Who We Are

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me....

Hey all! It's Saturday and the sun is shining in the land of Canuk--it's gorgeous out there! A nice omen condsidering it's my BIRTHDAY!!! weeeeeeeeeee! I've got much to celebrate and be thankful for. First off this is my new cover for the last book in my Jaguar Warriors trilogy...HIS DARKEST SALVATION...what think you?

I also found out Harpercollins loves the title for Declan's book, which will be the first in League of Guardians series....Wicked Road to Hell....weeeeeeeee!!!

And it's my birthday....so one of the reasons for this short post but my son shared this with me and I thought I'd share it with you!!!!

So,another year has passed and goals have been met...books written...good times with family and friends. Last year was huge for me....I released my first books EVER and it was an experience I'll never forget. But with each accomplishment, another goal is set. For me? I'd love to sell a contemporary romance. I want this. That is my goal this year.....

So, what are your goals? What dream do you have that you've either not attempted or are afraid to? What do you want to accomplish in the next year? Tell me!!!!!!! I wanna know!


Nicole Murphy said...

I guess my big dream is to sell the sequel trilogy to HC :) But I'm also wanting to get onto the contemporary romance bandwagon too.

Terri Garey said...

Happy birthday, Jules! (What are you, like 28 maybe?) :)

When my husband and I were first dating, he asked me "What are your goals?" and I nearly choked, because I realized I didn't consciously have any at that point other than paying my bills! It was a day or so later, after thinking about it, that I confessed that I'd someday like to write novels.

Saying it out loud, and then moving toward it, actually seemed to WORK! Who knew? LOL

Hope you have a great day, chickie!

Raonaid Luckwell said...

What are my goals? For the most part, one of my goals is to actively get at least one of my WIP's done. I don't care which one.

Another goal, mostly for summer, is to practice drawing. I am going to get magazines (mostly playboy and playgirl) to help in the anatomy area which I know I need more help. Those are the best to use for such practice.

Helen Lowe said...

Happy Birthday, Juliana.

So glad the sun is shining where you are and I love the Beatles clip.

My goals are to finish my current book and the next one this year, both this year! ;-)

Sheree said...

Happy Birthday/Birthweekend, Juliana! That clip was hilarious!

I'm celebrating your birthday by staring at your new Jaguar Warriors, "His Darkest Salvation", cover with Paul Marron. :)

My goal is to go back to working in biotech again. I've tried other jobs, but I think I may just have to go back to the lab (to build up my financial cushion again, if for no other reason).

Lindsay, TheBookVlogger said...

Today is my birthday too! Yay! Happy birthday to you! Congrats on all of your success and I wish you luck on your future goals :D For me, I hope to finish my first novel early this year and see it get published in some form. I'd also like to relaunch myself back into YouTube and at LEAST get started on a second book.

Brenda Hyde said...

Happy Birthday Juliana! You have had such a cool year, and I'll bet next year will be even better!

It's odd, but when I was in my 20's I was sure I'd never have a family and was in a bad relationship that I wasn't strong enough to end just yet. Now, I'm 50-- have three cool kids, my husband and I met when I was 28 and have been married 22 years now. My life is good, and beyond that everything else is icing on the cake. I'd love to get my fiction published for some really cool icing though:)

Sable Grace said...

A very happy birthday to you Jules!

Juliana Stone said...

thanks for all the birthday wishes! And Lindsay Happy Belated to you. I hope your day was as great as mine. I was supposed to have a quiet evening with a couple girlfriends...order in Tai food and watch a chick flick but my husband surprised me with a full on partay with all of my besties...It was a great!

Jocelynn Drake said...

Sorry I'm late to the party but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love the cover! It's beautiful. As for goals, I would like to write a great book for a new series I sold and dip a toe into a new genre or two.

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