling relationships (although not out yet) is The Replacement by Brenna Yovanoff. I just finished the ARC the other day and it was great. I highly recommend it.


jpetroroy said...

I'd go with a clasic--The Outsiders.

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Travis said...

The Prophecy of the Sisters has an intense sibling relationship.


Katie said...

I definitely recommend Butterfly by Sonya Hartnett. The little sister/big brothers sibling relationships in that book are amazing.

Anthony L. Isom said...

Honestly, the most interesting sibling relationship I read about was in an adult fantasy trilogy entitled The Mistborn Trilogy where the sister's alive and she's unsure of the whereabouts of her brother. But she can still hear his voice in her head, and it controls much of her actions in the first book. It's quite intriguing!

email: ridersofapocalypse07@gmail.com

Anya said...

Prophecy of the Sisters is awesome!
And another one about siblings who fall in love with each other is Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma..very sad though...
Oh and another one where there are siblings in it is the named trilogy by mariannce curley.


Truth Be Told Blog said...

There are some great books out there with sibling relationships and complications. I would love to win this book.

I can recommend Paranormalcy to you. It is amazing and has a lot of things that you dont realize until late.

Valorie truthbetold004 at gmail dot com

Jessica B said...


shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom

gabrywrites said...

Sibling relationships! I never really noticed that there were many until you pointed them out and others suggested some also, very interesting. I'd pretty much choose Prophecy of the Sisters (I see a lot of people choosing this one), Sisters Red (this one also), The Hunger Games (you should already know this book), The Alchemyst: The Secret of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. I would say Identical, but if you'd read the book by Ellen Hopkins then I think you'd know why I couldn't add it to the list.

Dana said...

I haven't really read many books about siblings. I would have to go with the classic The Outsiders too. I love the story about those boys. I would love to read Mistwood; it sounds very interesting. Thanks for this contest.


donnas said...

Really looking forward to Mistwood. And Im sure these have been mentioned but all I could think of was Prophecy of the Sisters, Forest of Hands and Teeth and White Cat.

Sweet Lady Jess said...

One book that I recommend that has a great sibling relationship is The Alchemyst: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Michael Scott. Protective and very caring relationship considering the circumstances they are in.


-Jessica Tapia

Leah Cypess said...

Thanks again, these are all great recommendations! I was already looking forward to Paranormalcy and The Replacement - now that I know there are siblings in them, I will look forward even more.

The Goblin's Market is a great poem, and was in fact one of the inspirations for The Demon's Covenant!

And you can never go wrong with re-reading all of Diana Wynne Jones.

Laurie Lamb said...

I've been hearing so many good things about MISTWOOD and SISTERS RED that I can't wait to read them. I love revisiting THE OUTSIDERS.

iffath said...

I'd like to say Sisters Red, but it seems that it's a a bit popular!!

Pretty Bad Things by CJ Skuse is one of my favourites this year, a thrilling debut, as well as Fallen Grace by Mary Hooper which is a truly stunning novel :')

Leah Cypess said...

...and we have a winner! Jennifer (jpetroroy), you have been emailed. Everyone else, thank you so much for entering and for your fantastic book suggestions - I can't wait to start working my way through them.

nymfaux said...

congrats to the winner!!!!

and happy reading (and writing) Leah!!!!

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